Chapter Three: Revelations

Hiei sat alone in the tree he was resting in, wondering about what Hotaru had said about his Jagan Eye possibly mutating to fit his genetic structure. He normally would have just passed it off as unimportant, but Hotaru did have a point that humans were incredibly smart when it came to science, whether it is technological, medical, or even genetics, humans were genius in the field, having wiped out thousands of diseases. He couldn't understand though why he had stood up for her that day.

'Maybe because she is also a Forbidden Child of sorts, her fellow Outer's seem to exile her because of her powers. Because she is Saturnian, one of the strongest races to ever of existed. She is like me, we were both outcasts, but has been accepted into a group. My probation with Spirit World is up, but I have changed. What is it about her that makes her stay in my mind?' thought Hiei to himself.


Elsewhere Hotaru sat on her bed in the Outer's house or rather mansion. The only reason she even lived there was because her father had been killed in a car accident and because she was an Outer as well. But she was the most feared and despised of the Outers by the outers. She remembered her previous life as Saturn, she had single handily destroyed youma, and she fought the possessed Erica a.k.a. Sailor Gaia. She had been the sister to Endymion of Earth, she had been possessed by a truly evil demon from the Mekai a.k.a. Nether World. She had however not been able to destroy the demon as it esc aped back into the Nether World. It had been strong enough to survive against her in a full out battle and escape. She didn't know what had become of the demon, but Gaia had been fatally wounded, causing the Outer's, minus one, to fear and despise her, while causing the Inner's to sympathize with her for having to destroy an inner, upsetting the balance between the Inner's and Outer's, so one Outer was moved to the Inner's. If there was one thing about the Inner's it was that they were not to be trusted, except for two.

'Erica, I miss you, I wish you could have been reborn with the rest of us. Then maybe, just maybe you could bring the balance back. You were always the one to mediate the fights between the Inner and Outer's, along with the times the Outer's were at each other's throats. But I see now why you have done what you have, you were the one that received the gift, a vision of what the future would hold. I wonder what you saw to allow yourself to take on so much responsibility?' wondered Hotaru.

/"Hotaru I will tell you what I saw.... I saw this exact future, without me, I attempted to try and change it, to make myself present in it, but it was not to be. Then I saw the most startling thing of all, two Inner's will reveal their true colors. One Inner shall abandon the Inner's, while another shall be thrown out of the Inner's and not be accepted into the Outer's, becoming a neutral, like yourself. Serenity shall go to the neutrals for protection, seeing as how they have kept following their hearts all their lives. Hotaru, I also saw strangers, one with markings across his body, with whitish yellow hair, another with red hair becoming silverish white, then one with jet black hair in flames, while the last shall have icy blue hair, but a pure and kind soul visible for all to see. My time is up now, use this information wisely and know that Queen Selentiy and Queen Eclipse send their love and comfort, I am truly at peace where I am at..../"

'Erica, thank you,' said Hotaru to herself and to Erica at the same time as her thoughts drifted to Hiei, causing her to blush and fall right to sleep dreaming of him in an inappropriate way.


Kurama in his Spirit Fox form ran through the night, reveling in the feeling of the wind running through his fur. He yearned for the one thing that was being denied to him, because of his oath to Yusuke and Yusuke himself who was by far stronger than him. He knew this feeling he had, as it was the same feeling that he had for another girl at one point, but she had turned out to be taken, crushing his spirits and heart. However he knew that Raye wasn't taken and that she felt the same for him.

"Hello there, little fellow, are you lost?" asked Trista as Kurama realized that he had been running in circles.

Stepping back, he showed his teeth to her in a snarl, hoping to cause her to back off. But she didn't as she came even closer.

"Its okay little guy, I won't hurt you," said Trista, but Kurama was no fool, she may not know who he was at the moment, but he knew she would know if she got a good look at him in some light.

"Excuse me ma'am, have you seen my pet anywhere, my mother decided to try and dye his fur. He's a little red fox, with patches of silver on his body and tail," said the boy.

"I'm sorry young man, I haven't seen a fox like that anywhere. Perhaps you could check by the pond, there are lots of animals there, maybe your pet went there," said Trista as Kurama took this as his chance to escape. Quickly making his way to the pond he hid in some under brush until the boy was in sight and Trista was nowhere to be seen.

"Jeez, that lady sure was mean, she was a bit snobby too. Wouldn't you say so Kurama?" asked the boy as Kurama came out of hiding and transformed back into his human body.

"Rinku of Team Rokuyukai, I thank you for helping me get away from her. She is rather upset with me, because I won't go out with her or rather I never will," said Kurama.

"I figured as much, so what's ya been up to and why are you on this side of Tokyo?" asked Rinku as Chuu came stumbling out of the bushes.

"You know mate, that woman is even crazier than that bloke you fought at the Dark Tournament," said Chuu.

"Yes, I am inclined to agree, now exactly what are you doing here?" asked Kurama curiously.

"Well we're working for Koenma now, seeing as how it got boring in the Makai. We've been assigned to your team as a couple of new members for Team Urameshi. So who's the lucky gal that you're fixated on?" asked Chuu.

