Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Super Gals Characters. I am only using them for this fanfic. Thank you for understanding.

Chapter 6: The Return to Ireland...

Weeks have passed and days have gone unnoticed. 3 months was almost over and it was time for Aya and her family to return to Ireland.

"And as the time of the serpent was about to end, boom! The place blew off and the amazing twins, Nina and Anna Williams won triumphantly!" Ran told them the story of the movie both she and Yuuya watched. Miyu and Yamato eagerly listened while Rei was looking at Aya worriedly. Aya was sad during the days they went outside. Ran seemed to have noticed this and asked Aya.

"Aya, what's wrong?" Ran asked worriedly. Aya seemed not to hear her. Ran asked again. This time, Aya looked at her.

"Uh, it's nothing really..." Aya said. Rei was looking down. It's as if, he didn't want to be there anymore...

"Did you two have a fight?" Miyu asked both of them. Both shook their heads, signaling a 'no'.

"Then why are your faces so long?" Yamato asked, worriedly.

"Aya's plane leaves Thursday. Today's Tuesday." Rei answered their question without looking at them. All of them were shocked. Aya began to sob. Rei comforted her and hugged her tight.

"Aya..." Rei said softly as he digged his head into her shoulder. All the others felt piety for the two who'll again be separated for 3 years.

"I... don't... want to... leave... just yet..." Aya murmured between sobs. Rei hugged her tighter, as tears began to flow from his eyes as well.

"Oh... Aya... We're so sorry..." Miyu asked, looking at her with concern. Aya withdrew from Rei's embrace as she faced her with a faint smile.

"No, it's not your fault... In fact, I should thank you all for being with me for all this time..." Aya said smiling, but there's no denying the fact that she was very sad.

"Well, I think I need to get home... I need to pack..." Aya said as she stood up. Rei followed her.

"I'll walk you home."

"Thank you, Rei..."

After the two left, Ran began some conversation.

"Hey, how about a despedida party for Aya? What do you think?" Ran asked. Miyu smiled.

"I think that's a great idea!" Yuuya remarked. Ran smiled at him.

"How would we get money to hold such event?" Yamato asked. Ran looked at him and began... "Here's the plan..."

Rei and Aya walking around Shibuya...

Aya was contemplating her being in Shibuya again and looked from store to store. Then, her eyes drifted from the sky to a shiny object in a jewelry store. It was a shiny diamond ring with blue sapphires surrounding it. The figure it resembled was that of twisting water. Aya looked at it with admiration. She didn't know though, that Rei was also looking at it, somehow, thinking of something that would surprise her on the day she leaves.

"Aya?" Rei asked, smiling faintly. Aya was broken from her trance and looked at him. He smiled a little wider and then she followed him.

"Rei, I just want to say thank you for all the things you've done to me... In all of the three months I stayed here, there's not a single day I've felt lonely..." Aya said without looking at him. She was, smiling though. The light of the moon was shining on her long, black hair and her face, pure of innocence and beauty was emanated by the same light that shines her hair.

"Aya...? I'm really going to miss you... terribly..." Rei said, looking at his feet. Aya stopped walking. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"R-Rei... I'm really going to miss you too... and all your jokes, your stares, your laughs... your..." Aya continued as tears fell through her eyes. Rei approached her and wiped her tears with his thumbs, hands cupping her face. He looked at her.

"I don't want to see you cry Aya... Never want to see you cry..." Rei said as he touched his forehead to hers and looked into her eyes. She did so too and they both smiled as they walked together to Aya's house.

The following day...

"Yuuya? Where's Rei?" Miyu asked as she took Yamato's hand and twined her fingers with it. Ran came, carrying two sundaes.

"Hey... Where're Aya and Rei?"

"I'm here..." Aya replied smiling but sadness was too evident in her eyes.

"Now where's Rei?" Ran asked a bit impatient. Yuuya just then, remembered his conversation with Rei last night.

"Rei's working, so I believe he couldn't come with us..." Yuuya said. Ran was enraged.

