Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Gilmore Girls or the WB. This story is just coming from me and my brain.

Author's Note: Reviews, comments, suggestions are greatly appreciated for making this story better in any way possible. Constructive Criticism is always welcome.

So I have returned from the dead, and decided to work on this story a bit more. Thank you for the reviews! Please continue to do so.

Chapter Four: …Slowdance on the Inside

"There's beauty in the breakdown." –Frou Frou


The phone was ringing and as always, the Gilmores never actually put it back into the charger.

"Mom! Where's the phone?" questioned Rory.

"I don't know, check the fridge," replied Lorelai, from the couch

"Why would it be in the fridge?"

"Cause I was looking for food last time I was on the phone,"

"Nice, got it." Sure enough there was the phone, ringing inside of the fridge next to the many boxes of takeout from Luke's.

"Hello," answered Rory breathlessly.

"Hey? Rory? It's Adam, we still on for tonight?"

"Definitely," smiled Rory. She was looking forward Saturday the whole week for their little movie night.

"Great, so my house around 7?"

"I'll be there," said Rory happily.

"Bring a good movie," Adam told her.

"Oh, no worries. You just put the rest of the night into my hands. As I am the princess of movies. My mom's the queen, you won't be disappointed. I think you'll be stuck the rest of the night watching chick flicks," Rory answered playfully.

"Wonderful," he said playing along.

"Well listen, I have to get going, so I'll see you tonight," Rory said.


"Au revoir,"

"French? I like,"

"Bye," she laughed and then hung up.

Before their "date"

Rory was contemplating what to wear. Basic and casual, or dressy. The idea of jeans and light blue tee appealed more to her than dressing up. Besides that, she was running a little late, since she hadn't noticed the time go by while she was reading The Da Vinci Code.

She threw on a pair of her favorite jeans, and a nice but comfy shirt. She decided that a little gloss and some mascara would be nice, and then grabbed the movies from the shelf.

"Bye mom, I'll be back by 11,"

"Have fun, my mini me. Remember don't do anything I would,"

Rory chuckled and said, "Good night mom. I love you,"

"Love you too honey," Lorelai answered. She would go and bother Luke some more today, like it was different any other day.

To Rory's amazement, she was actually a little nervous. It was either because of Adam or the fact that Tristan was his brother. They had similar physical features and yet their personalities were a completely separate thing. She hoped that Tristan would be out partying so that he wouldn't bother them.

It was a long drive from Stars Hollows to Adam's house, so she put in a C.D. Currently listening to Fall Out Boy. "Sugar We're Goin' Down," She hummed along to the song before fully singing out loud in the jeep.

After about 50 minutes, she arrived at the house. Rory got out of the car and walked up the nice walkway and rang the doorbell.

"Why hello Mary," Tristan smirked when he saw Rory.

"Great, my dreams have been crushed," she said dejectedly. "All I asked for was for one night of peace and this is what I'm rewarded with,"

"Don't be so excited now Mary, nice to see you too. How are you?" he asked attempting to be civil. Ok, he tried. It didn't work.

"Where's Adam?"

"He's upstairs, he'll be down in a minute," answered Tristan, averting his eyes a little. Although he didn't want to show it, they had barely talked and all Rory wanted to know was where Adam was. Was she really that oblivious to what was going on around her?

"Great, I'll wait in the living room?"

"Sure, this way," Tristan leading the way down the elegant dining room into the living room with the huge plasma screen T.V complete with surround sound and everything else possible. "I'll keep you company, because I know you're dying to spend some time with me,"

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart," Rory retorted.

"Why so harsh, but I'll forgive you. You want anything, soda, water, some alcoholic beverage?" he suggested slyly.

"Tristan, go away," she said annoyed. "But since you asked, do you have any coffee? Besides I figured you'd have maids to do that for you,"

"You wouldn't know. But just a heads up, I make a pretty great cup of coffee," said Tristan confidently. Truth be told, he hadn't made a cup of coffee for a long time. And to be honest, he didn't even know where the espresso machine was, but hey it couldn't be that hard.

Rory rolled her eyes. "You can let me be the judge of that,"

"You wanna make a bet Mary?"

"Well, you're going to lose anyways, so why not?"

"A little sure of yourself, now aren't we. You have no faith in me?" Tristan said feigning mock hurt.

"That's right, but if you do manage to make a decent cup of coffee. Not that I'm saying you will, but if you do, well then I figure something out when I taste it," said Rory shocking herself, as she was committing herself to something if Tristan could actually make her beloved elixir of life.