"Lord Yusuke's twin sister, she has just recently awakened her youki and her demon form. Lord Yusuke wishes for her to master her form, before he will even allow the trials to begin. I'll wait, but until I claim her twice, I'll have to deal with that woman," said Kurama.

"Aw come on now Fox, it ain't that bad, is it? Besides, Urameshi would beat her to the ground, he would, before he let her go between you and his sister," said Jin as he appeared from the sky.

"Aw Jin, how nice to see you again, I take it you and Touya are also apart of Team Urameshi now?" asked Kurama.

"Yes we are, we thought it would be better if we allied ourselves with friends. Besides you, Hiei, and Urameshi placed among the top three in the last tournament, you didn't stick around long enough to hear the results. It was a tournament going by points; you and the fire demon made top points for brutality, torturing, creativeness, and just plain cruelty. Urameshi, made top points for injuries, brutality, creativeness, intimidation, and just plain old-fashioned results. He made sure that everyone of his opponents would not be in any condition to fight in the next tournament," said Touya.

"Really now, Yusuke made sure they would be in worse condition than the Triad?" asked Kurama.

"Urameshi was the one that messed up the Triad!?" exclaimed Chuu.

"Yes, he and the fool Kuwabara, mainly Yusuke though, he was able to fight Toguro longest at twenty percent before he went to the Dark Tournament," said Kurama.

"Man and here I thought Urameshi was strong when we fought, he survived against Toguro at twenty percent? Now exactly what happened to the buffoon with the loud mouth and face not even a mother could love?" asked Jin making everyone laugh.

"He is in the area Yusuke and I, along with Hiei used to protect. He and Lord Yusuke's fiancée betrayed him and went behind his back a few times. He had a death promise on them, but he removed it seeing as how an A class demon could defeat Kuwabara. The two of them are now mates and as the humans say husband and wife," said Kurama.

"So the girl Urameshi was with double crossed him. Not even a demon goes that low, now you know why most of them hate humans," said Chuu.

"Yes, now I must be going, I have to find a place to hide, while the potion that woman put in the tea wears off," said Kurama as he left into the darkness.


Yusuke sat in the room with his sister listening to her tell him what she knew of their culture. He'd interrupt now and then to correct her or compliment her on her knowledge.

"Sigh I'm not that boring am I Yusuke?" asked Raye.

"No, your not boring Raye, its just I have a lot on my mind right now. I'm worried, there really was ever only one demon that escaped from me with his life, Yakumo. I haven't had time wonder about that aftermath of that battle. It was one of the hardest I've ever fought and I barely escaped with my life," said Yusuke.

"I know, there are plenty of battles the scouts and I have been in, that we've barely escaped with our lives. In the final battle against Beryl our spirits were temporarily separated from our bodies, like astral projection or something. That's really the only time you can count us dying in battle and even then you really can't count it. Yusuke when I went home today after school, there was a scout meeting. The Inner's kicked me out and the Outer's felt that I was a traitor, so they wouldn't let me join them. The only other who left the Inner's was Lita, she was allowed to join the Outer's, but like she refused and became a neutral like me and Hotaru," said Raye breaking down crying as Yusuke hugged her and held her close.

"If I see them again, I'll be sure to kill them, but why would Amy and Mina do that to you? I thought they were your friends," said Yusuke.

"Thank you Yusuke, but can you please allow the trials to begin?" asked Raye.

"They began the day you awakened your demon form. You see for a Silver Kitsune, Kurama has shown quite a lot of resistance in not challenging me out right for claim over you as his mate a.k.a. wife. The test is to see how long Kurama can resist temptation, if he can last until tomorrow at noon, then he'll have passed my test. Normally he would have challenged me right then and there, then I would have beaten his sorry ass into the ground. Besides I want my sister to be happy and if you marrying Kurama will make you happy then so be it," said Yusuke.

"Yusuke, your so mean to him, why not just tell him?" asked Raye.

"Then where would the fun in watching him squirm be at? I rarely get to see that fox squirm like this or at all. This is a once and a lifetime opportunity, besides this way he has time to get his priorities straightened out," said Yusuke.

"You are mean Yusuke, your reveling in the fact that you finally have Kurama wrapped around your finger, even for a little bit," said Raye.

"You know me too well already sis, I'll tell him as soon as the time limit is up," said Yusuke as he threw the pillow in his sister's face.


The following day at the Hiwikawa Shrine, Serena looked at the four factions before her. There was the Inner's a group she had been with since the beginning, the Outer's which she was always welcomed with, the Neutral's which neither the Outer's nor the Inner's liked, then there was the Reikai Tantei a.k.a. Spirit Detective's a.k.a. Team Urameshi. The members from each group were simple. The Inner's consisted of Amy Mizuno and Mina Aino a.k.a. Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus. The Outer's consisted of Amarra Tenou, Michelle Kaiou, and Trista Meioh a.k.a. Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. While the Neutral's consisted of Hotaru Tomoe, Lita Kino, and Raye Hino a.k.a. Sailor Saturn, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars. Then the last group the Reikai Tantei a.k.a. Spirit Detective's a.k.a. Team Urameshi consisted of Yusuke Urameshi a.k.a. Roizen, Hiei Jaganshi, Chuu, Rinku, Jin, Touya, Suichi Minamino a.k.a. Kurama Minamino a.k.a. Yoko Kurama a.k.a. Yoko, and Yukina Hiroseki, but also Raye Hino a.k.a. Phoenix, unofficially though.