"How could he! This is Aya's last day and he-"Yuuya interrupted her and told her that Rei always has his reasons. Ran seemed to calm down. She looked at Aya who was beginning to be sadder and sadder by the minute. Just then Rei arrived. He felt tired and all but he tried his best to hide it. Yuuya though, noticed this. Rei went straight to Aya and greeted her. With that, they all went to tour around Shibuya.

After they had toured the whole of Shibuya, Ran gestured that they enter Stadnitzky's. Aya's eyes went wide as she saw a table for six and with a sign 'reserved' on its tabletop.

"You guys..." Aya said obviously curious. Ran smiled and wrapped one arm around her neck.

"This is for you Aya..." Miyu said as she wrapped one arm on Aya's waist. Aya felt tears running through her eyes.

"You guys... Thanks a lot..." Aya said as they entered the restaurant. By the time they were done eating, Aya gestured that she should go home and get some rest. Rei gladly offered to take her home.

In front of the Hoshino Residence...

"Thanks for all you've done for me Rei... It means a lot to me..." Aya said as she took a step forward toward her house.

"You're welcome, Aya..." Rei said as he looked at her, "Goodnight... Sweet dreams..."

"Goodnight too... Sweet dreams as well..." Aya replied smiling faintly as she went inside. Rei looked at his watch: still 10 minutes before the next job. 'I have to hurry.'

The day of departure...

The Hoshinos are all packed and ready to go. Mrs. Hoshino was busy reviewing the flight schedules while Mr. Hoshino helped Mang Berto in carrying the packages to the van. Aya was helping in packing the extra food they would bring.

"I'm going to miss all of you again..." Aya said silently, clutching the piece of plastic she was holding. Nana Rosa and Aling Ising hugged her and the three cried. Mrs. Hoshino witnessed this and a tear also fell through her eyes.

"Well, I think it's time to rest... The plane leaves at 7 in the evening... And the weather seems to be unkind..." said Mr. Hoshino, as he looked up the sky. It was gray, very gray and it seems like rain is going to pour heavily.

"Aya, dear, are you all right?" Mr. Hoshino asked a crying Aya.

"I'm fine daddy... It's just that I'm going to miss this place again..." Aya said as she looked around their house.

"And Rei...?" Mrs. Hoshino continued assuringly. Aya nodded silently and felt tears about to fall but she stopped them from falling.

"You love him, don't you? Too much..." Mrs. Hoshino said looking at her daughter.

Yes mom... I really do... I think I..." Aya said as the tears she had been trying to hold back came through and fell. Mrs. Hoshino rushed to her and gestured her to the sofa and cradled her there as the rain falls.

Rei's work, 1:00 PM...

"Oy! Otohata! Don't you think you oughtta rest? You've been serving for 47 times straight... you're abusing yourself..." Yuuya said as he came to Rei and helped him with the trays. Rei gave him a faint smile. Yuuya looked at his friend with worry.

"Rei, if you're thinking about Aya... Well, she..." Yuuya slowly stopped, unsure of what to say. Rei looked at him nonchalantly.

"Yuuya, have you seen the diamond ring surrounded by sapphires at the end of that alley to the left?" Rei asked him casually, but there was a look of explanation in his eyes.

"You mean the White Diamonds? Hey, those are expensive!" Yuuya said, flabbergasted. Rei smiled faintly.

"I'm going to buy her that ring, if it's the last thing I do..." Rei said to him with a tone of determination. Yuuya just nodded. He knew Rei too well and when he made up his mind, there's no changing it.

"How much do you need to have to buy it?" Yuuya asked, wanting to help.

"After this job, I will be able to buy it." Rei said with a smile, but there was also deep desperation in his eyes. 'He really doesn't want to let her go... He's struck too deep... He loves her too much...'

"Good luck, Rei... Remember, whatever you do, count me in, okay? I'm coming with you when you give that to Aya..." Yuuya smiled. Rei smiled at him too.

"Thanks man... You've been great help."

Hoshino Living Room, 2:10 PM...

