Card Captor Sakura is copyright CLAMP

AN: I hate doing these AN's, but hopefully this'll be the only one throughout the entire story. I'll probably post them on my profile from now on. --;

Anyways, as you all should know, this is an S&S ficcy. Alternative Universe. And sorry, no cards! No flying stuffed animals and magical ice-shooting angels either! But im sure you'll find my story amusing and interesting. (I got tired of reading fics that were all happy and cheerful and just peachy... guess im basically saying cliche.) You'll come across a few sexual things/hints later in the story, so be prepared. But it wont be anything... er... graphic. Any critique is welcome! (The good, the bad, the ugly) And I would greatly appreciate it if anyone points out misspellings, mess-ups, and/or anything similar. (I normally miss things, even after re-reading the chapter a good 2-5 times. And I don't have spell check, which bites dust. So my spelling might be off.) Story is done in Syaoran's POV.

Well, enjoy!

Tell me, do you know how it feels to live in darkness nearly all of your life? One can imagine. But imagining is not enough. One could experiment with the idea, attempt to live as I have, but it will always fall short of the real experience. Especially if you've been living in it for well over a hundred years, just as I have. Then again, I've never had the pleasure of explaining it... or my version of it at least.

As you've probably guessed by now, I am a Vampire. A blood drinker. Not the type you see in the over exaggerated Dracula movies, mixed with the fantasies of men and the old rumors from long ago. Driving a wooden stake through our hearts would do nothing but make us furious, and probably a more painful death for the assault ant. And garlic? I could wear wreaths of it around my neck for days on end, if it didn't hurt my sensitive nose. And crosses. Ah yes, crosses. Couldn't be further from the truth, I assure you. In this day and age the crucifix has become a fashion statement, and even a few true vampires of these modern times can be seen wearing them around their necks and off of bracelets and the like as they stalk their next victims night after night, showing they fear no god.

But don't take my previous statement of our existence to be falsely exposed by these movies to the public. Oh, no, by far! There are truths to it. Such as the fact that we are masters of seduction, and our unnatural beauty lures our victims to us quite easily. And yes, the sun and fire can destroy us as well as dismemberment. But only by dismemberment if our limbs are scattered about and out of reach but not so far out of reach as for the destructive rays of sunlight.

Stories depicted by authors such as Anne Rice are at times, surprisingly enough, impressively accurate. But not always correct. Such as levitation. We can jump to impressive heights, but flight is impossible for us, even for the oldest of my kind.

But enough of that. Im sure you're eager to hear my story now as I am to get on with it. But allow me to warn you before hand, I tend to get off topic at times or drawl things out so far that they soon become a new topic all together. But I'll try my best to avoid such happenings. All I ask is for you to bear with me and listen to my tale. I'll attempt to finish it tonight before the rising sun of morning, for this is my last night before I depart to find the one whom this story is revolved around.


:: 1 ::

::Moth to a Flame::

The day was the thirteenth of August, the year not important, only that you know it takes place during the 21st Century. I had awaken out of my death-like slumber as always, waking to the thirst as any young vampire would have (I myself having walked amongst the dead for only 122 years). The soft blood-red velvet lining of the coffin I slept in during the day brushed against my limbs as I began to push the heavy stone lid off to the side, allowing me room to escape the tiny prison-like space.

I crawled out with feline grace, as I had always done during past nights, and into the warm enveloping summer air that hung lazily close to the ground with the humidity.

The sounds of humming crickets, croaking toads, and distant traffic flooded my ears as the smell of the dead, unnoticable to humans, and decaying wood entered my nostrils. I glanced around before dusting myself off quickly out of habit, as I always did before a hunt, and began to make my way through the rows of granite and such stones that made up the head stones of each grave.

I hunted every night. Normally taking only one victim per hunt, and two if the hunger was greatly eating away at the insides of my body (which was the case on that night), before destroying the evidence of my kill by incinerating it in some dark random alley in the dirtier parts of town. The part of town where I had normally hunted and would find my first kill for that night.

I had fancied myself as a graceful killer. Using my best skills and talents to attract the most delicious of prey, which was normally a young male or female with egos and pride far too annoying for others, but enough to satisfy me. And on occasion, the lost drunk or drug dealer if the 'good one's' weren't avaliable or anywhere near.