"Who can give me the most compelling reason to join their group?" asked Serena as three out of four factions raised their hands.

"Team Urameshi why didn't you raise your hand?" asked Serena.

"Simple, none of us are really human. We've got more enemies than we can count and well we're not exactly without fights within our own group," said Yusuke.

"That's a good enough reason for me not to join your group," said Serena, with the other three groups nodding a bit nervously.

"Well we outers are the most powerful group of the Sailor Scouts, we make up the largest planets and the smallest planet in the solar system. We're furthest from the sun, meaning we have to fight to survive against the youma more often than any other planet. We had to cross the asteroid belt in order to even get to the White Moon," said Amarra.

"What about Jupiter and Saturn are they not the largest planets in the solar system? Are they not the planets that are also in the outer regions of the solar system? Why aren't they considered Outer's?" asked Serena.

"Jupiter we consider an Outer, but she is looking out for Hotaru and Raye, as they are her best friends. We can find no fault with that, she is loyal through and through," said Michelle.

"What about Hotaru?" asked Serena.

"She killed a fellow scout during the Silver Millennium, Sailor Gaia when she was possessed by the demon from the Nether World. The Silver Crystal could have healed her and banished the demon, but she killed her instead," said Trista with disgust in her voice.

"Did this demon have white hair, tannish skin, maniacal laughter, and goals to conquer the Reikai, Ningenkai, and Makai?" asked Yusuke.

"To what we know only to bring about the end of the Silver Alliance and conquer the Human World. Why do you know this demon?" asked Trista with suspicion clearly in her voice for the others to hear.

"Know him, you could say that, I fought the damn fool. He was supposedly killed though. This was when I was only an A- class human, with no knowledge of my Martian or demon blood running through my veins. His name is Yakumo, he was the ruler of the Mekai a.k.a. Nether World; he had an item which granted him lots of strength and power. King Enma was able to seal him away and destroy the Nether World, but that didn't stop him from trying to resurrect it again. I purified the damn sphere with my life energy and was nearly killed in the process," said Yusuke.

"We fought Yakumo, Lord of the Mekai! No wonder we lost against him and only Saturn stood a chance, before he got to the White Moon," said Trista as she sat down.

"Maybe, but that still doesn't excuse her for what she did then. We banished her from the Outer's and severed any true connection with the Inner's," said Amarra.

"Yeah, well it was an Outer that killed an Inner, what would happen if Serena were to become possessed, would you just kill her to?" asked Mina.

"Shut up all of you, I have made my decision, while you were arguing the Neutral's told me they didn't just want to protect me and that's it, they want to be friend. Your all lucky Darien is way in America studying medicine or I would have him making some of this decision as well. From now I am also a Neutral, I will not be apart of the Inner's, Outer's, or Reikai Tantei a.k.a. Spirit Detective's a.k.a. Team Urameshi. The only connection to Team Urameshi will be is that they are allies, friends to some, and because Raye is an unofficial member of their team!" said Serena angrily as she stormed off.

:"You know Kurama, she'd make a nice Silver Kitsune, wouldn't you say?": asked Yusuke.

:"Indeed Lord Yusuke, she would make an interesting Silver Kitsune,": replied Kurama.

"What are you two saying?" demanded Amarra.

"We were just complimenting Serena here. Now if you don't mind I have a.... No it's not possible, I killed him!" exclaimed Yusuke as his eyes widened in fear as he quickly turned to see the mysterious demon above them on top of a building.

:"Yes Urameshi, I live, you didn't kill me; you merely weakened me enough to escape, but not kill me,": said the mysterious demon.

"Yakumo!!!" exclaimed Yusuke as everyone of the original Tantei turned to see him alive.

"Who is Yakumo, Yusuke?" asked Serena.

"He was the ruler of the Mekai, the Nether World. I thought I killed him, but apparently he escaped and lived. So you resurrected Toguro and sent him to kill me," said Yusuke.

:"Yes I did, now I believe that you are going to be busy this year. Because Urameshi I have your mother as my hostage, and if you wish to save her, then you will fight in the Dark Tournament, if you refuse then she will die,": said Yakumo.

"BASTARD!!!!" yelled Yusuke as he growled keeping his fists clenched as Yakumo disappeared laughing maniacally.

"What is it Yusuke?" asked Raye.

"He has mom hostage, this guy doesn't lie often, when he says one thing, he means it. Everyone its time to go see Koenma now!!!" said Yusuke as his aura made itself visible for all to see as it writhed out of control pulsing as his anger grew.

"We're coming too, we don't trust you with her, it's our duty to protect her," said Trista.

"I don't give a damn if you come or not, just know that you are going to be in very potential danger if you do come. Everyone after we meet with Koenma its off to Genkai's to see about our remaining three members for Team Urameshi at the Tournament," said Yusuke as Botan appeared opening a portal, not daring to ask what was wrong, knowing full well that Yusuke would explode on her.