Aya was sleeping on the couch while Mrs. Hoshino cradled her. Even when she is asleep, tears were running down her face. Her parents pitied her.

"Darling, don't you think we should let her be from now on?" Mrs. Hoshino asked her husband. Her husband looked at her, surprised.

"Why, I was thinking of the same thing..." Mr. Hoshino replied. Mrs. Hoshino smiled at him warmly.

"I think we shouldn't keep apart two people destiny kept close..." Mrs. Hoshino replied with a smile as she wiped a tear off her daughter's cheek and stroke her hair.

After two hours of long sleep, Aya woke up a little renewed. She looked up at the sky. It was even darker than before and rain was still pouring heavily. Mr. and Mrs. Hoshino were not around. She stood up and went to the kitchen. She saw Nana Rosa peeling off carrots for dinner.

"Aya dear... You're awake..." Nana Rosa said with a faint smile. Aya smiled at her too a little warmly. She took the extra peeler and started to peel the other carrots. Nana Rosa didn't stop her. She knew her too well, that Aya loves to cook, that is.

"Nan, is there a storm brewing?" Aya asked Nana Rosa, looking dreamy eyed. Nana Rosa shook her head for affirmation.

"Yes, I'm afraid there is Aya. And it's a powerful one..." Nana Rosa said as she looked at her squarely then smiled.

"Where are the others Nan? Where're mom and dad?" Aya asked her, a little worried.

"Well, to tell you honestly... I don't know either. They didn't tell me where they would go..." Nana Rosa replied, her concentration centered on the carrot she was peeling.

"Well, that's odd. They usually tell you where they'll be going, right?" Aya asked her politely. Nana Rosa looked at her then smiled. Aya smiled at her too, knowing the fact that she's the closest thing to her, as her mom.

"Well, where're Aling Ising and Mang Berto?"

"Uh, Ising is in the other end of the kitchen doing laundry while Berto, uh, maybe he's trying to catch some fresh lilies for the table tonight..." Nana Rosa replied, trying to avoid anything that talks about their 'finals' with each other. Aya, getting the notion, changed the subject.

"Nan, has... uh...Rei called?" Aya asked Nana Rosa fervently while looking at her intently. Nana Rosa faced her.

"Well yes he did... Five times actually. You were asleep so he just said he'd call you later. He just wants to-"

"-Check up on me..." Aya continued, without looking at her.

"Y-yes! How did you know?" Nana Rosa said surprised that she continued her statement.

"He does that everyday..." Aya blushed as she said this.

"Oohh... Really...? Is my little Aya growing up...?" Nana Rosa teased. Aya laughed heartily. It was Nana Rosa's first time to hear Aya laugh that way since, well, since last week, that is.

6:10 PM, White Diamonds Jewelry Store...

"Miss, I'll take the ring over there..." Rei pointed at the ring Aya was staring at yesterday. Yuuya looked at it too. He looked shocked and awed at the same time.

"Sir, you mean the De Luxe Sapphire coated diamond ring? That would be-"The sales lady was interrupted by Rei thrusting the money to her. She blushed slightly. She was also one of Rei's fans, but she is not as 'raving' as the others. She took the money from him and punched it in the machine.

"Is this for a girl sir? Your mom or your girlfriend?" The saleslady asked.

"The latter, sort of." Rei replied squarely. This gave the saleslady the notion that he was in a hurry. She immediately gave her the beautifully wrapped ring and was about to give him his change when he stopped her.

"Keep it. Thank you." Rei said tersely as he motioned Yuuya to go out.

"Good luck sir... I hope you get her heart. Though I know you have it already..." The saleslady smiled inwardly, 'lucky girl, whoever she is...'

6:30 PM, Hoshino Residence...

"Aya!" Ran shouted as she entered the door of the Hoshino mansion opened by Nana Rosa. Miyu and Yamato followed. They were all wet, well, save for their clothes and their bodies because they've got coats.

"Ran, Miyu, Yamato... Sayo and Masato... You're all here..." Aya smiled at them wholeheartedly.

