Author's Note

Hey ppl! Finally got time to update. I'd like to thank Mika-girl 101 for all the reviews and the suggestions which one I thought was really great and your gonna be seeing it l8ter in these chapters. Sorry it took so long for me to update. Thanks to all of u ppl who reviewed. Chappie 6 is up! Enjoy.

Disclaimer- As I said I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters in this fic. Wish I did though! Hehe "

" Um, Sango are you sure we're allowed to wear clothes like thisto anything?" Kagome said holding up a tube top that went really high above her stomach covering barely anything.

"Kagome say it with me, "A" group party."

"ugh, I know but, I really don't want to go to this party alone."

"Well, is that an invitation?' Sango asked surprised.

"OMFG! Are you serious that you'd come with me?" Kagome shrieked.

"On one condition."

"Name it." Kagome blurted out.

"I bring a date."

"Is that it?"

"um, yea."

"OK deal. The party is tomorrow at 9:00 to god knows what hour so we can stay as long as you like."

"OK now go purchase your clothes and we'll head down to the food court."

"OK, and Sango, thanks for the help."

"No problem."

This is just about the sluttiest outfit I have and would ever buy. Kagome thought as the two started eating their food.

"Fancy meeting you two here." Came a voice from behind them.

"Miroku? What are you doing here?" Sango asked although she knew why.

"Oh! I forced Inuyasha to buy a tux for the prom next Friday. You should've seen him. It was hilarious!"

Right at that moment, Miroku grabbed a French fry while slipping a letter into Kagome's purse. Sango kept Kagome busy talking about whose car they should take to the party.

"Well I'm meeting Inuyasha outside in the car in 10 minutes so I gotta go. See ya later girls."

"Ok bye" They both said at the same time.

Night of the party

Kagome dug through her purse to find her car keys. Looking in the second pocket, she pulled out a note. She opened it. It read:

Hey Kagome, heard about the party you were heading to tonight. Still need a date or is there already a line of guys waiting to take you? Tell me when you drop by to pick up Sango.


Sango opened the door to find Kagome standing there.

"hey, you're early."

"I know but I wanted to talk to Inuyasha if he's here because I tried his house already and if he's not here then he's probably at Miroku's."

"Nope, he's here come in."

Kagome stepped into the living room to find Inuyasha with Miroku on the couch.

"Hey Inuyasha can I talk to you for one second."

"What do you want wench."

Kagome was getting mad right them but decided against it thinking that Inuyasha was only acting that way because of the note he gave her.

"Well, if you'd just step into the kitchen for a second I'll tell you."

"Fine your lucky the t.v. is on commercial break."

Why that ignorant, selfish......Kagome cleared her mind when she saw Inuyasha walking past her into the kitchen.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me to Naraku's Party tonight. That is if you're not busy tonight. I don't mind, really."

Score, tonight would be a perfect opportunity to ask Kagome to the dance. Even if it is at a crappy "A" group party.

"Allright I'll go, but you own me."

"What the hell are you talking about! You're the one that gave me the n...." Kagome's voice trailed off as Sango and Miroku burst into the room.(Giving the impression that they were listening to the conversation and didn't want Inuyasha or Kagome to find out that they wrote the note.)

Sango cleared he throat and said, "Kagome, there you are, I was looking all over for you."

"What are you talking about Sango you heard me when I asked Inuyasha to talk to me in the Kitchen."

" I forgot. Yea I forgot. Anyways Kagome it's 8:00 you should go to your house to get ready."

Before Inuyasha could ask Kagome what she was going to say, Sango pulled Kagome away.


"Inuyasha go pick your date up." Sango taunted.

"Whatever." Inuyasha muttered as he walked out the door.

When Kagome opened the door Inuyasha's mouth hung down to the floor.

"ya know, it's not polite to stare." Kagome said smiling.

"huh? Oh yea sorry. Ready to go?"

"Yep, is Sango coming."

"yea she's waiting for Miroku."

"Ok, let's go then Kagome said stepping outside."

Wow! Kagome's looking pretty hot tonight! Inuyasha thought. God! Did I really think that? OK take a deep breath and clear your mind because she's heading for the car! Author's Note

Whew! Thatz done. Now I'm workin on the 7th chappie. Yay! Ok mayb not that exciting. W/E Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thxz! TNT (Till Next Time) duh! Hehe jk.