Disclaimer: I don't own Wolf's Rain

Chapter 13


Don't worry Soui, the scars will be removed now. This is your destiny'"

Soui picked her head up from a startled dream. She looked around the room, her eyes blinking as the haze lifted from the sleep. Her pups were sleeping in a happy bundle, and Darcia was still beside her. She was still weak from the delivery, but she squirmed away and stood up on all fours. Her pads clicked against the floor and she walked through the open door.

Looking down the hall, she wasn't sure where to go, since she had only found that door by mistake. She trotted slowly, making random turns through the never ending maze of Darcia's keep. There was a feeling pulling her back to the door again, that same feeling as earlier. When she came to the door, she watched them open, just in time to have Jagara crash through the ballroom ceiling with her ship. She whipped her head around, "Too late!"

For a moment Soui wasn't sure what to do, this calling of her destiny might help them. Soui dismissed the idea almost immediately afterwards, her pups worth more than her own life. Her pups, were Tsume and Soui's life.

She skidded down the hallways and ran to the main hall where Darcia was already standing, hair risen on his back, snarling as Jagara climbed out of her ship. She stopped, when she saw Darcia and covered her mouth in shock, "My lord Darcia, what has happened to you?"

Do not dare speak to me you bitch, I have returned to the form I belong in.

Jagara took another step towards him, her arms around her like she wanted to hug him with endearment but Darcia snarled, "My lord, what has this retched bitch done to you!" She pointed at Soui who instantly growled, "You look so frail scarred wolf, how disappointing you won't be at your prime," she drew her sword, "When we offer you to the gate!"

I'm not dying tonight! Soui snarled as she lunged at Jagara

Soui wait! Darcia wiped his head around to watch the wolf he had become so attached to run up to Jagara just to have an army of men appear behind her. Soui skidded to a stop and turned abruptly to the right. The men sank each to one knee firing off the sonar shields. Soui managed to get up on the wall and run against the glass of the windows, jumping over the air ship to smash into one of the shoulders while sinking her teeth into his neck. Darcia took the opportunity to run up at Jagara, Jagara surprised swung the sword but missed him, "My love I don't wish to fight you"

Call me that again bitch and you'll wish you hadn't! He snarled snapping his teeth at the blade.


"Kiba!" Cheza called looking up at the sky, "Look at the sky Kiba," Kiba and the group stopped their running and looked at the sky. The sky was not an ugly black color, and the moon was a bloody red, "It's coming, the time is fast and coming."

"We've got to hurry," Kiba muttered as he looked away from the sky.

"Kiba? What's wrong with the sky?" as Toboe in a panicked voice.

"The end of the world is coming," Tsume growled, "Jagara is going to try and open the gate, using Soui at the alter...I've been having...horrible nightmares about it!"

"Then what the heck are we doing standing around here for?" Hige chirped, "We've got a girl to save!"

"Hey Guys!" Blue called from the hill ahead of them, "I think I've found Darcia's Keep!" The group scrambled up to the top of the hill, and Blue pointed to a castle that seemed to float about the tree tops, "Apparently they already have company," Blue pointed to the smoke that was seeping from the hole in the roof.

"Let's go!" Kiba growled, together the pack took off again.

Soui and Darcia

Soui had managed to take out three guards before one threw her across the room. Darcia turned and called to her, but she managed to get back up on her feet and spit out blood. He nuzzled at her muzzle (Whoa now I just rhymed) and she simply panted. I can't keep this up Darcia, I don't have the strength. I need to get to that room, the one that's calling to me.

Go, I'll hold her off. She shook her head in no, she wouldn't leave him hear to face another five guards and Jagara You're the only one who can open that door, and the only one who might be able to save us. Go, for your children's sake

Be careful Darcia Soui took off down the hallway.

"After her! Don't let our sacrifice escape!" Jagara pointed her sword at the direction Soui went and five soldiers took off after her.

Soui looked over her shoulder as she continued running, eyeing the five soldiers who followed her. She halted at the door and scratched on it until it opened for her. The minute she walked inside, the doors shut. The soldiers began pounding against the door, but the sound of them was drowned out as Soui entered this strange room.

What is this place... She wondered as she walked forward into the darkness

This is your destiny a voice called out.

"Who's here?" she asked growling.

Do not be afraid. I am not your enemy.

"Show yourself to me!" she snarled, her copper and black fur spiking on her back.

Upon command, torches on every pillar of the room ignited to light the room. Ahead of Soui was a large golden alter, and behind it was a tapestry that explained the journey to paradise. What confused Soui the most, was the person who was sitting on the alter, herself.

"What is this? Who are you and why do you look like my human form?" Soui snarled taking a fighting stance

"I don't mean you harm," The look-alike waved, "I am here to help. You're confused, I can tell, allow me to explain," The human Soui jumped down from the alter and walked over to the tapestry, "Do you know why neither of us are drawn on this tapestry?"

"WE aren't part of the legend, I've known that all along."

The human smiled, "That's not true, the fact is, we've been there all along. Do you know what keeps the balance in the world?"

Dark and Light, She growled lightly.