"KOENMA!!!" roared Yusuke as every ogre in the palace ran to get out of his way.

"Yes Yusuke, what can I do for you?" asked Koenma.

"You can start by finding out where the hell my mother is!!" said Yusuke menacingly.

"Why? She's safe at home isn't she?" asked Koenma.

"That's what I'm here to check on!!" snapped Yusuke.

"Um, okay, George!!" yelled Koenma.

"Yes Koenma sir?" asked George.

"Where is Yusuke's mother at?" asked Koenma.

"Um, lets see here... um sir we don't know, she isn't in Tokyo," said George nervously.

"Who would kidnap Yusuke's mother?" asked Koenma.

"I'll tell you who Koenma, Yakumo!!!" snarled Yusuke.

"WHAT!? HE'S ALIVE!?" yelled Koenma in surprise.

"Yeah and now I have to go back to the damn Dark Tournament just to save her!!! I never wanted to go back, but what I want you to do Koenma, is make sure that nothing happens to Kurama's mother or Genkai!!" said Yusuke venomously.

"I'm on it Yusuke, you have to have a sponsor for the tournament you know and I'm willing to sponsor you again. Unlike last time, this time you need nine members and two alternate fighters. The team leader is Yusuke here, with two co-leaders, Kurama and Hiei, seeing as how they are also Demon Lords, but with Yomi and Makuro ruling in their places, while they are residing in the Ningenkai. Chuu, Rinku, Jin, Touya, Yukina, you are all official members of Team Urameshi if you decide to work for Spirit World. Raye you can also join as an official member of Team Urameshi, completing the team, just needing two alternate's. Unfortunately Kuwabara and Keiko are also official Spirit Detective's and have to be apart of Team Urameshi, seeing as how they are original members. Now Sailor Scouts, this tournament is optional to you, as you will be short a member," said Koenma.

"We'll enter on one condition, we want the one called Tuxedo Mask brought to us," said Serena glaring at the scouts.

"Easily done, however you need two alternate's in case one of you were to be seriously injured, killed, or worse," said Koenma.

"What's worse than death?" asked Mina.

"Being a ghost, waiting for your body and spiritual energies to align," said Yusuke.

"And you would know this how?" asked Trista.

"I've been dead two times, the first awakened my reiki, and the second awakened my youki. Tell me have any of you ever heard of Sensui?" asked Yusuke.

"Yes, about seven years before we met the Inner's, he helped us out against a lot of demons and youma," said Amarra.

"Why do you know what has happened to him?" asked Michelle.

"Yeah, I killed the son of a bitch, he wanted to make a permanent gateway between the Human World and the Makai. But not before he killed me for doing my job," said Yusuke.

"You killed Sensui a Spirit Detective!" exclaimed Michelle.

"Former Spirit Detective, Sensui mastered the Saint Light Energy a.k.a. Sei Kou Ki. Anyone who masters this energy is considered an angel, but in Sensui's case he was considered a fallen angel or dark angel. He had seven different personalities and were not above killing people to get what he wanted done," said Koenma.

"Sensui became evil?" sobbed Michelle.

"I'm afraid so, though he wasn't really evil, just a bit insane. He is currently locked up in the Reikai Maximum Security Prison, at least his spirit is. His body has rejuvenated well, he is scheduled for probation as soon as his body and spirit reconnect. I have cured him of his insanity, but he is still quite unpredictable. I will release him to Team Senshi under the condition that if he kills one single human or attempts to open another gateway into the Makai permanently, he is to be sent back into the prison," said Koenma.

"Fine, let us see Sensui," said Michelle.

"You have a lot to explain Koenma!! You have two options, either do it willingly and get beaten or I beat it out of you, either way I'm going to pummel you," said Yusuke.

"It seems that I'll just give it willingly and not get pummeled, you are under my employee Yusuke Ura-"

"Maybe, but I can still make your life a living hell. How about I unleash some Roiki upon your sorry ass? I know for a fact that you don't have any Roiki in you," said Yusuke as he smiled evilly as the scouts, with the Tantei escorting them to see Sensui heard the screams of pure horror and excruciating pain.

"It sounds as if Lord Yusuke finally fulfilled one of his deepest desires," said Hiei.

"What does the demon mean Raye?" asked Trista.

"Simple Koenma was always interrupting his dates with his ex when they were still together and he was always annoyed with Koenma for altering or withholding information. So he slowly but surely added to his: Things to do Before I Die for Good List. It was and quote, 'Beat the living hell out of Koenma a.k.a. Torture Koenma's sorry ass'," said Raye.

They heard another scream and another and then they finally stopped and the saw Yusuke guiding a beaten Koenma down the hall to Sensui's cell.

"Lord Yusuke do you think that maybe you went a little over board in torturing Koenma?" asked Kurama.

"Let me think.... no, this guy had it coming to him since he first started to order me around like a servant. I'm grateful for the job and all, along with all his help, but enough is enough," said Yusuke.

