Hilary's POV

Just a cough and a sneeze. That's how it all started out. Then a trip to the doctor. I was waiting with my mom for someone to give me

my prescription. No such luck. The doctor came out to talk to us. He needed to take a blood test. "Why a blood test?" I mean come

on. It's just a cold. Right? Yet by the look on my doctor's face, now I'm not so sure. "I'm not sure but we believe Hilary has cancer."

What! Cancer! Who! What! How!! O why o why did this have to happen to me.

I'm not telling the guy's until there positive. Maybe not even them. I can't bear the thought of them treating me like a freak. I couldn't bear that.

Especially not from the guys.

It's bad enough having cancer. Yet being told I'm going to die. That pushed me over the edge.