"Correct. But tell me, if there is supposed to be a balance, why is the world outside dying as we speak?" The girl asked running her hand through her blonde hair.

"I...I don't know."

She smiled again, "Well it's because we haven't been around." The wolf looked at the girl in bewilderment, "You still don't understand do you? Tell me, do you know what Hope is?"

"Hope isn't anything real. We can hope an entire lifetime and have nothing."

"Correct," She moved aside a few strands of her hair and pointed to the scar, "Do you know what this scar symbolizes?"

"Darcia marking us so we could remove the horrible memories of Homina?"

Soui shook her head, "That's what he claims, but the lords above us had a different idea. Mother earth gave us this mark. We are Hope."

"I still don't get it. Us...Hope?"

The girl smiled, "Do you remember when you first met Kiba, you were bent on killing him. You wanted to avenge the family you had lost. When you couldn't kill him, deep down, you hoped they'd accept you. You have a balance in yourself wolf; if you had doubts those doubts became real, like every time you were shot or injured. When you had hope, and you fought for something you wanted you were alright. That's why you never died. This is also why the world is crumbling"

"The world's crumbling because of me?"

The girl laughed, "No, you misunderstand, it's not us who failed the world, the humans failed the world. They stopped having hope, and instead became corrupt over their material possessions. Those humans have killed almost all the wolves, there's almost no believers. You've been reborn countless times, just as Kiba and the other destined ones. Unfortunately, this time, it took you far longer to awaken and even be reborn. "

"I...still don't understand"

The girl ran her hand over the scar again, "Hope is what keeps the world in balance, not light and darkness. Light and darkness rely on hope. Hope can be negative, wasting away a life waiting, or can be salvation, hoping for paradise like the wolves. That's why this world is crumbled, the wolves remain hopeful and the humans override with none."

"Why does that explain why we're not on the tapestry?" Soui growled, still not totally buying this.

The girl ran her hand over the tapestry, "But we are. Every seem and every stitch, is made from strings of hope and life. Every stitch of every figure, is filled with hope. We are in everyone, and everyone is a part of us."

"How are you even here?" Soui snarled.

"How would I know, I'm just a messenger," The girl shrugged and smiled, "Maybe your human half came to love Darcia, and your wolf will forever love Tsume. Maybe they thought it was about time to split."

Soui looked down at the floor, trying to see if she could become a human, and she stood up and was human again. "Who are you, really, tell me or I will tear you apart"

The girl ran her hand over the scar, "I told you. I am you. I am the darkness that's in your heart."

Soui braced herself, "If you are the darkness why go so far to tell me all this?"

The darkness smiled, "Everyone should know why they are destined to die," In a flash she was face to face with Soui smashing her fist into her, "The whole world has given up on you, how is it that you can still be living!" The darkness screamed as she kicked Soui across the room.

Soui switched her forms and struggled to her feet, "Stop it. I am still alive, because someone believes in me." Soui thought of Tsume and the others who were running to her aid as she spoke, "As long as someone believes and has hope I am going to live. You on the other will die!" She howled as she lunged and her reflection.

"Die you retched beast!" The reflection screamed as she threw another punch that caused Soui to slam up against the two large doors.

IF you're a part of me, then I will sacrifice YOU on the alter so my friends can reach paradise! Soui declared triumphantly as she leapt up and sunk her teeth into the reflections upper shoulder. Her reflection screamed and threw Soui back into the door, the door cracking down the middle.

Soui rolled away from the door just to have the soldiers thrust into it and break it down. Now Soui had to deal with an alternate form of herself and five soldiers each fully armed with sonars. She was struggling to get up from the ground, she was taking too many hits with not enough retaliation. A soldier walked over to Soui, his armor shifting and clanking with each step. He drew his sonar and she screamed, "TSUME!" Without another sound she was quiet.

Kiba and the others plowed through the front door to find Darcia on top of a dead Darcia. Kiba wasn't sure what surprised him more, the fact that Darcia was a wolf, or that Jagara was dead.

"Darcia..." Kiba clenched his fists as he stared at Darcia's muzzle that dripped with crimson blood, "Where's Soui!"

She went to the door...something was calling her there... Darcia stared at the pack of five and looked at Blue She wolf...you need to aid to her pups...

"Her Pups?" Blue asked amazed

Yes...they're in a protected room. None of the soldiers can find it. You'll be able to track that scent. They need protection.

Blue nodded and took off down the corridor and Tsume looked at Hige, "You go with her too Porkey. She might need your help."

"Right! Good luck you guys," Hige smiled, his laid back manner still got the best of everyone.

Blue and Hige found the room without trouble and pushed open the door. In the corner in a ball was a four (I think I said four last chapter) puppies. Blue shifted, her pads clicking on the floor and she laid down next to them, They are so beautiful Hige.

Yeah, they look just like those two. Hige wagged his tail as he laid down next to his loyal mate. They made something beautiful, I hope they turn out okay...

Cheza looked at Darica, "Take this one to Soui. This one needs to be with Soui."

