Disclaimer: I own everything you don't recognize and nothing you do.

Chapter Five – Working by stealth

Hermione quickly slipped into Harry's bedroom, where Ron and Harry were. She quickly surveyed the scene, and realized her timing was either very good, or very bad. Ron was patting Harry's back. Harry had a photo album open on his lap, and he looked severely somber.

"Ron, Harry. I've read something very important!" Hermione said anxiously, gripping her book.

"Well, there's a shocker. Front page of the daily prophet, I say" Ron said with a laugh. Hermione glared.

"I think.. Just maybe .. We could find a way to bring Sirius back." Hermione said, biting her lip. Harry's head instantly shot up, and he looked at Hermione. She looked into his eyes, and determined that telling Harry was the best thing. His eyes were filled with pain, anger, sorrow.. and .. longing.

"Hermione, don't. He was just getting over him." Ron said, holding his hand up to Hermione. Hermione ignored him.

"You know this book?" Hermione said, holding up the book in her hand. "I lied when I said that it didn't contain anything interesting. I couldn't say anything in front of the others, because they'd instantly take it away." She explained. Harry looked at her. Ron gaped at her.

"You reckon there is a way to bring Sirius back?" Ron asked, as if he hadn't heard her. Hermione hesitantly nodded her head.

"Of course, its dark, old magic. Perhaps not so dark, but definitely old. I don't want either of you to get your hopes up, though. The source might not be entirely correct." Hermione said, taking a seat beside the two boys.

Harry's expression immediately changed. "It doesn't matter though, does it? We're going to try, aren't we?" He asked, looked between Ron and Hermione with a bright expression. Hermione smiled.

"Of course!" She exclaimed. She was glad for the positive response from Harry. However, no matter how happy Harry was now, if this plan were to fail, Harry would most likely be in an even deeper state of depression.

"So, should we try now?" Ron asked. Hermione sighed.

"Ron! This is very advanced magic! It might take us months to figure out! We need to approach this very carefully, or we might ruin the past, and the future." Hermione scolded. Ron nodded, and exchanged glances with Harry, as if to say "typical Hermione". In normal circumstances, Hermione would have gotten a bit more mad, but she just laughed it off. Why? Because ever so slowly, she could tell… Harry was back.


"Harry! Good to see you more cheerful" Remus noted, with a weary smile. He exchanged glances with Kingsley and Pleiades, which Harry caught.

"Yeah, I've been feeling loads better—ouch!" Harry said between mouthfuls of food, when Hermione kicked him sharply in the leg. "Err, I mean… I think I'm getting over it". Remus raised an eyebrow questioningly, before glancing at Hermione suspiciously.

"That's good to see, dear. Heaven knows, we all love to see you all happy again" Mrs. Weasley said gushed, giving Harry a motherly smile. Mr. Weasley nodded in agreement, before turning back to his conversation with his two eldest sons, Bill and Charlie.

"Harry, Ron!" Hermione hissed, dropping her voice. "You shouldn't act any differently!" She whispered, giving them both sharp looks.

"Right, 'Mione. Got it." Ron said with his mouth full, spraying Hermione with bits of mashed potatoes. Hermione glared.

"Thanks, Ron" Hermione said sarcastically. As if on cue, a medium-size gray owl flew through the Headquarters, dropping a single piece of parchment in front of Hermione, Harry and Ron.

Ron unfolded the piece of parchment, revealing three simple words….

Don't get involved.

The trio looked at each other, exchanging dark glances, before Hermione swiftly pocketed the letter and returned to her meal. The other two did the same. However, something was not right… Everyone was deathly quiet.

"Well?" Asked a slightly annoyed voice, belonging to Ginny Weasley.

"It was… Er…" Ron started, unable to think of anything else.

"It was a reply to a letter" Hermione finished. Ron and Harry looked at her, surprise and relief written all over their faces. The others still looked slightly suspicious, but said nothing. Soon after, the regular chatter over the dinner table resumed.


After dinner, the girls cleared the table. Remus and Kingsley sat down by the fire, along with Alastor Moody, deep in conversation. Harry and Ron lingered around, waiting for Hermione. Rigel and Vega were sitting in a corner once again, talking.

