Disclaimer: I don't own YuYu Hakusho.

Notes: I hope you all had a Happy Halloween!

Vampires Don't Exist

Kristine Summers sat in the back of her dad's red Ford pick-up truck. She was surrounded by furniture, which was being moved to their new house in Hokkaido. She would be sitting up front with her father, Toshiro, but her stepmother Shiori was there. Thus, Kris was stuck in the truck bed with her stepbrother Suichi. Kris was glad to be leaving Tokyo though. She didn't have any friends, and she had never liked their house. The only thing she would miss was Hatari, the ghost of a Feudal Era samurai who lived in their attic. Kris was practically obsessed with the supernatural, but no one believed her. Only Suichi believed any of the things she said, and it was only things about ghosts and demons. Kris had waist-length black hair and unusual blood red eyes. She didn't like going outside, so she was slightly pale compared to most other people. She also had unusually sharp canines. She wore a black t-shirt and black jeans, along with a black leather jacket and dark sunglasses. Suichi, on the other hand, wore a white t-shirt that had 'Fox-Boy' written on the front in red letters and a pair of blue jeans. Toshiro had married Suichi's mother last spring. Kris was glad no one knew that she was related to Suichi Minamino. No one at Meiou High had even known she was there. But she did still have a thing for her new stepbrother. The truck pulled up in front of a huge white mansion with enormous grounds. It was three stories, plus attic and basement. Kris and Suichi jumped out of the truck bed. Suichi helped his father bring things inside, while Shiori went inside to unpack. Kris decided to explore the grounds.

Kris had searched everywhere but the gardens, in the hopes of finding something creepy. Like a corpse or a werewolf. All she had found was a bunch of bats and some cobwebs. Oh, and lots of dust. The sun had just gone down as she reached the gardens. They were beautiful, even if it was dark. She had just about given up by this time too. Kris looked up to see the first star.

"Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight," she easily recited the childish poem. "I know this is childish, but I wish to meet, oh, a vampire, or something. And make it a real one, please." Kris watched the star for a minute, then cracked up. "Yeah, right! Like that wish will come true! Local legends are never true. Too bad, though. I wish I really could meet a vampire. I know they're out there, somewhere." She walked off towards the house.

"Oh crap. Now I'm lost." Kris looked around. She was in the gardens again. It had been nearly an hour, and she had gotten herself lost. "Hey! Is anyone out here?" No response. "Hello?" Still nothing. "I give up." She turned around and ran right into someone. Kris fell backwards and landed hard on her rear. "Ow..."

"I'm sorry Miss." Kris looked up. A young man wearing all black stood before her. His hair was black with white tips, and his eyes were bright crimson. He looked like he hadn't seen the sun for at least a week. He held out his hand and pulled Kris to her feet.

"No, it was my fault. I should've been paying attention to where I was going."

"I don't recall ever seeing you before. Are you new around here?"

"Yeah. My family just moved here from Tokyo."

"I see. What's your name, Miss?"

"Kristine Summers. I prefer to go by Kris. And you are?"

"Erin Karagi. Is Kris what your friends call you?"

"I don't exactly have any friends. Everyone thinks I'm weird."

"Why is that?"

"You'll think I'm a freak too, if I tell you."

"Try me."

"I believe in ghosts, demons, and all that is supernatural."

"And there's something wrong with that?"


"Well, do you believe in the Undead?"

"Of course. My mother was killed by a vampire."

"I'm very sorry. You know, I know a few vampires." Kris looked up.


"Yes. Good friends of mine. Would you like to meet them?"

"I would, but I have to get home. I'm kinda lost."

"The mansion is about thirty feet north of here."

"Thanks." Kris began to walk off, but Erin grabbed her arm.

"Can I see you again?"

"I guess so. Is tomorrow at noon okay?"

"Uh, not really. But midnight is good."

"Okay. I'll meet you here tomorrow night. Maybe you can introduce me to your vampire friends."

"You mean my brothers and sisters? Sure."

"You mean you're a vampire too?"

"Well, yes." Kris grinned.

"Awesome! I'll see you tomorrow night, Erin."

"It's a date." Kris smiled and ran off towards the house.

Kris sat at the table, eating her dinner quietly. Her father was giving her weird looks.

"So," he asked, "How was your day, Kris? Did you make any new friends?"

"Yeah. A guy named Erin. He's a vampire."

"She says with a smile," Suichi whispered. Shiori gave him a look that said 'be nice'.

"Oh?" Shiori was smiling. "Is this Erin boy cute?"

"I guess so. I have a date with him tomorrow night at midnight."

"Midnight? Isn't that a little late?"

"He's a vampire. He can't go out during the day."

"Princess, vampires don't exist." Kris stood up, nearly toppling her chair.

"May I be excused?" Without an answer, she went off to bed.

"You okay?" Kris looked up. Suichi was leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm fine, Kurama."

"Not funny, Kris. And if Toshiro and Shiori find out, they'll send me to the Funny Farm. And they'd probably send you with me."

"I know, I know. It's not like I'd tell them that you're a demon."

"Good. Now, back to my question. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"I highly doubt that." Kurama sat down next to Kris on her bed. "Tell me what's wrong."

"No one believes me."

"That's because you insist that vampires are real."

"They are. And Erin is one of them."

"Kris, I'm a demon. I think I would know if vampires were real."

"They exist! And if you don't believe me, you can come with me tomorrow night."

"Kris, just get some sleep. And stop chasing after these fantasies of yours."

"But one of them lives in my house."

"This place isn't haunted."

"That's not what I meant, Fox-boy."

"I'm not even going to ask." Kurama walked to the door. "Goodnight." As he left, Kris heard him whisper 'Vampires don't exist.'

So, what do you think of the first chapter? I know my Halloween fic is late. I'm sorry. I'll try and finish this one, too. I kinda don't want to leave in hanging until next year. Well, at least I got the first chapter up on Halloween. I started writing it this morning. I know it's kinda crappy, but that's because it was really rushed. Happy Halloween! Oh, and R/R! Ja ne!