Darcia nodded and stepped down from Jagara's corpse and walked down the halls. Kiba and Tsume weren't too thrilled about falling Darcia, but if it meant finding Soui they would.

"Why did you become a wolf Darcia," Kiba asked.

"Blame it on Soui...that wolf has changed me...and I've returned to the form most natural to me."

"You talked about a door," Tsume began, "The one Soui went in. What's so important about it?"

"The room has been within this keep for hundreds of years, and no one in my family or any of our guests could ever get it to open. But the minute she stepped in front of it, the door opened."

"The gate...The gate to paradise is inside," Cheza explained, "This one..this one can feel the gate's presence, this one...can feel evil too."

"A few of Jagara's men managed to get by me, they're probably trying to open up the door," Darcia explained as he limped along. As they turned the corner, Darcia stopped in horror at what he saw. The doors were in pieces and blood dripped about, "How did they manage to get inside?"

"From the looks of it...it looks like someone broke it from the inside," Tsume noted, keeping their distance at the corner, "Lets go, Soui needs us."

They all nodded and shifted forms and together the four of them ran into the room. Again, horror came to them as they found the soldiers dead a few feet ahead of them, and Soui standing there, back turned to them.

"SOUI!" Kiba called out.

She turned to face him slowly and smiled, "You're here! You're really here!" Soui ran up to themwith tears in her eyes. She looked to Cheza and Kiba and smiled, "I"m so happy Jagara didn't get to you!"

"This one is fine," Cheza smiled but then frowned, "You...you are injured." Cheza reached out and touched Soui's shoulder.

Soui pulled away almost immediately, "It's okay, it's just a scratch."

Toboe looked up at Soui and frowned, "But Soui..why are there teeth marks on your shirt," Toboe pointed to her red shirt that was torn in a style only teeth would make and not a sword.

"Do not question me you brat!" Soui spat glaring at him, "Let's just get out here!" She trudged to the door and was heading to the left, her pups were of course to the right.

Tsume walked up behind her and grabbed the false Soui by the neck, "Where's Soui" He growled, "I know you're not her."

"Oh, but I am," She replied wickedly as she grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped him over her, he of course in the air flipping back and landing on his feet, "I am everything you fear about her. I am every thought that keeps you up at night, wondering if you'll be next, the next one to fall pray to her and that curse."

"Shut the hell up bitch!" Tsume screamed punching her straight in the face, the reflection skidded back and began to straighten its face, "I may have my doubts, but I know she would never hurt me. I love her, and you are not her! Now where is she?" He roared


The voice was faint, and it was weak. Tsume lifted his head, and looked past the evil reflection's shoulder. There she was, chained to the tapestry by her arms, leaving her dangling. She looked horrible, she held the stench of mixed bloods. As Tsume looked closer, there was something horribly wrong with her, her eyes were brimmed with tears, red tears. Her face, had the same scars and cuts that her reflection did, even her shoulder. "Tsume...please get out of here."

"I'm not going to leave you!" Tsume cried as he ran towards her.

The reflection intervened by standing in the way, "Do you know what will happen if just one tear crosses her eyes?" Tsume stopped and looked at her, "If even one drop of her blood hits that alter below her, the gods will assume she is the sacrifice and take her whole body and soul from this world. Every blow I take, she takes. We are from the same soul. The more you make me bleed, the more she does. The gates of paradise will open if any harm comes to me, but tell me, what will you do when she cannot be in paradise with you?"

"You bitch...you low bitch," Tsume clenched his fists looking at her.

"Tsume! Don't listen to her Tsume! Kill her!" Soui screamed, Tsume looking back at her, "You have to! She'll kill everyone!"

Tsume didn't have time to react as the reflection thrust its fist into Tsume, sending him flying onto the dead corpses.

"What are we going to do Kiba?" Toboe screamed looking over at Soui with so much distress.

Cheza looked at Soui, "This is the prophecy, this is what we feared. This one won't let this happen! This one won't allow it!"

The evil Soui simply laughed, "I have everything I need right here in this room. The white wolf, Kiba, destined to find the road to paradise. Cheza, the flower maiden, the one to show the way. And the sacrifice, the scarred wolf Soui. The others are just worthless," She walked over to Tsume who was struggling to get up, she grabbed him by the neck, "You'd think that if you died, you'd be with her right?" She squeezed his neck harder, "You think that you'll both die here so you won't mind. But you know what, she won't be waiting for you! She cannot enter heaven nor hell! She will completely vanish from any existence. Any existence at all! So tell me," She squeezed him and he gasped for air, "What will you do now! What will you do now Tsume? How does it feel, to look into your lovers eyes and know she's the one killing you?"

His eyes began to close and tears fell from them Soui...

"STOP IT!" She screamed from her chains, "STOP IT PLEASE! I DON'T CARE IF I HAVE TO DIE," she trembled from her spot on the tapestry, "I...don't care...but please, PLEASE DON"T KILL TSUME!"

The reflection dropped Tsume and turned around, "Eh? You're willing to die, and open the door for these mongrels and myself, the darkness, just to save him? You're willing to let these wolves make a world of hell with me just for him, isn't that selfish?"