Koenma opened the cell and the mist that held his spirit and body in suspended animation was released from the room. Carefully sending his spirit back into his newly healed body Sensui awoke. His first thoughts were that he was still in the Makai battling Yusuke. He then remembered seeing Yusuke holding him up by his head after a severe beating. He remembered Yusuke then ending his life and his spirit being imprisoned by his former employer, Koenma. Looking at his body, he saw that his body was fully healed. Taking a look around his surroundings he saw Koenma in his teenage form. Looking around even more he saw Kurama with his rose whip ready to strike, he saws Hiei with his katana out, and he saw five other demon's he didn't recognize. He also six girls that he didn't recognize, but one of them seemed similar to Yusuke when they first met. He saw three women he recognized as Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto a.k.a. Michelle, Amarra, and Trista. Then his eyes came upon Yusuke himself whose aura was blazing wildly, he stepped back in fear of Yusuke, but then he noticed Koenma's bandages on his face and hands.

"Lord Koenma what happened to you?" asked Sensui.

"Yusuke did this to me for withholding information in the past and changing information around on him and the others. It was retribution, for all the times I had and nearly got them killed," said Koenma.

"Then he shall be punished," said Sensui.

"Don't even try it Sensui, Yusuke is the son of the late Demon Lord Raizen. He is also the current ruler of the Makai, he is also a Demon Lord, an extremely high S class. You wouldn't stand a chance," said Koenma.

"I see, so how goes my lovely friends the Outer's?" asked Sensui.

"Well Sensui, however we have heard some disturbing things about you," said Trista.

"I went insane after witnessing what the Black Black Club did," said Sensui. "I hope to never have to deal with them again."

"They're all dead, Toguro killed all but Sakyo, he died in the explosion at the last Dark Tournament I went to," said Yusuke.

"You were at the Dark Tournament?" asked Sensui.

"Forced actually, Toguro threatened my family and my own life if I didn't participate. So I went to Grandma's Evil Boot Camp for a couple of months to get stronger and get closer to completing my training. During the Dark Tournament I inherited her powers, I know have the ability known as the Spirit Wave," said Yusuke.

"Alright then, but what does this have to with me?" asked Sensui.

"Simple Sensui, you are being assigned to Team Senshi. One alternate is all that is normally needed, but in this case you may need two. As such I will be sponsoring both teams, Team Senshi or Team Urameshi, are the special guests at this years tournament. It may be both, but eventually both teams will fight each other. I've made sure of this, so that they don't fight Yakumo's team until the finals. Now go prepare, you have three months, do whatever, I have no missions for any of you that work for me. Sensui you are on probation for the next few years, maybe less depending on your attitude and your willingness to undergo procedures to strengthen your mental abilities, so you don't go insane again. Now Yusuke your going to have to go contact Keiko and Kuwabara, no matter how much you dislike them," said Koenma.

Everyone left and went their separate ways for the day, to think about what was going on.


Yusuke made his way to the park where he felt Yakumo's presence.

:/"Come out now Yakumo, I know your here, I can feel your presence,/": said Yusuke.

:/"I know Urameshi, however I am speaking to you telepathically, now have you accepted my ultimatum, that you fight in the Dark Tournament or your mother dies?": asked Yakumo.

:/"I have, I'll be at the Dark Tournament in three months,/": replied Yusuke.

:/"Good until then you have my word as the ruler of the Nether World that your mother will be safe. However if you attempt to search for her before arriving at the tournament, then she dies,/": replied Yakumo cutting the telepathic communication.

"Damn it!" exclaimed Yusuke.


Three months have come and gone, now it is time for the Dark Tournament. Team Urameshi has assembled at the gathering point and await the arrival of Team Senshi.


Yusuke walked down the street that used to be his turf, but wasn't anymore. It belonged to Kuwabara and everyone respected him, thinking he scarred Yusuke off. All who saw the strange man with what appeared to be tattoo's upon his face and arms, with long whitish yellow hair, were instantly terrified of him. Those brave enough to confront him were told that his name was Roizen. Casually making his way to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Kuwabara, he knocked gently on the door, which sent spider line cracks throughout the door in its core. Keiko had answered the door and was instantly terrified at seeing Yusuke, thinking he had come to collect on the unfulfilled promise.

"Kazuma!" yelled Keiko.

"What is it darling? Urameshi!" exclaimed Kuwabara.

"Keiko, Kuwabara, we need to talk," said Yusuke.

"Whatever you have to say you can say it right their Urameshi," said Kuwabara.

"Yakumo lives," said Yusuke, causing Kuwabara to freeze up.

"Kazuma who is Yakumo?" asked Keiko.

"A very powerful and very evil demon, Lord of the Mekai a.k.a. Nether World," said Kuwabara. "Alright come in Urameshi, but you had better not be lying."

"Kuwabara, he made himself known to me a day ago. He has my mother hostage and I can't do a damn thing about it for three months," said Yusuke.

"Why not?" asked Kuwabara.

"The Dark Tournament, Kuwabara, you and Keiko are still apart of Team Urameshi. We have to go or else he'll kill my mother. It's the first time since I was four years old that she has been truly happy," said Yusuke.

"So what I refuse to go, even if it is to save your mother," said Kuwabara, with Keiko nodding in agreement.

"You don't have much of a choice Kuwabara, or you Keiko. Koenma has made the two of you official Spirit Detectives, after this tournament you can quit, but Yakumo wants all original members and anyone who is new to the team to be there," said Yusuke.

