A/N: Okey dokey then. I've finished this story. For now . What I've decided is that this is going to be the last chapter of the fic, HOWEVER if all of you nice people give me one last review for this story and take the time to tell me your favourite bits, anything you would have liked to seen included and a quick (truthful) rating out of ten, I may be convinced to write a sequel.

Baisically at the moment I have about a million unfinished stories so I'm trying to sort that out, however I do love this story so even though I'm finishing it here I'm thinking of writing a sequel of sorts that focuses on Darla, Dru, Angelus and William.

Anyway, I hope you liked it, and this chapter is the end. Sort of, I didn't know how to end it, so I didn't really, I'm just stopping for a while before I do a sequel. Any ideas for a name of that?

I will also be looking for a beta reader for the new fic (whenever I decide to start it) As I can never be bothered to read my own stories more than once, and even when I do I don't spot my mistakes, so if you'd be interested then please e-mail me.

Anyway, I've finished a story for the first time and the sequel will be on its way when I've got a few of my other stories sorted out (or most likely before then) And just incase you were wondering, no it won't be a plain, boring 'everything has worked out and now we're all happy' fic. Those are just boring. Unless they have lots of violence. And steamy scenes with my two favourite vampires.

On with my last chapter of 'Caged', thanks for reading and please review one last time (or the first time if you've never done so before)


"WILLIAM!" The voice echoed off the walls from the downstairs kitchen all the way up to William's bedroom he'd been living in for the last couple of weeks whilst the older vampires 'tied up loose ends' before their move to England. Which was today, and everyone seemed a little on edge.

"WILLIAM!" He rolled his eyes and tossed his shirt on the bed before walking to the top of ther steps wearing nothing but his leather trousers with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.


"I told you to get everything packed and down here by eight this morning. It's now," Angelus spared a glance at his watch, "Half past ten. In case you hadn't realised we're going today and you should have been ready by now."

"We're going today? Why didn't you mention it before? I don't think the first fifty times were enough."

"Don't start getting cheeky with me Boy, you've got half an hour to be down here and packed or we're leaving without you."

It was an empty threat and they both knew it, it was just the Angelus version of 'Do what I say or I'll beat the crap out of you'. Angelus looked pointedly at his watch again.

"Twenty Eight and a half minutes now." Without waiting for a reply he turned around and started yelling at the minions who were scurrying in a mad rush desperate to please their master. Wankers.

William went back into his room and fell down onto his bed looking at the ceiling. After his first day back everything had changed back to as if they hadn't all been split up for the last century. Dru came back a few days later and to his surprise William had found that he didn't feel as much for her any more.

He still loved her, he always would, but his stage of mad devotion to her had faded away, and she seemed to understand that. At the moment his focus was on Angelus, and despite annoying him on a regular basis, he still tried to spend as much time with him as possible.

Unfortunately Darla seemed to have the same idea of spending time with Angelus as he did and the sire came first, she always did. Not that that meant he wasn't spending any time with Angelus, far from it, he was just... Well he wasn't going to admit he was actually jealous of Darla because that would never happen, but it was getting pretty close to that.

Life was good. He'd admit that. Well maybe not good, but better. And as hard as it was to admit it he still missed the scoobies. He hadn't said anything to Angelus about it and didn't intend to but Drusilla seemed to know, then again she knew most things about people's feelings, normally before they even did.

So, he was back with his family, getting fucked reguarly, though not reguarly enough, by his Sire, still enjoying Drusilla's company and her tea parties and still getting complained at constantly by the older vampires in the house, and getting chained to the wall in the basement for insulting people who couldn't take a joke.

In the end, life was back to normal, he'd found it hard to accept at first, he'd wanted it for so long it was strange now it had happened. It had all been quick, the chip had come out and he had been isntantly accepted back into Sunnydale's vampire community, not that that mattered much seeing as they were leaving soon, but it all meant things were back to normal.


Yeah, life was definitley back to normal.