Kiba, Darcia, and Toboe all lunged at her, but she simply snapped her finger and a barrier from the circle enclosed around them, "Did you find me so foolish not to be prepared?" The three began to bark and snarl crying desperately at the site they knew they would witness.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Soui screamed again, struggling with her chains.

Cheza was the only one who was still standing, being blind she could only guess the exact location of the dark Soui. She could hear the pure Soui, she could hear the pain in her heart. Cheza dropped to her knees and began to pray, chanting words that no one understood.

The dark Soui just laughed, "And this was the cavalry that believes in you so much? How weak are they, your husband lay near death on the floor, your friends and family trapped in a simple shield, and your maiden praying for her protection? Where is the hope now wolf? Where is it now!"

It's right here! Blue snarled as she sank her teeth into the back of the reflections neck. Both the dark and the real Soui screamed, and the one of the tapestry fell limp for a moment, in shock of her pain. Blue didn't understand what was going on, and she grabbed the evil Soui and held her on the floor, hesitating for a moment and that was just enough time for the dark one to twist her hand in Blue's organs and enough time for Hige to stomp on the reflection's ribs. HIge stop! We're hurting Soui!

"Blue...Hige...you have to kill her...you have to her..."

"No! We can't do that! It will kill you!" Blue snarled.

"If I die...she will die," Soui chocked as blood dribbled from her mouth down her neck, "If...she dies...she cannot harm paradise...and you...and everyone...can make...a new life for us...the life we all worked so hard for...Please. Please Blue, kill her...kill me!"

Are you nuts? There has to be another way! Hige screamed as he dodged a punch from the reflection.

Cheza continued her chanting until she opened her eyes, instead of their piercing violet red color they were white and she was encased in the same white light. She rose to her feet and turned to the tortured Soui, with a flip of her wrist the chains broke. Soui managed to miss the alter and stare at Cheza, "This one will not allow this fate. This one will help, this one believes in you." Cheza fell unconscious almost instantly after her speech.

"CHEZA!" Kiba screamed from the cage.

Soui forced herself off the ground to see Hige and Blue be thrown into the walls in pain. She couldn't move, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Cheza was unconscious, Blue and Hige were covered in battle wounds, Tsume wasn't moving, and Tsume, Kiba, and Darcia were trapped. "This is all your fault...it's all your fault..."

The dark Soui turned around and smiled, "My fault? It's your fault."

"What?" She gasped.

"I was made by you. I am everything you ever feared; the fear from keeping your secret from Kiba, the fear of your children, the fear of losing these wolves, the fear of Jagara, the fear of what would come tomorrow, you made me. There is no one to blame. There's no curse anymore to blame. You can't blame the gods either. Everything was based on the decisions you made. And for it, your loved ones are paying the price," She laughed wickedly.

Soui clenched her fists and walked past the alter, walking over to the cage. Her hand touched the barrier, and sparks shocked through it and burnt her hand. She winced but continued even as Kiba told her not to. "I will not let you...be harmed for my mistake," She replied in pain as her arm sank deeper through the barrier.

"What are you doing!" The evil Soui growled as she began walking over to her, "You honestly think you will survive this?" She asked as she held herself in pain. That's when Soui realized the pain traveled both ways, as the good Soui received the bad Soui's pain, it worked the other way.

"Soui stop it this instant!" Darcia commanded.

Soui closed an eye from the pain, "Just believe in me," She smiled, "If you believe in me, it's going to be alright."

Darcia and the other two stared at her with their doubt, but as she managed to get half her body through the closed their eyes and tried their hardest to believe in her. She had done so much that was unbelievable and made so many sacrifices.

"Almost there..." She told them as it became easier to get through. She let out a scream of pain as she fell inside the barrier.

"What will this do!" The Evil Soui screamed pounding her fist against the barrier, "This won't save you!" She snapped her finger the barrier disappeared. The darkness figured Soui was trying to protect herself, and after her act was done realized it was a trap. The three wolves pinned her to the ground each snapping at her neck.

"No...this one is mine..." Soui beckoned to them, and the three backed away as she walked over.

"What are you doing?" The evil Soui asked struggling to even sit up, "If you kill me. You'll die too."

Tsume groaned at his spot on the ground and sat up rubbing his neck, "I feel like I got lassoed by a cowboy. Where the hell did that bitch go." Tsume turned to his left towards the alter and almost didn't believe what he saw. There was Soui, bloody and nearly in pieces in her wolf form, snarling and baring her teeth. Saliva mixed with blood dripped from her mouth as Soui stared down at her evil counterpart. "Soui..."

Sorry Tsume...but this I gotta do... Soui picked up her evil counterpart. The darkness was too in shock, too afraid because she had been too beaten to resist. Soui dragged her over Cheza, not meaning to as Cheza rolled down the four steps that led to the alter. Soui picked up her counterpart with her human hands and together they stood at the alter, "You wanted me to be offered," she grabbed the darkness's hand, " Then so be it!" Together at the same time she slammed both her own hand and the darkness's hand onto the alter, smearing their blood together.

