Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Charmed characters as they belong to the Powers at Be in TV Land.

Summary: P/L based, naturally for me. Piper is feeling she's coming in second in Leo's life. When an evil from his past returns, she finds out how wrong she is. Can the Charmed One's with the help of Cole save the day? Some P/C.

A/N: Please bare with me as far as the P/L stuff develops. It takes a bit to get everything set up, and hopefully it comes off in print as I see it in my head. :)

Chapter one

The constant beat of the drum could be heard just below the driving sound of a guitar. A melodic voice rose above it all, bringing together a unique blend of music. The crowd seemed appreciative, as they danced and swayed to the rhythm.

P3 had earned a reputation for introducing new and innovated performers to the bay area. Tonight was no different. The club was packed, the music rocked and the drinks flowed. All signs which pointed to a successful night. In a small private alcove, to one side of the stage, sat Piper Halliwell, owner of P3. Her younger sister and boyfriend were seated across from her. The latter snuggled close together, enjoying some special time. They were all headed out for a late dinner, however they were one person short. Piper again glanced up the stairs to the entrance of the club. A frown marring her forehead. Leo had promised he would be back soon. He had been called away by another charge just as they were leaving for P3. That was well over an hour ago. The familiar feeling of resentment poured over her. It never seemed to fail. They would get a rare opportunity to do something normal, like a simple double date with her sister, but something always interfered. Lately it had gotten worse. The Elders seemed to be piling on the workload. Piper swore they were punishing Leo for breaking the rules and marrying her. Even though 'They' had agreed to the union. Piper also felt Leo was all too eager to do the Elders bidding. She knew he had responsibilities, but more and more she felt as though his job came before her and their life together.

Phoebe disengaged herself from nuzzling Cole's ear and glanced at her sister. She could see the frustration stamped on Piper's face and felt for her. It wasn't easy being in love with a supernatural guy. She being in love with a half demon, although Cole was repressing that side, it still made things difficult. This was one of those rare nights where they could just spend quality time together. Lately all Cole's time had been spent eluding bounty hunters sent by the Source. The Source of All Evil was not too keen on loosing one of his most powerful minions to a Charmed One. Phoebe briefly closed her eyes at the thought of the Source succeeding and her loosing the love of her life.

Getting back on task, she again thought of Piper. Ever since the Elders allowed Piper and their Whitelighter, Leo to get married, Leo had been kept very busy. Phoebe felt as did Piper, that maybe this was some sort of punishment for breaking the 'No witches and Whitelighter' rule. "Piper, honey. If you stare any harder at that entrance your eyes are gonna pop out."

Startled out of her own musings, Piper jumped at the comment. Reluctantly drawing her gaze away from the offending doorway to look at her sister. "Where the hell is he?"

"I don't know sweetie. It must be important or he'd be here. You know that."

Knowing the truth of that statement did nothing to alleviate the resentment burning inside her. "This is ridiculous. Can't we have one night to ourselves? I mean is that really so much to ask."

Her younger sister remained silent. Knowing there was nothing she could say to soothe her sister's ire and glanced at Cole for help.

The half demon's eyebrows shot up as he shook his head helplessly. What did she want him to do? Obviously Leo was on some errand of good and got hung up. He still had trouble dealing with all these sister issues that inevitably came with loving a Charmed One. Cole was not good with issues. He was more of an action kind of guy.

"Listen, you two go on ahead. No sense all of us missing dinner." Piper said, her voice laced with disappointment.

Well Cole was all for that. He was starved and who knew how much longer the Whitelighter would be. Rising to his feet, he felt Phoebe's hot stare and quickly sat back down again, throwing his head back against the chair cushion, clearly showing his displeasure.

"No honey, we can wait, right Cole?"

Cole was not a stupid man, he knew that was not a question, but a statement. Lifting an eyebrow to let his love know he was not fooled one little bit.

Piper would have none of her sister's arguments. "No, please go. I'll just feel worse if you both are sitting here waiting as well. I'm sure Leo will be here soon and then we'll meet up with you."

Phoebe looked skeptical. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, go!"

Waiting for Phoebe's lead, Cole was relieved when she stood. Piper watched the two navigate the crowd, envious of the night ahead of them. Of course Phoebe and Cole didn't get much alone time either and deep down she was happy for them. Deciding she would drive herself crazy if she sat and waited any longer. Getting up, she went to her office. There was plenty of paperwork to catch up on and hopefully if she submerged herself in something she could let go of the disappointment seething inside.

It was so late, Leo thought to himself. Tying up the last loose ends with his charge, he glanced at his watch. 3 A.M. God Piper would be furious. What was suppose to be a quick question and answer gig with one of his new charges, turned into a marathon battle, complete with learning about demon, locating said demon and then finally vanquishing demon. Hours later he was exhausted, hungry and frustrated that he missed yet another chance to spend non-magical time with his wife. He was not looking forward to facing the latter when he got home. Not that he blamed her for being angry with him, but at the same time he couldn't leave another charge helpless. It was a line he'd been struggling with for some time now and there were nights like these that he almost couldn't take it anymore. He knew being married to Piper would be difficult. They both did. Their jobs were not run of the mill jobs. More times than not, it was life and death situations. How many times did they put their life on hold because demons or warlocks or god knew what else. There were too many to count. Tonight was just another one to add to the growing list.