Being a vampire gave me unnatural grace and elegance to my gait, but after a couple of years of practice I had mastered what I once did on a daily basis in my mortal life. Simply walking as a human would. Gangly and partly slouched over, dragging their heels at times. And it was this imitation I used that night to deceive a desperate drug dealer, trying to get back the cash he owed to the man he was selling for, before he would be shot dead the following day. Apparently he had lost it at a party from the previous night, too wasted to realize someone was picking his pocket. By the time he had found out, it had been too late to recover.

Low pressure sodium lights flickered from a distance, a trail of them lighting the black asphalt road, threads of light barely bright enough to touch me or my prey. The old red bricked buildings, falling apart from Times cruel work and erosion, towered around us with gaps between to buildings, creating dark ominous alley ways where few would dare to tread. Perfect.

I sauntered up to him, half hidden as I played the shadows like a deck of cards in a Dealers hands. It took him a few moments to notice my presence, but only because he was preoccupied with selling Mary Jane to a duo of young middle schoolers. They quickly ran off when they saw me standing there quietly, and this was what drew the teens attention to me.

He was around 5'11 with unkempt shaggy black hair, tucked under an orange beanie. Though the night was warm, he wore a navy blue wind breaker, no doubt to conceal his fine illegal products and dirty money, with matching pants. His white sneakers were worn badly and needed replacing, but I doubt he paid any attention. Apparently he hadn't bathed in a few days either. The stench of sweat and dirt was emitting from him strongly. But I paid no mind.

He sent a glare at me with his light blue eyes over his narrow bird-like nose.

"Well? You gunna buy some or wut? I know you ain't no cop cuz you didn't bust me when I was dealin' with the twerps a sec ago. Plus, you ain't got that cop look. So, you gunna buy or waste my time? Cuz I don't have all night. Have other customers waitin'."

How horrible his english was. But no matter. Blood was blood, tainted with drugs or alcohol or not. And I was hungry for it, and leaving without it was out of the question. I smiled, but not enough to show my fangs. I could visibly see him shudder.

"What is it, friend?" I asked without hesitation. "Is there something on my face?" I took a step forward.

He was paling considerably by now. Ah, so quick to realize the danger. Maybe he wasn't such a twit after all.

I watched as his eyes darted back and forth from my paper white skin to my barely visible teeth then back to my eyes. Apparently the small amount of light from the distant light post had illuminated my face and enhanced the luster of my eyes. At least enough to alert him that something wasn't right. Something not normal.

"W-well? You want some or what?! If not, then I have other's waitin for me!"

A lie.

I could tell he was growing more tense. I could hear his heart racing like the thunder of horse hooves in a race. Sweat glistened on his skin as he began to shake a little more violently than just a few minutes ago. He would bolt any minute.

"And where will you go?"

Those five simple word were enough to give him the burst of adrenaline he needed to dart away from me, but fortunately for me, I was quicker.

My arm shot out towards him in god-like speed and grabbed the back of his neck with unnecessary strength. I saw him wince for a brief second before struggling in vain to escape my death grip. I unconsciously felt my other hand shoot out and secure one of his upper arms before jerking him around. And in a flash I had sunk my teeth into the artery in his neck filled with life giving blood.

Blood gushed from the wound and poured heavily into my mouth as I sucked at his dirty neck. I felt my eyes roll back into my head as I closed my eyes. The thick liquid running hotly over my tongue and down my throat, the burning sensation running down through my chest then into my limbs and face, bringing a little of the color I had lost from my mortal life back into my cold skin. How hot it and savory it was! More blood pulsed from the wound, filling my being with every pump of his fighting heart. I felt his struggling body beneath mine slowly weaken.

I dug my teeth deeper into the wound, making a larger opening, pulling a groan from deep within his throat. The hand that gripped my sleeve now fell limply to his side as his labored breathing became shallow, followed by the sounds of loud cracking from his rib cage as I had crushed him against a brick wall in my hunger without realizing it.

Then it stopped.

I felt myself carefully pull away, making sure not to let a drop get past my ever searching tongue. Though his heart had stopped, he was still alive. But only for a brief moment. I placed a light kiss on his lips before dropping him to the ground with a thud. My parting kiss.

I left the body there, deciding that I would come back for it once I had satisfied my ever raging hunger.

My next victim I had caught scent of nearly half a mile away. Ah, such fragrance! It was refreshing and exhilarating compared to the smells of garbage, dirt, and infestation in these parts. I could tell then it was female. Only a female would use a shampoo that smelled so strongly of flowers.