"What have you done?" The Darkness screamed as they began to glow a golden yellow, and soon it began to engulf them at their feet. Hige and Blue stood up and ran to Kiba, Toboe, and Darcia's side, utterly confused on what was going on.

Soui's head remained drooped but there was a smirk on her face, "For this sacrifice to be pure, it needed the whole body. The light and the dark. They still believe in me, I am both the good and the evil of hope. Now paradise will open," Her hair was lifted off her shoulders by the golden light, " And they will live in a paradise that can truly be one. This is their Utopia, and I am happy to know I created it."

"SOUI!" Tsume got up off the ground and began to run towards her, "Soui don't go damn it! I'm not going to let you leave me again!" Tsume ran up to her and grabbed one of her golden hands as the bottom of her began to disappear. "SOUI!"

Soui looked up at him and smiled with tears in her eyes, "I know this isn't fair to you, but one day you'll understand why I did it. Tsume take good care of our children. Help them to grow up strong like you. I did this for us, and for the family we made together Tsume." She smiled and ran her hand along his face, "I love you Tsume."

"Soui..." he begged as she disappeared completely, "No..." He watched as the alter began to absorb that golden light. Tsume looked around and found part of Soui's chains on the floor, the edges jagged and sharp from the way Cheza had freed her.



He screamed as he was pushed even more back, the heels of his boots digging into the concrete. Cheza's body was pushed away and Kiba caught her in the air. "LISTEN TO ME! WE ALL HAVE TO HOPE TOGETHER! YOU DAMN IDIOTS! YOU BETTER BE LISTENING TO ME, I WILL KILL EVERY WOLF IN THIS ROOM, THEN THERE WILL BE NO ONE LEFT TO GET INTO PARADISE! ALL SHE EVER WANTED WAS HER FAMILY, THOSE PUPS THAT ARE WAITING FOR THEIR MOTHER IN THE OTHER ROOM. WE ALL SHOULD HOPE TOGETHER, WE SHOULD ALL SHARE THE BURDENING OF KEEPING OUR WORLD SAFE! GIVE HER BACK TO ME!" he was being pushed even farther back, but he was still pushing towards the alter as the tapestry began to disappear. Where the tapestry once stood was now two huge doors with wolves drawn on it. "I DON'T WANT PARADISE, I WANT SOUI!"

"I don't want paradise either!" Toboe screamed. Tsume turned around to see Toboe making his way up the stairs, "I don't want this paradise if Soui can't be in it!" He forced his way up, using his arm as a shield until he grabbed onto Tsume and pushed him forward and they both began to glow together, "Give her back to us!"

The room around was beginning to crumble and Hige looked to Blue, who was already staring at her, "You know, there's a chance we're gonna die in this room," he told her gently.

She smiled and took his hand, "Then let us fight for something we both believe in."

"Yeah, Paradise would be a bore without her," Hige winked as they made her way up the stairs.

Tsume turned to his right as he felt Hige's hand grab his shoulder, "You know we wouldn't let you have all the glory right?" Hige grinned and so did Tsume.

Blue glared at the doors covered in carvings, the carvings were slowly beginning to fill in with the golden glow, as if the gold was filling a molding, "You listen to me! She's done everything her entire life to repent for things she never did! She only wanted to protect us!"

"Yeah! I may not have gotten so close to her," Hige screamed, "And I might have been a little scared of her at first," he pushed the four of them forward, "But that doesn't mean I want this for her! I want the best for her! I want to see Soui with Tsume! I want them to be happy like Blue and me!"

The wind began to pick up in the room from the door and Darcia watched them loose ground quickly, their heels balancing on the top step. " I wanted Homina, I wanted all the bad memories of her to go away. I wanted to see nothing but the joy," Darcia dropped his head, "I see now from her, that I was meant to have those memories," He began the journey up the stairs, "She had horrible memories. But she kept hers. She learned from her memories, and from it made a new life and new happiness. I won't let you steal away the glow that was in her eyes!" Darcia found himself next to Tsume bringing them ahead a few steps, "LET HER GO!"

Kiba and the unconscious Cheza were the only ones left. There Kiba was, staring at the gates to paradise. This was what he had wanted, what he had felt so compelled to search for all these years. After all that, it had finally paid off. It was right here, right here in front of him waiting. Cheza was right here too, right here ready for him to take her in. Yet there they were, fighting it away, they glowed with the same golden light that took Soui away. Why were they trying to disappear too? Those were the same friends who had traveled, and shared every pain with him, they were trying to push it all away. They didn't want it, if it meant losing Soui.

He stood there, unable to move.



"Don't make me look into your mind again"


"It's those memories, and those experiences that helped to make you into the wolf that you are right now before me. I don't want to steal those away from you. I know you want someone to relate, but we aren't supposed to understand each other one hundred percent like that. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I do. Will you ever let me look into your mind?"

"Maybe one-day, when I begin to handle all the things I've seen."

Her words...those words...echoed in his mind.


"Soui, is that you Soui? Where are you?" Kiba called out to her.

"I'm inside of you. I am inside of everyone, that's how hope works brother. Do you remember that day. The day I promised you could see into my mind one day?"