Closing his eyes, he pictured the bedroom he shared with his wife. Silently he orbed in. His eyes went directly to the bed. Piper lay still, apparently deep in sleep. The last thing he wanted to do was disturb her, but he desperately needed a shower. The South of Mexico had been hot and dusty, not to mention the black smudge marks left from the vanquish.

Piper woke the moment the shower started. Squinting, she peered at the red numbers on her clock. 3:17 AM. She was torn between relief he was home safe and sound and her earlier anger. The latter was starting to override the former. She watched from slit eyelids as Leo emerged from the bathroom. A large burgundy towel hung low on his hips. Beads of moisture still clung to his broad back and Piper's anger started to drain away. She loved him so much. After putting on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, Leo slipped quietly into bed. He wanted so badly to pull his wife's sleeping form into his arms, but was unsure what kind of reaction he would get.

Piper could sense her husband's indecision and mad as she was, she simply could not resist the chance to be held in his embrace. "You're home safe and sound."

Surprised she was awake and not giving him the cold shoulder, he replied softly, "Yeah." And drew her into his warm body. "I love you." He whispered ever so gently into her ear.

"I know." And they both fell into a dreamless sleep.

Piper stood over the stove the following morning. She scrambled eggs with unseeing eyes. Her mind was focused elsewhere, more specifically her marriage. She felt as if she was being torn in two. One half loved her husband more than life itself. He was her soul mate. But the other half felt she was constantly coming in second to Leo's calling. Intellectually she knew his job was extremely important. He saved countless lives for goodness sakes. Her and her sisters included. Emotionally however, was a different matter. Sometimes she felt Leo was just a little too eager to go running off whenever he was summoned. Piper felt at times as if she was competing for his affection and it bothered her more than she'd care to admit. Leo loved her, she knew that with all her heart, but if it came down to choosing her or his job, she had major doubts. Okay, she was being selfish she scolded herself. Can you really compare the two? And didn't Leo break many, many rules for them to be together. She just wished for a little normalcy in her life. Nothing big, just a dinner date with her husband and no interruptions.

Leo stood at the entrance of the kitchen. Piper's back was to him and he could tell she was deep in thought as she pushed something around on a pan. They had talked briefly last night, but he was still unsure of her mood this morning. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her. Feel her trim form locked in his embrace and kiss those warm lips. But if she was still upset with him, he was better off to play it low key. Opting for the safest route, he quietly greeted her.

"Good morning honey."

Still caught up in her wanderings, she jumped at the sound of his voice and turned. "Morning." She returned carefully, getting her conflicting emotions under wraps. "Hungry?"

Sending her a small smile, he sat at the table. "Starved."

After fixing two plates, she set them on the table. They both began the motions of eating, although in silence. Piper wasn't particularly hungry and the tension in the air made her food go down like chalk.

Leo, although starved, felt his appetite diminish with every strained minute that passed. Finally unable to take it any longer, he spoke.

"Listen Piper. About last night." He began hesitantly.

"I know." She interrupted. "You didn't mean to be so late. Things got out of hand. You're sorry." She hadn't intended for it to come out so snappish, but on the other hand she didn't really feel like apologizing for it either. Deep down she was still upset about it all.

Leo, normally very patient with his wife's moods, was tired and not in a great frame of mind himself. "Well, since you're just going to speak for me, I'll just keep quiet."

"Well, am I wrong? Isn't that what you we're going to say?" Angry that he was acting like the wounded party here, since that was clearly her part, she glared at him.

Tossing his napkin on the table his eyes flashed, something that only happened when he was really irritated. Which again was rare for him. "So what did you want me to say? Too bad about dinner dear, but that's how it is?"

"I guess you're right. This happens so often, the standing explanation saves time."

Realizing this could escalate into a full- blown fight, Leo tried to reign in his own temper and tried to speak in a calm tone. "Listen honey. I don't want to fight. I really am sorry I missed last night. You know how much I value our private time together. It's just...."

Again she didn't let him finish. "It's just your job comes first." His calm tone brought down some of her own ire and now she spoke with dejected resignation. "I don't know Leo. It just seems like you're called away more and more. I feel like our life is always a distant second."

His green eyes reflected the hurt her words caused him. "Piper. We knew our magical lives would be something we would constantly have to work around. We agreed to not let it interfere. It's not just my Whitelighter duties, but your Charmed One's as well."

"Yeah, I know, but my Charmed One's are not nearly as distracting as yours have become. And frankly, you seem pretty eager to drop everything for them. It's not easy feeling your husband cares more about his job than his wife."

The pain he was feeling multiplied tenfold. How could she think that after all they had been through. He wasn't sure how to respond, considering all the emotions raging inside. Hurt, anger and frustration. "I'm sorry you feel that way." He managed, his voice cracking just a bit. "I love you more than anything in this world, but obviously you don't believe that."

The anguish mirrored in his eyes tore at her heart. Part of her wanted to take the words back, but another part refused. It didn't matter, because she saw him lift his gaze to the ceiling, indicating he was being called.

Leo listened with half an ear to the summons. It sounded urgent, but what was going on here was urgent as well. He was all ready to ignore the call, however Piper stood up. "You better go." And with that she quit the room.

His pain and anger resurfaced at her casual dismissal of their discussion. He wasn't sure which one was stronger at the moment. Well if she didn't want to talk this out, he might as well find out what the emergency was.