Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Gilmore Girls or the WB. This story is just coming from me and my brain.

Summary: Chilton plans an end of the year senior trip to Europe that doesn't go exactly as planned. Dean is basically out of the story, but Rory and him are friends as well as Jess. (Eventual Trory)

Authors Note: This story is my first fan fiction posted here, and reviews/comments/ suggestions are greatly appreciated for making this story better in any way possible. Updates will probably not be coming regularly, but you can expect them at least once every 2 weeks as work and school will prevent me from writing chapters daily.

Without further ado, here is the story and I hope you like it.

Chapter One: The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows

"Wasting words on lower cases and capitals" –Brand New

"Rory! You're gonna be late for hell," came Lorelai's voice from the kitchen.

"One second, I'm almost ready, but can we stop by Luke's for the elixir of life?" replied Rory.

"Deny a Gilmore coffee, now that's even worst than being late. Alright, I guess we'll have to stop by Luke's since I'm the mom and if my daughter shows up at Chilton unhappy and grumpy, I'll be the one to blame,"

Rory chuckled at her mom's sense of logic, but anyways her body was running low on caffeine. She was in no mood to go to school since all the teachers felt that all the finals should be held today. Teachers and their evil conspiracy theories, but in order to survive, coffee is the answer.

They stopped by Luke's quickly and got coffee as this was practically their daily routine.

"4 coffees please Lukey," asked Lorelai

"4, you don't need that much," grunted Luke while he was wiping down the counter. He would never understand women, or the Gilmores for that matter.

"Yes we do, Rory has about a bajillion tests today and so she needs coffee to survive and if you don't give it to us, you'll be breaking the number one Gilmore Rule; Which will then cause us to have to stay and wait here until you us the coffee, therefore making Rory late for school. You wouldn't want that to happen now would you?"

By now, Luke was used to the Gilmore's way of thinking and so he sighed just handed them their coffees and returned to working. Everyone else around knew that Luke and Lorelai would get together one way or another. The way they bantered, it was bound to happen. Miss Patty and a couple other people in Stars Hallow already had a couple bets going.

"Thanks Luke! You're the best," said Rory happily and drinking the coffee on the way out.

Next stop: Chilton

With some stroke of magic, Rory managed to arrive at school with five minutes to spare. Just enough to get her books from her lockers and get to class

"Bye mom, I love you!"

"You better, I was one the gave birth to you. I'll see you later oompa loompa,"

Rory entered the hallways and headed towards her locker and began to get her stuff out if it. She felt someone coming even though she already knew who it was.

"Mary, how are you this fine day?" asked Tristan with his trademark smirk accompanying his look. It wouldn't be complete without it.

She just groaned inwardly and ignored him. Maybe if I just keep ignoring him he'll go away.

"Ouch, no hello, that hurt." Mocking his hurt.

Or not. "Dugrey, I'm not in the mood for talking," replied Rory with no emotion.

"Well what are you in the mood for? There's lots of other stuff we could do besides talking you know," he suggested.

"Alright. How about after school?" asked Rory catching Tristan off guard.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah you know what I really want?"


"I want you...to go away," Rory smiled knowing he had surprised Tristan.

He felt a little dejected, but didn't show it for he learned to hide his emotions a long time ago.

"Harsh, but you know me, you, after school, what do you think?"

"I think that'll happen in your dreams," Rory said.

"Every night, Mary,"

Rory rolled her eyes. Just, she glanced at her watch, six more hours of torture. Rory made her way to her first period class. Math, just what she wanted at 8 in the morning. Someday she swore, she would get the administration to start school at a more reasonable time.

Mr. Potter greeted the both of them as they entered. Tristan took a seat besides Rory even though his normal seat was in the back earning him a cold glare from Rory.

"Before class starts, I just have few announcements for all the seniors in the class. The administrators here have felt that you have earned the privilege of taking a cruise to Europe," informed the class in a monotone voice.

The class immediately started talking about it and chattering to their friends.

"But, you have to be passing all of your classes in order to be eligible for this trip and the costs/ permits and insurance forms will be passed out after class for those who are interested,"

A couple of people groaned.

"So Mary, you thinking about going on this trip?" mentally thanking God for him having all passing grades

"Not if you're going," She really just needed a vacation though to get away from school and work though. Rory returned to Mr. Potter's lecturing on today's lesson and took how her notebook and began taking notes.

Well that's all for now, if you guys like where this story is going, please take your time to review it with any of your thoughts as it will make me extremely happy and when I'm happy I write faster. Usually, haha

-Beauty Unfolds