"Yes, I remember that day."

"Well today is that day. Today, you can see what really goes on in me."

There was a white light that blinded Kiba. When he opened his eyes back up again her was in a huge green meadow of lunar flowers. He sat up and rubbed his head, "Where am I?"

"Welcome my brother," Soui smiled, "About time you woke up sleepy head."

"Soui...how long have I been asleep?" He asked rubbing his head again.

"I do not know. There is no measure of time in here," She smiled and spun around in the field, "There is no limit of time, because then I will not have to say goodbye."

"Goodbye?" He stood up and walked over to her, "Goodbye to who?"

"To them," Soui pointed. Suddenly they were on the top of a hanging cliff. Below them was a waterfall and a lake and drinking from it was a pack of wolves.

Kiba's eyes widened, "But that's..."

"That's us," She told him kindly. It was true, Cheza, Kiba, Soui, Tsume, Toboe, Blue, Hige, Darcia, and a few unnamed pups were drinking from the lake peacefully, "This is my mind. We're in the paradise that I imagined."

"But..." he lifted up his head and saw dark storm clouds in the distance, "If this is paradise, why is there that darkness at the horizon."

"Maybe paradise wasn't the right word," She told him gently, her hair drifting past her shoulders from the light breeze, "This is my dream Kiba. This is what I want. I want us all to be happy. Those clouds, are all the dark memories that I'm always running away from. I know one day they're going to come, and rain on our parade. But I'm the only one who's going to get struck by the lightning."

"Why?" Kiba asked confused.

"Because I accept it. This is the debt I am given," She told him as she sat down on the ground.

"What are you talking about? What debt must you pay?" He asked sitting down beside her.

"Kiba...you know we are all reborn again and again. We usually don't remember our past lives...but I...I was a very bad wolf in my last life..."

Suddenly, again the scenery changed and they were lost in the middle of a land of fire. Kiba began to become afraid, fire a natural enemy. Soui took his hand and led him through the flames, "If my old life, I was a crazy wolf. My power was limitless, and instead of helping, I killed," Her foot crunched on the skull of a wolf, "I killed thousands of wolves Kiba, I thought I was unbeatable. Then one day, I challenged the gods."

Soui stopped and pointed as the story was played out before them. Her fur was completely black and so were her eyes. She was barking at the sky and the land around her began to burn. It burned and the wolf realized it was trapped, and just like that, lightning struck, and nothing was left.

"To repent for my sins Kiba, they decided to make me bare the pain of all the wolves I killed, by being the one to die for them. I never told you, but I could hear the tears, I could hear the pains of all the wolves who tried to have hope. I could hear their wishes, I could hear the fears. There was nothing I could do. It was my punishment."

"What does this all mean?" Kiba asked as they now floated in a world of white.

"It means I accept my fate Kiba. I finally remembered why I had to do this. I remembered when I placed both of my hands on the alter. It reunited my evil with myself, the evil that carried all the memories of my past life. Kiba, instead of killing, I am caring. This is my gift to you, for you to go to paradise."

"What's wrong Cheza?" Kiba asked gently

"That one..." Cheza pointed at Soui "That one holds many mysteries...that one...hides mysteries"

"What are you talking about Cheza?" Kiba asked her curiously

"That one hides her past...that one...is protecting everyone...but...that one cries all the time..."

"Soui hasn't cried in a long time Cheza. Actually...she's been avoiding me,"

"That one is afraid...afraid of hurt...that one...will die."

Kiba looked at Soui. No...she can't "Don't we all die Cheza?"

"That one...feels the pain...she feels darkness's pain..."

"Darcia?" Kiba asked still confused. Cheza nodded "Why is it her?"

"That one was chosen...as you are chosen...that one...will cry...and cry..." Cheza looked blindly and tears fell from her eyes "Can't you hear...hear that one crying...Ah Kiba...can you hear?"

Kiba looked at Cheza still perplexed, and then looked at Soui who was down and playing, she at that moment being hit in the face with a snowball. Kiba closed his eyes, and tried to concentrate "I don't hear anything Cheza...I can't hear anything but their laughter"

"Ah...Kiba...that one hides it...hides beneath smiles..."

"How...how is Soui going to die...?"

"That one will die...smiling..." Cheza took Kiba's hand again "Maybe one day...Kiba...that one will tell her story..."

"What story, what are you talking about?" Kiba needed to know more, was Soui in danger?

"Ah Kiba...in good time...this one shall not tell...that one must tell or all is failed"

Kiba growled frustrated and rubbed his hands against his eyes "Why is she crying...why can't I hear it?"

"In good time Kiba..."

Kiba clenched his fists and looked away, "Did Cheza know, did Cheza know all along?"

Soui nodded her head, "She is the flower maiden, she always knew, before she even understood."

Kiba started to cry, "Did you know? Did you know this was going to happen?"

Soui shook her head, "No. I didn't know it would actually happen this way. I didn't remember my past until just now, I'm sorry Kiba."