"Why should I go?" asked Kuwabara.

"He resurrected Toguro a few days ago, twice as powerful as before," said Yusuke.

"What? Oh man, I hope you took care of him, he's creepy. Who else did Yakumo resurrect?" asked Kuwabara.

"We don't know, for all we know he resurrected Suzaku, Rando, or even the Elder Toguro and Toguro again," said Yusuke.

"Alright we'll go, but afterward, we want out, you tell Koenma that is what we want or it's no deal," said Kuwabara.

"Then it's a done deal Kuwabara," said Koenma's image as it suddenly appeared and disappeared.

With his work done, Yusuke had no reason to remain so he got up and was about to leave only to be punched and slapped by Keiko and Kuwabara.

"What the hell was that for?" demanded Yusuke.

"That is for ruining our wedding Urameshi," said Kuwabara.

"You got slapped for giving me the finger on my wedding day Urameshi!" said Keiko no longer using his first name. "And for not answering my question."

"Fine," said Yusuke about to leave again only to be stabbed in the arm, which pissed him off as he looked at Keiko holding an actual physical blade in her hand with his blood on it.

"Answer the question Urameshi, who was the broad with you at the Genkai's Shrine and how do you know that she won't go behind your back like I supposedly did," asked Keiko.

"Her name is Raye, bitch. Also I am not, nor will I ever go out with her," said Yusuke.

"Then answer my question who is she and how do you know she won't betray you?" asked Keiko with a devious grin on her face.

"Because she has her eyes on Kurama, not me, I don't want them on me. Remember when we first met Keiko? I was four years old and thought I had lost my sister," said Yusuke.

"Yeah, it's the same time your mom started drinking and become an alcoholic," said Keiko.

"Then you should know that my sister will not betray me!" snapped Yusuke as he left leaving the young couple behind and a shattered door barely hanging on its hinges, as he headed off to train at Genkai's shrine.

End Flashback

A few minutes later Team Senshi arrived and then they were loaded onto the ship that would take them to the Dark Tournament. After boarding they were asked to select one member from each team and have them fight.

"Um, guys, what if our fighter doesn't win?" asked Serena.

"Then we will simply have to kill the other fighters and claim we are the guest teams. No one will argue with that," said Hiei.

"Like I said last time, you didn't have a many friends growing, did you?" said Kuwabara.

"I take it your the one they call the fool," said Serena.

"I'll let it slide, since every other 'human' girl, besides my wife Keiko, needs protecting by a big strong man and it goes against my code to fight girls," said Kuwabara.

Serena and the other scouts merely glared at him, while he continued to just hold Keiko in his arms. They decided that Mina and Chuu would fight. When the two looked at each other Mina plugged her nose and waved the stench of his breath away from her face.

"What's wrong Mina, can't stand this guy's breath?" teased Amarra.

"I can't stand it either, especially after Chuu's been drinking, like he has for the past three hours," said Rinku with a sigh.

"That guy is a drunk and he is fighting for your team? You're definitely going to need to do as the shrimp said," said Amarra.

When they arrived on the plat form all the demons were nervous about fighting Chuu, especially after witnessing his match with Yusuke a few years earlier.

"Don't worry sheela, these blokes can't do anythin' anyway," said Chuu as the match began and every single demon collapsed down onto the ring floor dead.

"How did you do that?" asked Mina.

"Ah, come now sheela, everybody's gotta have their secrets," said Chuu. "If I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret."

The demons down below on the deck had charged Team Senshi, not daring to attack Team Urameshi, seeing as how there were three Demon Lord's on that team and all from the last tournament with Toguro. However Team Urameshi was bored so they had some fun and beat every single demon down in minutes.

"Ah man, I knew we should have kept at least half of them alive. Now I'm bored, how much longer before we arrive?" said Yusuke.

"We don't arrive for another three and a half hour's. I suggest some of us get some rest," said Kurama.

Kuwabara and Keiko took this as their moment to have some free time to themselves, so they went out of view to the other side of the ship and started to have some fun.


Kurama was next to Raye when Yusuke grabbed him and threw him into the ring. Everyone watched as Yusuke leaped up onto the platform and waited as Kurama stood up and brushed himself off.

"Lord Yusuke have I done something to anger you?" asked Kurama.

"Yeah, you didn't put enough fun into dealing with Trista. I wanted to hear that you bit her ankle or at least went destroyed her home in one-way or another," said Yusuke grinning.

"Ah, yes, well I didn't want to have to taste her in mouth and I didn't want to waste the energy in destroying her home," replied Kurama.

"Cut the bull Urameshi, we want to hear the real reason!" yelled Chuu.

"Well you heard our audience, now you passed the trial of patience. Now comes the fight if you can at least wear me out before we arrive at the tournament, then you can do whatever you want with Raye, providing it don't hurt her permanently, kill her, or get her killed," said Yusuke with a serious frown upon his face.


"What's going on up there?" asked Serena.