I licked my lips. She was young, just like the boy I had just killed, perhaps a year or two younger. Nearly a mere child. Well, this time I would be quick and as painless as possible. It wasn't in my nature to inflict pain upon children. But what baffled me was her scent. It was unaccompanied by any others, and it was in the direction of an ancient field that was at one time a burial ground for soldiers and warriors and the like. It would become her place of death as well.

With my vampiric speed and agility I had reached a secluded part of the field, separated from the rest with a lining of trees. Patches of wild wheat were now turning golden from the changing season and stuck out from the fresh green grass and weeds that lay in-between each island of gold.

What could a child possibly be doing out here at this time of night? Shouldn't she be tucked away in a warm bed under a roof with loving parents around her, telling her sweet nothings before departing and leaving her to sleep?

It only took me a few moments to locate her. She played amongst a fallen tree that had been ripped up from its roots from an unknown force, resting at an upward angle. A few boulders and rocks were strewn about, a few covered with velvety green and yellow moss.

I crept closer, enough to get a better view but not enough to be seen out of the black shadows.

She had fair skin, mostly covered by a white cotton night gown with thin shoulder straps, the frilly bottom opening brushing her ankles as she stood around 5'5 or so. Her silky auburn hair reached her waist in flowing tassels caught in the gentle breeze as her deep set emerald eyes darted about from one object to the next while she moved around the large trunk, as if she were looking for something. She looked older than I had first speculated. Probably around seventeen.

Suddenly she stopped her search and looked up. And in my direction no less.

I felt myself shrink further back into the shadows, thinking it would make me seemingly invisible to any human eye and cause her to think nothing of my presence and continue her work. But her gaze never shifted from me, only her body moved around until it was fully around as well, facing my direction. I did all except move from my place. Some how she knew.

I felt my mind reach out for hers, trying to penetrate into her thoughts. To know for certain if she had actually noticed me, or still knew I was here. But when my mind came to hers, I saw nothing in that head of hers. As if she knew what I was doing and had put up a wall between our minds. I was growing more wary with the passing moments.

Slowly and carefully she took a few steps in my direction, but stopped after only taken two or three strides. Without warning, she opened her mouth and said, "I know you're there. You can come out, I promise I wont hurt you." her voice soft and like bells, nearly a whisper if it had not substance.

I was shocked, as im sure you can imagine. She knew! She knew I was there and she was actually calling out to me! Of course I knew she couldn't hurt me, the whole idea was absurd. But she knew not, for that I was certain. But the fact remained that she knew!

I took a few slow steps into the moonlight. I must have been a sight. The full moon gave off enough light to reveal nearly every detail of me. At least, from a distance. Though I could read no thoughts from that pretty head of hers, I could see myself in her vision. Tall and erect. Posture of a nobleman. My skin as white as the moon itself. My cloak swaying lazily behind and around me. All garments under the cloak hidden in shadow. The chestnut hair on my scalp danced with the wind and my eyes sharp with the sparkle of immortality. We must have stood nearly thirty yards apart from one another.

I slowly got over my shock when the thought of killing her aroused my mind. Of course not out of cold blood, but rather to quell the hunger within me, which was quickly being forgotten and replaced with fascination for this creature. A question nagged at me. How did she know I was there?

She turned around after seeing me and returned to her search. Can't say I wasn't slightly offended. She knew I was here and wasn't afraid. Well, perhaps I'd amuse myself by pulling the answer out of her on how she knew I was there watching.

I casually walked up to her, her back still facing me, before resting my weight on my right arm as I leaned on the trunk. It was then I noticed the tears in her night gown in the skirt. Her apparel must have been torn in well over twenty places, a small thin stick caught in one of the tears.

I was on the verge of inquiring about what she was doing when she spoke up.

"St. Michael." she spoke to me.


I felt myself raise an eyebrow. I saw her smile.

"You're like St. Michael. The archangel that descended upon Egypt to claim every first born. Except you don't target just the first born, right?"

Shocked. That's what I was. So she knew of this as well... well, I'd definitely have to get rid of this child. She probably knew more.

When I didn't answer, she looked up with her large childlike green eyes. After a moment of silence, I finally spoke up.

"What are you doing down there? Did you lose something?"

"No and yes."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Looking for Jumper."

"For what?"

"Jumper, my pet mouse."

As if the wall between our minds melted, I saw a vision in her mind.