"Hey, did you think we'll just leave you be huh..." Ran said as she hugged her best friend tight. She was sobbing. Aya hugged her back, comforting her. Miyu joined the hug. She couldn't help it as well. She cried.

"Well, how many more are missing?" Mrs. Hoshino asked them smiling faintly.

"Oh, only two ma'am...Yuuya and... Rei..." Ran said politely but lowered her voice with the last name. Aya noticed this but she shrugged it off. She doesn't want this night to be full of tears.

"So, Ran, I've got the collection of the VCD's you were asking me to give you as a gift for your birthday, even if it's not until next month..." Aya said as she sweat dropped. Ran smiled at her widely with dreamy eyes.

"Oh, Aya! You're an angel! Thank you so much!" Ran said as she ran to Aya and hugged her tight as she kissed her repeatedly on the cheek.

"Hey! Easy... It's just a couple of CD's..." Aya said, laughing. Ran looked at her playfully.

"Hey! This one's a collector's edition!" Ran said as she opened the pack, "I've been wanting to buy this for my whole life but I haven't got the money to! Aya, thank you very much!"

"You're welcome... Uh, Miyu, this one's for you..." Aya handed her a small box wrapped with a golden bow. Miyu opened it slowly. Her eyes went wide with awe and disbelief. It was her dream necklace. It has a YM initial engraved in gold and topped off with diamonds.

"A-Aya... I-I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to... In fact, those aren't enough to even meet the priceless times I shared with both of you..." Aya said sincerely, smiling at both of her best friends.

"Aya... You are our best friend and nothing's going to change that... not even distance..." Miyu said as she hugged Aya. Ran followed as well.

"Remember that gals always stay together through thick and thin..." Ran began.

"Through richer or poorer..." Miyu added.

"Through pain and joy!" Aya finished, tears streaming down her eyes. The three girls embraced each other as Sayo, Masato and Yamato looked on together with Aya's parents.

"Oh my... This is so heart warming!" Sayo said as she started to cry. Masato wiped away her tears. Then Sayo looked at him with gratitude. He smiled back.

Just then, a knock on the door was heard and Nana Rosa, who was standing at the side of the door all the time, opened it.

It was Rei and he was wet – really wet. Yuuya was very worried and stood at the background though he wasn't 'that' wet.

"R-Rei! Why are you...? Nan, please get a towel!" Aya addressed Nana Rosa. She did so as Aya rushed to Rei, as he struggled to stand. He eventually fell but Aya caught him in her arms and both of them fell to the floor, with Aya sitting as she cradled Rei. Rei's head was rested on her shoulder. He looked at her.

"I-I... didn't... think I'd... make... it..." Rei said shivering. Aya hugged him tighter, tears running through her eyes. Rei wiped them with his thumb.

"Aya, there's something I want to give you..." Rei said once again, this time, a little firmer. He reached inside his jacket and held to her a small, blue velvet box wrapped in a royal blue bow. Aya's eyes went wide. It was the only thing saved from wetness.

"Open it... for me... please..." Rei pleaded as he further rested his head on her shoulder but did not avert his eyes from her. Ran, Miyu and the others looked on, teary-eyed. Aya opened the gift and her right hand covered her mouth as mixed feelings engulfed her. It was the ring of her dreams, the one she dreamt of having as an engagement ring. She felt tears falling through her face. Rei wiped every single tear.

"R-Rei... I... don't know... what to say..." Aya said between sobs. Rei smiled at her.

"You... don't have to... But I have to say something to you... Please listen..." Rei said as he readjusted his position, and that he was face to face with Aya but was not looking at her, instead he directed his eyes to the lilies on the center table of the living room. Aya looked at him concernedly.

"Aya... Remember the first time we met? The day I was cold to everyone?" Rei laughed a little, "Well, today it seems... that past is long time gone... and that it was replaced by a wonderful present..." Aya looked at him with tears in her eyes. She was sitting with her knees stuck together and so were her feet, as she was sitting on them. Her hands were placed on her lap. Rei was sitting in front of her in an Indian sit, although his right leg was elevated so that his right arm rests on his right leg's knee.