"The fight that has been long over due. Lord Yusuke has never truly fought Kurama, this is a test for both of them. For Lord Yusuke it is to see if Kurama is good enough for his sister and to see how he matches up against the legendary thief and bandit Yoko Kurama. For Kurama it is a chance to see how he measure's up against a Demon Lord, one that is his friend and ally, but also the son of one of the most feared and respected Demon Lord's in the Makai's history. It is also to see if he can prove himself in Lord Yusuke's eyes that he is good enough for his sister," said Hiei.

"What this is all to see whether Kurama can date Raye?" asked Darien.

"Technically, demons don't usually date as you call it. Normally when we find someone we want to mate with, we do precisely that, we mate with them and claim them as our own. No other demon can then touch either one, unless the other dies or it was only once without a claim mark," said Chuu.

"So if Kurama wins?" asked Darien.

"He won't win, Lord Yusuke is very close to achieving the extremely ancient and rare class. He would be a Z- class demon, but he would be nearly unstoppable. Kurama merely has to tire Lord Yusuke out without being knocked from the ring, collapsing from exhaustion, or surrendering. If this is done, then Kurama proves himself worthy. Sometimes if the speculation isn't met, but they still impress their opponent they're either given permission anyway or they are given another chance on a later date," said Chuu.


"Rose Whip Thorn Wheel!" yelled Yoko Kurama.

"Is that the best you got Yoko? I'm not even tired yet, give me a real fight!" said Yusuke.

"Very well Lord Yusuke, if that is what you desire, then I shall comply," said Yoko Kurama as he discarded his rose whip pulling out a seed.


"That fox is either incredibly brilliant or incredibly stupid!" exclaimed Touya.

"Why?" asked Amarra.

"He's pulled out the seeds of the Shokuyo Shokubutsu, the Shimaneki Sou!" said Touya.

"What?" asked a confused Amarra.

"The Death Seeds, they are the seeds to the Death Tree. It is an incredibly dangerous tree, that not even Yoko Kurama can control," said Hiei.

"WHAT! You mean to tell me he could have killed us all at anytime?" asked Amarra.

"We all could have, except perhaps the fool and his mate," said Hiei.


"You are crazy you know that Yoko? The Death Tree? How many people have escaped that thing's clutches and lived to tell about it?" asked Yusuke a bit terrified.

"Not many Lord Yusuke, but this is sure to keep us entertained. We will continue to fight each other, while this grows and attempts to kill us. After one hour it will be fully blossomed and one hour after that it shall start to revert back to its seed form as it has been instructed, which will take one hour exactly. If I plant the commands of what to do in it, before I start to grow it then I can revert back to its harmless form," said Yoko.

"So three hours to finish this fight, with ten minutes to spare uh? You truly are the cleverest demon I've ever come across Yoko," said Yusuke as he charged Yoko catching him off guard and the two began a fistfight with fists flying everywhere.


"So what's happening now?" asked Serena.

"They have one hour before the Death Tree is fully blossomed. They will continue to fight each other while this is happening and while it is fully blossomed for one hour. After one hour of its fully blossomed state it will begin to revert back to its seed form," said Hiei.

"They're crazy!" exclaimed Amarra.

"They're as good as dead!" exclaimed Michelle

"They're not coming back," said Trista.

"They're demons," said Jin.


The two fighters still were fighting each other, but they had added kick and punch combos into the fight and they weren't even the least bit tired, but it had already been fifty-nine minutes and the tree was nearly blossomed. With the barrier that had been put up to protect those not on the ring platform, the tree began to attack them violently trying to kill them while they continued to fight each other and dodge the tree, refraining form using any weapons, spirit, or youki energy attacks. Because it would destroy the tree and make it less interesting. They continued to fight each other, every now and then breaking a branch slightly to piss the tree off and get it to attack them even more violently. Finally after thirty minutes the tree, Yoko, and Yusuke went all out against each other. The tree receiving broken branches, while Yusuke and Yoko received burns, cuts, sprains, and bruises.

"Yoko, weapons, spirit and youki energy enabled again!" yelled Yusuke.

"Fine! Rose Whip!" yelled Yoko.

The Rose Whip however struck a tree branch and shattered it, while Yusuke's blast shattered another tree branch. Finally they were in view of each other and used their most classic and signature attacks, along with the tree swinging several branches at them at the same time as they attacked each other. The two were hit full force of the branches, while their attacks also collided with each other. After another half hour of what seemed to be them attempting to kill each other the tree finally collapsed and died, from using too much energy and from not getting any nutrition, but it did release it seeds, which Yoko collected while he attacked Yusuke, with Yusuke merely attacking and going in for the Shotgun technique.

"Hey Yoko, I have a present for you!" yelled Yusuke.

"A present? You shouldn't have Lord Yusuke! Rose Whip Thorn Wheel!" yelled Yoko.

"DOUBLE SHOTGUN!" yelled Yusuke.

The Shotgun blast was larger than it usually was and Yoko was unprepared for this, mainly because Yusuke used both his fists, instead of just one like he normally did. The blast engulfed his own attack, but it still hit Yusuke, while Yoko was hit with Yusuke's attack as well. After the smoke cleared the two fighters stood staring each other down and noticed that they were another hour and half away from the island at their current speed.

"How about we either finish this and risk killing each other, one of us concedes, or we call it a draw?" asked Yusuke panting.