Kiba lifted his head and looked at her, "Why do you have to die? Why? I finally found you sister, I finally understand you sister! Why must you be the only one to pay for your mistakes while the rest of us run free with sinful hearts!" he drooped his head, "Why is it...why are you the only one who has to protect us...why must you feel all the pain...why is it...you have to cry forever and no one else."

Soui smiled as she rested her hand on the side of her brother's face, "Brother, look at me," he looked up at her amber eyes and waited, "I'm not scared to die anymore. It's going to be okay brother. You are going to paradise, I helped make your dream come true," she wrapped her arms around her brother and held him tight, "It's okay Kiba...it's going to be okay..."

Kiba opened his eyes and he was back in the crumbling chamber. He looked up and watched his friends struggle against the light that was trying to push them away so the doors could open. He opened his mouth to speak, but looked down as he heard a small sigh come from Cheza's voice.

"Cheza..." he looked down at her.

"Ah Kiba...you made a promise...that we'd all go to paradise Kiba...Is Soui...part of that all? Is she...part of the everyone, Kiba?"

Kiba looked down at her for a moment, this mental bond of seriousness between them. He slid her from his arms so she was on her feet and took her hand, "Let's get her back," Together the two of them jumped with the crowd, and Kiba squirmed until he made his way to the front and stood beside Tsume, "You heard me? Let's get her back!"

"About time you started acting like a leader," Tsume smirked as he shaded himself from the golden glow.

Kiba looked at the gate that was inching its way open, "I promised myself, years ago, I'd make it to paradise. I met my pack, and I changed that promise, and said we'd all make it to paradise. We're not going without Soui." He screamed as his hair began to glow golden with the rest of the wolves. Cheza was calling to the door, begging it to stop. Kiba mustered whatever strength was in him and let out one final desperate scream, "BRING HER BACK!"

Suddenly the gates stopped, and so did the glow. Everyone stopped as well, no one breathed. It was as if a still silence had swept across the world and even time had stopped to see the conclusion. The doors were still opened ajar, but nothing was happening. The group stood straight, and strained their hearing as they began to hear something. It was soft, faint, but slowly was growing louder. It was the sound of footsteps. The pack waited until finally a golden glow appeared at the door and slipped through until she stood at the gap where the two doors met.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you guys," She smiled as the golden light faded. There she was, standing in a long white gown, her hair now down to the small of her back. Soui smiled and extended her hands to Tsume and Kiba who stood at the front, "Let's go!"

"Go where?" Tsume asked weakly. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming and this was all going to disappear the second he reached for her.

"We're going to paradise Tsume," she smiled lightly, "What? We've all worked so hard for it and now you can't walk? Come on Tsume, it's only a few steps away."

"Are you...coming with us?" Kiba asked gently.

Soui nodded her head and chuckled, "The gods say we are all far too strong willed for our own good. If you guys didn't get into paradise the wolves wouldn't have much of a future."

"What about the pups?" Blue asked turning back to the door that seemed miles away now.

"They are inside waiting for us," Soui smiled, "They are part of the paradise I dreamed for. The last wish I had in my heart before I disappeared was for everyone to be safe. The lords found the only safe place for infant puppies would be with their mother. Now lets go!" Darcia looked up at her, and took one step down the stairs and she pouted, "Now where do you think you're going?"

"I do not belong in a joyous place after all the horrible deeds I have done," he bowed his head in shame.

"Darcia!" She told him with a slight frustration in her voice, "Darcia paradise will let you in. The evil is been rid of from your heart. Besides, if they're going to let a scarred wolf like me in, why not you?" She smirked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. He looked up at her, doubt still in his eyes, "Come on Darcia, have some faith in me."

The glow in her eyes made him smile, the glow he wished would never be taken away. He took his rightful place with his new pack and smiled.

"It seems as though you gained back your role as the leader," Tsume smirked as he remembered the day she ruled her own pack.

She turned back and stuck out her tongue, "I'm not an alpha silly, this pack doesn't work that way. It's like a game of follow the leader. If someone knows the way, they'll lead, until it's time for the others to take over. Come on," Soui took a step through the door, and everyone followed.

As long as we stick together, we won't ever be lost again.

A "Time" Later on In Paradise

"Soui!" Toboe called to her in a whine. Her ears perked and she lifted up her muzzle and yawned to the happy sky. "Soui!" He called again

"What is it Toboe?" She asked as she scratched at her muzzle.

"Kaze and Akira won't stop biting on my ears!" He moaned as he trotted up to her, two little puppies jumping around at his feet.

"Big brother Toboe let us play with you some more!" They both cheered in unison.

Toboe sighed, "Do something!"

Soui simply laughed and nuzzled the two pups that slumbered beside her, "Hey Rei, Larka, wake up."

The two pups beneath her, one white and the other gray like their father squirmed and yawned, "Good morning Mama."

She smiled and licked at them as they squirmed and laughed, "Why don't you go play with your brother and sister and give big brother Toboe a break okay."

"Toboe Toboe will you play with us later?" Little Larka and Rei begged.

Toboe smiled, "Of course I will. Right now, I want to be with mom."