Once Hermione was done, she headed over to the couch. "Top drawer in the clothes closet, under the clothes" She whispered to Harry and Ron. They both just looked at her with blank expressions. "Just look" She added, rolling her eye slightly. She walked past them, sat down on the couch, and pulled out her knitting.

"So, Hermione, what are you doing?" Asked a male voice from behind her, a couple minutes later. The source for the voice was later defined as Rigel. He took a seat beside her.

"Knitting clothes for the house elves" Hermione replied, not taking her eyes off her knitting. Rigel looked confused.

"Umm… House elves?" He asked. Someone opposite to them snorted.

"Don't mind her and her fascination with house elves" Ginny said, laughing. Rigel, still slightly confused, nodded.


"Umm… Harry… The first drawer of her clothes closet is filled with her… Uh… underwear…" Ron muttered, his ears turning pink. Harry gave Ron a crazy look before looking in the drawer. Indeed, it was filled with her undergarments. "Maybe Hermione wanted us to give her our opinion on them" Ron suggested. Harry snorted out loud.

"Ron, do you not know Hermione at all? The book is probably hidden in here!" Harry exclaimed excitedly. The two boys shifted through some more clothes before they found it. But just as soon as they did, they heard low voices from outside her room. Quickly, they jumped in the very depths of the girl's closet. (Ginny, Hermione, and Vega all shared the same room, which was beyond huge) And soon, they would live to regret it…

"—I'm not sure if this is a good idea"

"How can it not be a good idea? I've liked you from the moment I met you. Doesn't the same go for you?"

"Well… Yes…"

"Then? Stop fighting your emotions, Veg!"

"I suppose—"

The rest of her words were drowned out, and all the two boys could hear now was kissing. After what seemed like years, they broke apart.

"We better go downstairs now, you know…"

"Of course. People might get suspicious."

Ron and Harry exchanged severely disgusted glances. Once the two intruders were out of the room, and the coast was clear, Harry stepped out of the closet, beckoning Ron to follow.

"I don't think we were—"

"—meant to hear that."

"Here, you take the book, I'll leave everything the way it was before." Harry said nervously. Ron nodded. Leaving everything as it was, they snuck out of the girls room, and quietly made their way down the hall.

"Potter and Weasley…. Well, well, well.."

Harry and Ron froze, each knowing exactly who that cold, oily voice belonged to. Slowly turning around, they found themselves face to face with Professor Snape.

"Snape." Harry addressed curtly.

"That's Professor Snape to you, Potter." Professor Snape snapped. Harry shrugged. Generally, he wouldn't have really cared if Snape had caught him walking out of the girls room, but this situation was very different.

What if he sees the book? On look at the cover, and it would be gone from our possession. He's bound to ask what we were doing in the Girls room. What will I say? Harry thought furiously.

"Weasley, what is that in your hand?" Snape barked, suddenly noticing the book that was discreetly hidden behind Ron's back.

"Nothing that would interest you." Harry spat bitterly. Alas, it was true. Bringing back Sirius would be one of the last things on Snape's to-do list.

"Potter, Potter… Watch that temper, or you'll end up like your—" Snape began

"Is there a problem here?" Came a voice from behind Snape, cutting his remark short.

"Miss Cygnus" Snape addressed curtly. Mintaka stepped out from under Snape's shadow, and smiled cheerily.

"Harry, Ron… Could I speak with you two for a moment?" She asked. They nodded. The three of the walked away into the opposite direction, leaving a fuming mad Professor Snape.

Once they were out of earshot, Min spoke up. "Don't try that again without a watcher" She said, winking. And with that, she walked off, leaving a very confused Harry and Ron.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked in bewilderment. Harry shrugged.

"I think we need to talk to Hermione…" Harry announced.

Author's Note: I've been busy. Very busy. So sorry for the lack of updates :o Thanks for all the reviews, though! :o)

KBluesMom – Thanks :o)
TheBeautifulLetDown - Well, here it is! After who-knows-how-long, however. Hehe.
Magical World – Thank you :o)
Zaralya – Hehe, me too! :oP
Mystery Of The Night – Thanks :o)
Alenor – Oh, it will be interesting, for sure. Thanks!
SpyChick989 – I love them, too.

Thanks for all the reviews, guys! Keep them coming. :o)