"Let's finish it," said Yoko also panting.

"Just what I had in mind," replied Yusuke.

"ROSE WHIP LASH!" yelled Yoko.

"SPIRIT WAVE!" yelled Yusuke as the two attacks collided with each other, with Yusuke's engulfing Yoko's completely and a colliding with him as it engulfed the entire ring. When the smoke cleared away Yoko and Yusuke were barely standing.

"The time limit is up Lord Yusuke, what is your judgment?" asked Yoko.

"I'm not worn out...."


"It seems as if Kurama failed to wear Lord Yusuke out," said Hiei.

"All that for nothing then," said Raye disappointed.


"....I'm exhausted, you beat me beyond worn out. I'm on the verge of death here, so are you. You passed with flying colors Yoko, you've got my blessings, but you better not hurt her or I'll hunt you down and make sure you stay dead," said Yusuke with a smirk.

"Then I accept your blessings Lord Yusuke, besides what makes you think you can hunt down the legendary Yoko Kurama?" asked Yoko.

"Because I'm a Toushin," replied Yusuke with a grin.


"It seems Kurama did better than expected, Lord Yusuke and Kurama are both on the verge of death," said Hiei.

"So that means Kurama passed the fight?" asked Raye.

"Yep, it sure does lass, so is anybody going to go heal them?" asked Jin.

"I'll do it, I'm pretty good at healing," said Yukina as she made her way past the frozen demons, now frozen demon statues, and onto the ring floor and began to heal them both.

When Kuwabara and Keiko came back, they saw the damaged ring and the battered Yusuke and Kurama being healed by Yukina.

"So what did we miss?" asked Kuwabara.

"Nothing that concerns you ningen," replied Hiei.

"Hey I can beat you any day!" said Kuwabara.

"What class are you then stupid," asked Rinku.

"I'm an A class, alright punk?" said Kuwabara.

"I can beat you then, I found out last year thanks to Lord Yomi, that I have the S Gene. My current class is the low S- class, making me stronger than you. Lord Hiei here is an extremely high S class," said Rinku.

"More like an extremely low A- class," muttered Kuwabara.

"Be careful what you say, I'm also Demon Lord," said Hiei, causing Kuwabara to pale.

"Are you all Demon Lord's?" asked Keiko.

"No, only Hiei, Yusuke, and myself are Demon Lord's. Chuu's level is S class, while Jin and Touya are both high S class demons. Yukina is currently an extremely high A class demon or apparition," said Kurama.

"Then what level is Keiko here, uh?" asked Kuwabara.

"She is an extremely high B class," replied Kurama.

"Shut up already, we've arrived," said Yusuke.

Everyone looked on in awe as they arrived at the island in which the Dark Tournament would be taking place. The island had a negative feeling to it, as the waters around it were surrounded with sunken ships and the remains of the poor souls that died still remained. Only two of the Sailor Scouts could see them as well and they didn't know what they were.

"How awful, all those people trapped here," said Botan as she suddenly appeared.

"What people, I don't see anybody!" said Amarra.

"The people are long dead, but their souls are trapped here. This is a mystical island, none of the ferry girls that have come here have ever returned. Yusuke I can't help you guys, this island is a trap for ferry girls," said Botan as she disappeared back to Spirit World.

"What is this island?" asked Michelle.

"The Island of Lost Souls, this island is home to all who have died on its rocky shores, the island itself, those banished here, and those trapped here. This island is feared by all and is said to be home to one who has the ability to resurrect demons, youma, humans, and any other creature or entity that has died, been defeated in battle, or destroyed somehow," said Kurama as everyone looked on as they came closer to the island.


(There is a twist that wasn't expected, Sensui alive again, Yakumo being the mysterious demon, and the Sailor Scouts splitting up into three different factions, Yusuke and Kuwabara being in the same company of each other, without trying to kill each other, along with Yusuke trying not to kill Keiko!!! What of the mysterious island where the Dark Tournament is now being held? What secrets lie on it? What of the being said to be able to resurrect anything? More secrets to be revealed in the next chapter, but first, a poll.

--Note: You can give your own pairings as well, but I do not accept any yuri or yaoi!!!--

What should the pairings be?



















Now onto chapter four, but some characters would like to say a few things first...)


Yusuke: Alright what's the idea of going back and forth between my fight with Kurama and Hiei telling Team Senshi about what's going on in the fight?! Cracking Knuckles

Shadow Emperor: ....

Kurama: Let it go for now Lord Yusuke, we will get it out of him later. For now let's focus on the problem at hand, mainly the fool and his mate dying or losing a fight.

Shadow Emperor: I can make it where they get killed during the final fight or sooner.

Kuwabara: What a suck up, he's worse than the punks I beat up everyday.

Smash Crunch Crack Kuwabara laying on the floor even uglier than before

Yusuke: I didn't think it possible for him to get any uglier.... I guess I was wrong.

Kurama: He should have at least made it impossible for him to spread his genes.

Shadow Emperor: What do you think the crack was? I cracked his groin, it should be near impossible for him to have children now. It'd take a miracle if he was able to after that.

Yusuke: That's cruel..... I think I'm going to like this guy.