"I've watched Shibuya grow from a pathetic little town where girls were too preoccupied with boys and strutting their stuff on the streets to a venerated town due to some people who served as inspirations. You are one of those people, Aya..." Rei continued, this time, he looked at her. She was looking at her hands, tears dropping on it. Rei reached for her cheek and wiped away the tears in her eyes.

"Aya, you touched me... You loved me and made me who I am now... Held me into your arms always... Hoping that I may understand you and your feelings... But I did not... I was too dumb and I..." Rei stopped momentarily as Aya squeezed his hand.

"No, let me finish..." Rei said as he looked at Aya pleadingly. Aya nodded.

"...Have disregarded your feelings without even knowing the pain it caused you..." Rei continued, "But still, you didn't give up... you fought for what you felt. You were courageous... I was weak... But then you forgave me... and all of the burdens I carried from then on seemed a whole lot lighter and the world felt and looked a lot more beautiful. I didn't know it was love... I didn't know I have loved you so much until the day you left..." Rei said still looking at the lilies. Aya was blushing and tears were about to fall from her eyes. Then, Rei continued.

"Aya, I know to you this sounds irrational or even crazy... I know your unparalled reason will tell you otherwise but I'm not asking your mind... I want to know your answer, through your feelings... I want you to marry me..." Rei said as he looked at her. She was looking at her hands that were clutched tightly with her skirt. Rei looked at her, then turned away, afraid that he might be rejected. When he looked back, he saw the expression he wants to see: Aya, smiling widely and sweetly and tears of utmost joy falling from her eyes. She hugged him tight and sobbed happily. Rei laughed a bit and hugged her too. He took the box from her and inserted the ring on her left hand ring finger. She was looking at it with admiration and awe, as if she'd never seen anything like it before. Their 'audience' was clapping and whistling happily, some with tears in their eyes.

"Even if you didn't ask me... I would always say yes Rei... I love you so much..." Aya said as she bowed down and rested her forehead on his.

"I love you too, Aya...more than anything..." He replied as he closed his eyes and collapsed. He took one last look at Aya's worried face, shouting his name 'Rei! Rei!' slowly fading until all went black and he couldn't hear anything.

Aya's Room, the following morning...

Rei stirred and finally began to open his eyes. He was in a different room. It was blue, like his, but it wasn't made for a man – it was a woman's. Then he heard a soft moan from beside him and saw Aya peacefully sleeping at the side of his bed, reading a book. He smiled at her sleeping form then whispered, "I love you..." then took the book. The title was A Love Timeless. Rei read the first page of the book, but then, he became so engrossed with it that he continued to read it until he was nearly at the end. The book is thin, mind you. Then, Aya woke up and saw Rei's face dangerously hovering over hers. Her eyes went wide with shock as she blushed profusely. Rei laughed at her while she glared at him.

"When are you going to stop teasing me?" Aya asked while glaring at him though it was evident that she was joking around as well.

"Well, I would never get used to or tired of seeing an angel blush..." Rei said romantically. Aya blushed again.

"Well, haven't someone told you that flattery is one of the gravest sins in Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy?" Aya replied squarely. Rei laughed again. Aya laughed as well. Then after a while, both stopped laughing then Rei spoke.

"I love you... Mrs. Aya Otohata..." Rei said, this time, he was serious and he was looking at her romantically – very romantically. Aya blushed at this but she was smiling.

"Mr. Rei Otohata, I love you too... More than anything..." Aya said, smiling. Rei smiled as well. They looked at each other for a while, and then Rei brought his face closer to hers and closed his eyes. She did so too. Then the wonderful sensation of his lips meeting hers was felt and it was electrifying. Then Rei brought the kiss deeper as Aya opened her mouth to let his tongue in. Rei placed his right hand at the back of Aya's neck and brought her even closer. Neither wanted to let go of the kiss. It was the most pleasant thing that came to them. It was, by all means, triggered by the source of their happiness anyway... LOVE...