"Let's up it one, say if you genuinely think that it's good cup of coffee, then you have to give me a kiss as a reward,"

"Scyeah right,"

"Come on Mar, what are you afraid of," asked Tristan making sure that she wouldn't back down.

"Nothing," she replied quickly, "But so far, its been all talk and you're not even doing anything. So let's prove yourself Bible Boy, cause I'll be darned if you can actually make a decent cup of coffee." Rory couldn't believe what she was getting herself into, but really what did she have to lose. It wasn't like it mattered. Adam would probably be downstairs by the time Tristan figured out how to work the coffee machine. She would have no idea how wrong she was until she tasted what Tristan had made.

"Watch what you say, you never know," He was amused at how uncomfortable he was making her.

"Whatever," replied Rory, carelessly. "Anyways, how come you're not out at some party?" She really was wondering, since it was a Saturday night and the school year was almost over.

"Cause I wanted to spend time with you," He responded half-playfully, half-truthfully, while searching for the ingredients that he needed.

"Ok, besides the fact that you stayed home so you could annoy the hell out of me, what else?" Rory brushed aside the comment that Tristan said, and just continued with their conversation.

He had to admit, spending time with Rory was way better than getting wasted and waking up not knowing where he was and what he did. "Mary, don't you believe me?"

"Ugh, do you have to be so frustrating?" Rory tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as it was getting in front of her face.

"I try my best," Tristan answered, while mixing everything together. They were in the kitchen and Rory was sitting on the barstool. A small part of her shirt was riding up as she leaned casually over the counter. It revealed a small expanse of her creamy skin. Tristan forced himself to concentrate on what she was saying. It did leave things to the imagination. He had to smile to himself, Rory never tried to be sexy, yet in his eyes she was about as beautiful as anything got. She had dressed quite modestly and in something most dates probably would have never even worn until a couple of dates. "So, Mary here's the cup of coffee,"

He handed it out proudly in his own favorite mug. "Rory," she answered automatically, but this time not as annoyed. "Lets see how Dugrey stays true to his words."

"You'll love it," he replied confidently.

And to her surprise, it was better than a decent cup of coffee, in fact it rated surprisingly close to Luke's coffee. "I must say Tristan, I'm amazed," Rory said despite what she would have to do next.

He grinned lazily and said "See, I told you so," Rory's nerves were acting up. She was supposed to be on a date with Adam, not Tristan. What on earth was happening.

Rory always a keeper of what she said leaned in and pecked Tristan on the cheek quickly. And then she was supposed to stop right away. Instead, her lips lingered there a little longer than she expected. Instead, Tristan smelled really good and he leaned into her also. Instead, she found that was enjoying the kiss more than she should half. After all, it was just a peck on the check right?

Tristan decided to leave it at that and if Rory decided to kiss him more, well who was he to stop her? This night was becoming a night of unexpected twists and turns. She searched for his lips and they met. Her eyes fluttered slightly and the kiss deepened with each second.

Slowly, their tongues tasted each other, while she moaned his name quietly. Dear lord, Tristan thought, did he die and go to heaven? It was like a wonderful dance, where all the steps were up to beat and they weren't missing anything.

Reality check, yup this was all happening. Oh shoot, as much as he had waited for this moment, Adam was his brother and he didn't want to be a cheater. He pulled away from her embrace.

"Rory," he said sadly, "We have to stop, after all you are on a date with Adam,"

Embarrassed, Rory quickly responded, "Oh no, it's my fault, I just got caught up in the moment. It didn't mean anything,"

"Right Mary,"

And as if the timing couldn't have been better, Adam came downstairs. "Hey Rory, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, I'm sure Tristan enjoyed your company," He hadn't realized what he had just interrupted but both of them were glad to get out of that awkwardness.

"I'll see you Monday Mary," Tristan beamed brightly, and made his way up the stairs.

"Right," Rory answered back a little lost for words.

"So what do you say we get this movie night started? I'll get some popcorn and drinks,"

"Alright," replied Rory. Her fingers went to her lips as the sensation of Tristan's warm gentle lips had grazed just seconds before.

This was going to be one strange night for Rory.

Alright, just of the heck of it, I updated and I know that it was probably a bunch of crap, at least there was a lot of Trory interaction. Eh? I hope you guys are happy and I'll hope to update again soon. Now why don't you be a doll and go send a lovely review as it will make me extremely happy.