Summary: Syaoran and Sakura met in an e-mail. Then they became friends for a year. Sakura didn't know it was her crush, Syaoran, she's talking to in e-mails. Then, her friend told her it was Syaoran. Syaoran, on the other hand, is Touya's friend. And Touya knew Sakura has a crush on Syaoran. And Syaoran also knew about it. What if touya learned that Sakura has been e-mailing with Syaoran? Is he going to tell Syaoran?

Author's Note: My first series fic. I can't believe I'm going to make something like this. I'm getting comfuse because of the twists. Tell me if you're confuse if you read the story. Also if this plot is used. Coz this is based in my life but I change the all of it. I wonder if it's accepted in On with the story...

Disclaimer: CCS is not mine. But if CLAMP will give it to me, I'll surely accept it. But only if they give it to me.

Crush Mails

Chapter 1: The First Mail and Dinner with the Crush

A girl with shoulder length auburn hair is sitting in her study chair. Her emerald eyes is in front of her silver laptop, checking her e-mails. At least, it's only her free time. She log in and saw she have five e-mails. She click the link and the web start to read.

Waiting for the web to finish reading, she minimized the active web and click the Internet Explorer again. She type in the bar a website of a friend search site. The other e-mail site finished reading and she maximized it. She saw five e-mails from her friend in Hong Kong, Tomoyo Daidoji.

She sighed. She knew it's going to be a story about her trip. She click the first mail and start reading it.

Hi Sakura!

I knew you're always reading my mails. But this is the last mail I will send you because I will return in Japan!! Isn't that great? Ok, to start this mail, maybe I'll tell you what happened today. I met Meiling earlier. Our fifth grade classmate. She told me that they're going to the Philippines because of their business. And yeah, she told me if you're interested in a friend e-mail this person. Here's his mail: As you can see, he's a guy. Don't worry he's the same age as us. E-mail him if you want, but I recommend you to e-mail him because Meiling told me he's really cute!! Well actually, nothing happened to me. I just met Meiling. So I'll stop here, at least we're going to see each other again!!


Sakura smiled. It's only a small mail. Not like those previous mails she recieved from Tomoyo.

'Wolf Dreamer? Sounds interesting.' she thought. She click a link, type the e-mail address and start making a mail.

xoxoxoxSakura's POVxoxoxox


I'm Sa

Wait! I don't think it's a good thing to say my name. Think, think, think!! Sakura... hmmm, A... Asuka? Yeah! Asuka is a good name.

I'm Asuka from Japan. I just want to be friends. Maybe you're wondering where I get your e-mail address. My friend gave it to me and she told me to e-mail you. I'll more about me if you reply. So gtg!

I sighed heavily. I'm getting nervous when I e-mail someone I didn't know. I click the button 'Send'.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

OK, someone just knocked on my door.

"Who's there?" I asked loudly. It can be Touya. He's always disturbing me!!

"Touya. Hurry up, kaijuu, dinner's ready." Touya replied.

"I'm not a kaijuu!!" I shouted. If you say it again...




"Whatever, kaijuu." he said it again.

"Shut up!!" I sighed. Ok, the mail was sent to wolf dreamer. I closed my laptop.

I went down to the kitchen. Then, I suddenly blushed. Touya's friends are here, Yukito and...Syaoran.

xoxoxoxoxEnd of Sakura's POVxoxoxoxox

Syaoran turned to Sakura and smiled a little. He's been visiting their house since he became friends with Touya and Yukito. He also noticed that Sakura is very red. And he smiled again.

"Sakura, are you ok?" he asked, smiling.

Sakura heard Syaoran called her name and shook her head a little. "Uh, yeah. Don't worry about me." she smiled back.

Touya noticed it and he laughed. "Syaoran, she's not ok when you're here because she has a c-"

"Touya, shut up!" she interrupted Touya before he finished the word 'crush'.

Yukito and Syaoran smiled. They knew what Touya's going to say. They knew that Sakura has a crush on Syaoran but they just ignore it.

"Sakura, are you going to stand there? Or eat here with us?" Yukito asked.

Sakura forgot that she's been standing there in front of them. "Of course, I'll eat." She went beside Syaoran, which is a vacant seat. Because Touya is sitting in her favorite seat.


They finished eating and Sakura is cleaning the table. And Syaoran standing by the wall.

"Do you need help?" he asked, watching her clean all the mess in the table.

"No," she said, picking up all the dishes. "I don't need help. and I don't let visitors-"

"help you clean the dishes." he interrupted. "You always said that when I offer you a help in washing dishes."

Sakura smiled at her work, at the same time blushing. Maybe this time is the longest chat with her crush. She heard him walked away the kitchen.

"Li Syaoran, I can't believe you let me call you by your first name." she whispered to herself. "What does that mean?"

"What does that mean?"

Author's note: OK, ok, ok, ok, ok. It's not that good. It's also short. As you can see, Sakura is the one blushing, not Syaoran. And Touya became friends with Syaoran. It's a lot of twist and turns. Please, leave a review if you want me to continue. Flames also accepted. If you want me to continue, I'll update next week.