Just a quick oneshot.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, no matter how much I wish I did.

Balancing Act

Two lives--

Unbelievably hard to juggle.

It's tricky to keep both in balance.

I always think I might drop one...

...Lose the careful control I've fought to keep on them both.


And lots of it.

That's all that my life seems to be about, lately.

Fighting to control two different lives is almost like fighting two demons.


Very hard.

Harder than you might think.

Concentrating on one isn't always the best idea.

What if the other sneaks up behind you?

Your mind gets strained, and you're a little paranoid about things.

I hate being stereotypical.

I have a role to fulfill in the group.

They don't have to say it for me to know.

I've been protecting them one way or another since I got here; why would I stop now?

I have to be strong for them.

I have to protect them any way that I can.

I have to fight.

Constantly fighting.

It never stops.

But that's just one life.

Protecting those I care about and making sure they stay safe.

But what about my other life?

The second one that I have to balance along with the protecting and the fighting?

The one that I almost always put second?

The one that even I, myself, rarely see?

Well, that one's difficult to explain.

Even to myself.

Being there for my friends is so important to me, that my heart is normally put in the backseat.


Shoved to the side and gathering dust.

I mean, I have friends.

I have those I consider my family.

I have... a love.

But fighting is what my life is about right now!

Not until Naraku has been punished for every evil thing that he's ever done shall I rest.

Helping anyone else who's ever been touched by his menace.

He's such a corrupt, wicked man.

And not until he's dead can I pause and look to my heart.

Not until everyone's safe, or as safe as I can make them, can I think about what I want.

That's just the way it is.

When Naraku is dead and buried, I'll finally take my heart back and take care of it.

Be with my friends.

My family.

And my love.

But not until then.

For now I just have to keep balancing those two lives.

I just have to keep fighting.

And then I can finally be true to myself.

I don't always have to be the fighter.

I don't always have to be the protector.

But for now, that's what I am.

I have to be there for my friends.

Balancing two lives is difficult.

Ignoring my heart is even harder.

But for now…

...I'll just keep fighting.

I'm Sango.

The Demon Huntress.

And I'll be there for my friends.

Then, maybe, just maybe, I can be there for myself.