Through her eyes I saw her kneel down next to a mouse trap where a mouse had been caught by the tail in a trap. The small creature struggled to free itself, but in vain before falling onto it's belly to gasp for air, the bait several inches away. Her silken hands came into the picture as they reached out and grabbed the trap, pulling the mouth apart to free the mouse. But the mouse in its exhaustion lay there limply, probably wishing for death. Gently she cupped her hands around the mouse, it's bloodied tail hanging out from between her fingers, before she laid it on her lap and pulled a white ribbon out of her hair, carefully wrapping it around the tail and tieing it.

The vision ended.

A silence had descended upon us as I watched her move about, then to the bottom of the tree, where an opening was. And without fear I watched her crawl into the hole, only to exclaim, "I found him!" a few minutes later and re-emerging from the hole with her hands cupped with the mouse within. She sent an innocent smile of triumph towards me, holding her enclosed hands up for me to see.

How innocent and childish her actions were. So very innocent and naive.

Suddenly her smile fell as she adverted her gaze towards the ground, as if the rocks and pebbles held an interest for her.

"Can you tell me, angel, is my mother in heaven?"

Angel? So she had thought I an angel? Explains her lack of fear towards me. Better clear up this understanding first.

"Angel? Im sorry, but you're mistaken."

A look of shock crossed her features as she gazed back up at me.

"But you have to be! I prayed for a sign that my mother is in heaven, and here you are! You must be an angel to tell me everything is all right! You just have to be!" I suddenly saw a flash of vision from her of her mother. But it was very brief, disapating almost as soon as she had summoned it forth. "Though you look human, your eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky and your skin glows white like the moonlight! Unless..." she trailed.

"Unless what? Im a demon?" I chuckled.

She nodded fervently like a child does when they are positive they're correct on a matter.

"Closer to a demon than an angel, my dear child." I spoke gently, giving a wicked grin in hopes of frightening her. Instead, her eyes widened slightly.

"I always imagined demons to be impish and burnt black with blazing red eyes and horns, carrying small pitchforks as they danced in fired, laughing evilly!"

I wanted to slap my forehead. How cliche. But what was I to expect from a girl that had the mentality of a child? Or so she seemed. She quickly continued,

"But you're so beautiful. I never expected demons to be pretty!"

Once again came the urge to slap my forehead. I decided to cut in before she got carried away with her flattery and might have stirred some emotion within me.

"Dear child, I never caught your name."

She looked a bit embarrassed before saying, "My name is Kinomoto, Sakura. And you?"

I mentally shrugged. What harm could revealing a name be?

"Li Syaoran."

"Sounds chinese."

"That's because it is, my dear. But what on earth were you doing out here, and at this time and alone no less?"

She frowned, not out of annoyance or concentration, but rather a sadness.

"Father is sad because my mom died. She died a two days ago from an accident."

Again came the visions.

The scene took place at night. I saw from the eyes of Sakura her mother, drunk, possibly high from weed or some other drug. The dark rings deep set under her dull grey eyes as she stood atop a bridge over a drying river. Her long wavy violet hair, with a few strands of grey and white from stress entwined, tangled and dirty flowed behind her as she released Sakura's hand from her own before climbing on top of the railing, stretching her arms out. Her faded blue jeans torn with holes at the knees and the bottom and around the pocket seams as her pants clung to her legs as her as her plaid shirt whipped in the wind, held closed by two buttons across her chest but revealing her stomach and lower half of her breasts.

The vision blurred. Sakura was crying as she frantically reached out and grabbed her mother's arm with both hands and jerked her down, only to have her mother turn on her and slap her face with brute force, sending Sakura stumbling back.

"Don't you dare stop me! Or I swear! I'll drag you to Hell with me!" she yelled furiously at her daughter before grabbing the railing with one hand to steady herself.

"Mom! Don't leave me! I don't want you to go! I don't want to be alone! Don't go! Don't leave me alone!!" I heard Sakura yell then scream frantically, scared out of her wits.

A sorrowful smile appeared on the mother's face before she reached out gently, taking Sakura's face in her hands, then kissing her tears lovingly.

"You wont leave me here... will you?" came Sakura's weak voice.

Arms lovingly enfolded Sakura as the woman held her to her chest, kissing the side of her head, quieting Sakura's sobs.

"Shh... don't cry, Sakura. Don't cry. I hate it when you cry."

"If I don't cry, will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone..."

But no answer came from her mother, reviving the fear within Sakura.

"Mom...?" she whispered.

