"Redemption is never given. It is earned."
-Edenian Proverb

"Fairy Tale Life"

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young princess who lived in a peaceful kingdom with loving parents who would do anything for her. But one dark day their kingdom was invaded by an evil emperor who took over and made the young princess his step-daughter. He made the princess his slave and she served her evil step-father for many years. But when she grew up, the princess vowed to overthrow the emperor and free her kingdom. She then met a young hero from a far away land and together they were able to destroy her evil step-father and free her kingdom forever.
And they lived happily ever after.

Sweet story, right? A sweet little fairy tale with a nice happy ending. That.....basically is the story of my life.


Although, I didn't exactly know the emperor was my step-father and not my real father. In truth, I didn't know that for a very long time. I also had a sister who wasn't really my sister, but that's very complicated.

Also, I don't think "slave" is the best way to describe my relationship with my step-father. "Slave" implies that just I cooked and cleaned for him and that I hated it. Truthfully, my work for my step-father was much......messier. And for a long time, I didn't mind doing it at all. Actually, I'm ashamed to admit.....I even kind of enjoyed it.

And when I vowed to overthrow my step-father, it wasn't a simple decision I made overnight. Actually, the events and circumstances that led me to make that vow were some of the most painful and trying times of my life.

These are small inaccuracies or left out details...but there's one part of that story that's just flat out wrong: "And they lived happily ever after."

There are no happy endings in my life.

My name is Kitana, the Princess of Edenia.

End of Prologue