"Wah? Big brother Toboe needs to be with Mommy? Ha ha you're not so big and brave after all!" Rei stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail, "Let's go before he asks mom to sing for him." The four pups laughed and trotted off down towards the valley of lunar flowers.

Toboe sighed and thumped to the ground beside Soui. Soui nuzzled him gently as he rested his head on the ground, "They are so full of energy," He moaned between two yawns.

"Oh you were the same way when I first met you," She insisted as she pulled on his ear, "They are like you in so many ways."

"Really? Man I must've been annoying."

"Yeah, you were Squirt," Tsume answered for Soui as he trotted over to them. He licked his mate lovingly and laid down beside her, resting his head in the arch of her neck and warm fur.

"Did you have fun hunting with the others?" Soui asked him gently.

"Yeah, but Blue and Hige have been acting very strange lately, they've been whispering and disappearing from time to time," Tsume replied, "Weird couple." Soui simply chuckled and continued laughing so much Tsume looked at her with bewilderment. "What's so funny?"

"They're just like us Tsume. We just happened to move a lot faster than them," She kissed his muzzle and it made him blush when he realized what she was talking about, "Don't be embarrassed, I just realized very early on that you were the one I was mean to love and be with."

Tsume's expression softened and he nuzzled her gently, "Soui..."

"Hey we're back!" Kiba called as his head appeared at the top of the hill, Cheza right behind him with a happy face.

"Hey! Did you have fun brother?" Soui asked wagging her tail.

"Yes. Cheza picked some flowers while the rest of us hunted," Kiba joined the pile and tugged on his sister's ear, "When will you come back to hunting with us sister?"

"When I know my children are ready to practice," She looked at her kin who were at the bottom of the hill fondly, "Mostly Tsume and I have been letting them practice. I think tomorrow they'll be ready to go and hunt some real game with us."

"Wow, you have a lot faith in them," Kiba replied tugging on her ear still.

"Of course I do, I have faith in everyone," She smiled humbly, "Where is Darcia?"

"See for yourself," Kiba nodded his head back at the bottom of the hill. Soui looked down just in time to see her children scream Uncle Darcia and tackle him to the ground. All four began to tease and nibble at him, their tails wagging back and forth rapidly.

Soui smiled and looked up at the sky, "This was it."

"What was it?" Tsume asked quietly.

"This was the paradise I had always dreamed for."

"What will you dream for now?" Tsume asked her gently.

"Nothing. I am here with you and everyone I love. Even if an evil is to come..."

"As long as we are together..." Tsume began.

"Well overcome any obstacle this world gives us..." Kiba finished staring at the kids.

"We will make the best of this world, no matter the length is lasts. And together, we will make the brightest future, for us, and for our children," Soui finished as she closed her eyes, "Now at last, I can rest easy."

Everyone took in the moment of solitude as Soui began to sleep. They all remained silent and stared at her fondly. They looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief as they too curled up to sleep. As the group on the hill drifted off into their sleep, no one noticed but the children that Soui's scar had started to glow. The children asked each other what it could be, shining like a star at the top of the hill, and almost instantly disappeared right after. Darcia simply smiled and told them that a burden had been lifted.

"What burden is that Uncle Darcia?" Kaze asked gently.

"The world can survive on its own now, it no longer needs her to cry."

"Uncle Darcia...why is Momma crying?" Kaze asked, worried for his mother's sake.

"She's happy Kaze. Her scar is no longer needed, and today the evil finally disappeared," Soui at the top of the hill lifted up her head and looked down at Darcia.

She stared at him for a moment, and he bowed his head to her solemnly, "She finally knows that no matter where she goes...there will always be someone to follow her. Even if she travels to the ends of the earth, she won't even have to look back to know if there's a line of loved ones following. The wolves are sleeping on the hill, they don't dream of paradise, they dream of what we have today."

Soui smiled and wagged her tail at Darcia and then rested her head again, "Did you know that Hope saved me kids?" Darcia looked down at them.

"How did Hope save you?" Akira asked gently, wagging her tail.

"She did something no one else would do."

"What was that?" Akira asked eagerly.

"She believed in me. She believed when no one else could. When we were weak, she cried for us, and when we felt the end was near, she gave up her life for us."

"Mommy died for you?" Kei asked frightened.

Darcia nodded, "But we brought her back. We weren't going to let her run away."

"Was Mommy really trying to run away?" Kei asked confused.

Darcia laid down on the grass with them and smiled, "I doubt it. She probably just got lost in the darkness," the children laughed thinking about their mother being lost in the woods, "You all remember this. If you ever get lost, you will be found."

"Who's going to find us?" Larka asked.

"She will," He pointed his nose up to where Soui was, "At one point, every single one of us was lost. But Soui found us, and she brought us to Paradise."

"Oh Uncle Kiba told us the legend of paradise!" Larka wagged her tail, "But Kiba never did tell us how the doors opened, he never finished!"

Darcia smiled and licked her forehead, "I'll tell you if you want child. But that, is a long story. But it started with an amber colored she-wolf. She was the alpha of her pack, and she was destined to do great things."