Suddenly something wet hit Sakura's neck. Her mother was crying.

"Mom? What's wrong? You can tell me. You can tell me anything. I promise I wont laugh..."

"Sakura... I love you so much. Please... take care of your father for me."

Sakura's eyes widened at sudden realization as she was violently thrown away from her mother, sending her stumbling then falling a few yards away. Sakura scrambled to her feet, her scrapes unnoticed, as she got up in time to see her mother throw herself over the railing.

"MOM!!!" she screamed.

Then the vision vanished.

I had seen all this within mere seconds, as if the thought of it made her mind race, unable to forget it, but wanting to avoid seeing it. I felt my gaze soften as I looked down and for the first time noticed a near invisible bruise on her cheek where she had been slapped before she continued.

"Dad misses mom so much and he hurts a lot. Some times I hear crashing noises come from behind his door. I hear him crying and yelling... at himself I think. And when he comes out, his hair is messy and he's sweaty with red eyes from crying. And when he sees me, he turns away, as if the sight of me makes him sad. So I came here so he wouldn't have to be sad again."

I could tell she was trying her best not to cry in front of me. I couldn't help but pity her... the poor creature.

She suddenly gave me a shaky smile as she reached out and took my hand in hers, shocking me slightly. Her smile became more confident and strong.

"Will you stay and play with me?"

I was taken aback by the question. Never has a mortal ever asked for me to join them in some activity. I would usually only allow myself to join them in their conversation if it fancied my interest.

She looked so hopeful with her large eyes and childish grin. Deciding it was the least I could do for her before ending her life, which was the furthest from my mind now, I agreed. Not sure what to expect though.

Hours had passed as we busied ourselves, pretending to play detective. I the murderer (which I found comical) and she the detective. Using my intellect and wit, I created many scenarios of murders, most which I had done during the previous years from the hunt, and she had to figure them out with the clues I left. Aside from her childish nature, she was quite brilliant. She solved the cases I presented to her quickly. It caused me to believe the state of her mentality, present in her words and actions, were merely an act. But I caught no sign of it what so ever. Afterwards, we crawled around, looking for anything edible for her pet mouse, whom struggled to get out of her skirt pocket but was simply to small for the big task. We managed to gather a few black berries, some of which she ate herself.

I learned that she was fond of the works of Shakespeare. Especially Hamlet and Othello. Both which were tragedies by the way.

We were rapt up in conversation about old wars and books as we sat on the cliff that looked over the sea, with deadly rocks and sea water below, when I had begun to notice the brightening morning sky.

I stood, and she followed. She took both of my hands in hers as she shook them excitedly.

"Oh oh! I know what we can do now! Let's act out a scene from Hamlet! Well, what scene would decide our roles, of course, but which one to pick? Should it be at the end where Hamlet sword fights and dies? Or when he finds out his love is dead? Well, that one might be a bit too dramatic, seeing how we've just met and all but how about --"

I silenced her with a finger on her soft lips. She looked up, a little startled by the action. Her brow furrowed with concern.

"What is it?" she asked very quietly, as if I was going to tell her a secret of sorts.

I sighed and gave her a tired smile.

"It's nearly morning. Look." I pointed out towards the horizon over the sea. "The sun is rising. I think we've 'played' enough for one night, and im very tired."

She smiled and nodded. She dropped my hands so she could clutch at her dress as she made a little bow. She beamed up at me.

"I don't ever remember having this much fun! Will you come play with me again?"

I couldn't help but smile at the innocent question.

"Yes, of course."

"Yay!" she cheered, as she leapt up in joy. I had to restrain myself from smiling more broadly than I already was. She still hadn't seen my fangs yet, and if she did now, it might put her in doubt. Or so I thought.

"Let's meet here from now on, ok?"

I nodded silently.

"And let's act out a scene from Hamlet tomorrow, ok?"

"Perhaps, my dear." I said quietly, my attention on the lightening sky, causing my eyes to burn slightly. I had to leave, there was no more time for delays.

And without waiting to say or hear a goodbye, I vanished from her sight, in a rush to get back to my coffin, my skin beginning to tingle.

I had reached the cemetery soon enough and found myself climbing into the stone sarcophagi and then pulling the heavy stone lid over me. My hunger forgotten but replaced with a feeling I hadn't felt since my mortal years. Instead of dreading the regular routine I had done for years of waking simply to feed, I think I was actually looking forward to tomorrow night.