Dragon Ball-GT - Pan's Innocence

Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one in this story.

8-10-14-updated Author's Note: Just a warning to any and all readers that are new to this story, I have abandoned all projects on this account, meaning this story will NOT be continued. I am only leaving this, and my other pending stories, here because I like to see how far I've come as a writer. I apologize for any frustrations this causes.

Chapter One – Reminiscing

"Do you ever wonder what it was like on the Saiyan planet Trunks?"

"No, I don't. Why? Do you?"

"Well, it is our heritage after all, isn't it normal to wonder about it? And what about you? Aren't you supposed to be the next in line to be Prince? Doesn't that make you curious at all?"

"Actually… I loath the idea of it, I couldn't even handle managing my own company Pan, let alone an entire planet."

"Well I know it doesn't count as much… but I think you could do it if you tried."

The violet haired man chuckled and lifted his eyes to the sky; however, the leaves of a tree above him impaired his view of the blue horizon; it wasn't hard to figure out why though, because he sat on a sturdy branch of the tree with his back against its center. His attire included his usual blue bandana cloaking the neck of his black shirt while his grey shorts stated that summer was steadily approaching.

Pan, surprisingly, donned her red gi instead of her customary red t-shirt and tight blue jeans as she sat parallel to him on the other side of the trunk, mirroring his position. But at the sound of his laughter she turned to look at him in vain; the trunk blocked her vision. "What's so funny?"

"Uh nothing, nothing at all Pan, why do you ask?" he questioned smugly as he cupped his hands behind his head.

"Oh no reason, I just paid you a compliment and you laughed, that's all," she answered in a bit of irritation as she raised her hands and dropped them again.

"You know it sounds to me," he cleared his throat and went on, "like you're the one that wants to be next in line to be heir." He laughed again. "To tell the truth, I think you'd be good at it, 'Princess'."

Pan leaned back into her seat on the branch and scoffed. "What are you talking about Trunks? I'm no princess, I'm a fighter, always have been and I always will be."

"Where have you ever read in history books that a princess couldn't fight? They had to defend themselves too you know," Trunks told her.

Pan rolled her eyes and threw her legs over the branch as she prepared to jump down. "Whatever you say Trunks, but shouldn't we be getting back? I don't want to be late for the reunion."

Trunks moaned; he didn't want to get up yet. "Come on Pan, we've only been here for an hour at most, and besides that, it was your idea to come all the way out here in the first place."

The small Saiyan grinned and barely managed to restrain a giggle as she hovered forward until she could see Trunks clearly, along with the branch he was seated on.

Trunks only glanced at her mischievous features before getting a very serious look on his face. "Pan don't you dare-!"

It was too late; she had already aimed and fired a ki blast at the branch. It exploded into a million pieces and Trunks had jumped off just in time to escape the splinters. He regained his footing and, angry was an understatement, when he glared up at Pan. "Oh you better run now!"

Pan laughed and flew off as fast as she could and Trunks took to the air and gave chase; Pan would get her way again, as she usually did, Trunks noted.

As Trunks drew beside her, Pan was having a hard time discerning his intentions and she thus swerved down into the trees and bush below, not slowing down mind you, she emerged with a brown colored lemur in one arm and a vibrantly colorful parrot on her head.

When Trunks witnessed her predicament he suddenly forgot why he was chasing her and laughed heartedly as she gave him an annoyed scowl.

They were both still flying at high speeds and Pan slowed down in order to rid herself of the stowaways.

Trunks smiled as Pan rejoined him in the air; it was his turn to lead, he decided and went higher until he was above the clouds as Pan followed, and as soon as she passed through the white fluff, she was nearly clocked by a V line of migrating geese.

Her cheeks faded to pink and she growled at the smirking man as he hovered a ways apart from her. As she looked at him, she realized it almost appeared as though he was standing on the clouds. Now if only he had white wings, then she could make a joke out of this.

Pan sparked her energy and burst toward him and continued to accelerate past him as they once again traded off leaders.

She led him through a heavily dense fog of clouds and she decided to rise above them as Trunks had previously done and at this point they were achieving extremely high speeds, thus when they swerved and turned, the clouds just below them would appear to explode and follow in their wake.

Pan looked over her shoulder to watch them as they seemed to resemble frozen waves from the ocean, crashing toward her. She glanced at Trunks and he smiled as his hair and clothes whipped violently from the speed they were accomplishing.

The same thing, Pan was experiencing as her orange bandana threatening to fly away at any moment, and because the wind and clouds flashed by so rapidly, even if either of them tried to say something it would not be heard over the deafening roar of the air passing between them.

Pan didn't care though, she laughed happily, knowing Trunks was there to supervise as she blindly closed her eyes and proceeded to turn over and fly upside-down, now with her back facing the ground, and as she stretched out her arms she started skimming the perfect white clouds under her with her hands.

She smiled at how lucky she was, just being able to soar through the clouds without the help of machines or flying animals, it was something she often took for granted. And she suddenly realized that there were many things she had taken for granted, like for example her Grandpa, whom departed with Shenron less than a year ago. Now she wished she would have spent more time learning from him instead of always mocking him for being a kid, when in reality he was much wiser than her. But not now, no, she had made herself a promise on that fateful day when her grandfather defeated Omega Shenron. She had actually made a few promises, but the one she kept to herself was one that she continued to harbor and yet still accomplished from month to month.

Pan was drawn back to the present by a distant, yet extremely close, voice that had simply been suppressed by the velocity of air flow. It was Trunks and he was flying directly above her now, and not more than three feet apart, Pan noticed. "Wake up Pan, we're here," he shouted sarcastically, since it was obvious she couldn't have been asleep.

The clouds had cleared as she looked around and nodded as she then watched him land near the Capsule Corp. building, waiting for her to do the same.

She slowly descended as she remembered her silent vow, the vow that she would never let her friendship with Trunks be taken for granted, and therefore she made it a point to visit the Briefs's house as often as she could, except sometimes, when she went to visit, Trunks would either be at work or off hanging out with Goten, and even though she was usually invited to go with them, it never really was quite the same as having Trunks all to herself, like today. But on the days Trunks couldn't spend time with her, she could just train with Vegeta in order to keep her fighting abilities sharp; that was something the Saiyan prince admired about her, though he would never out rightly say so.

When Pan landed beside the half blooded Saiyan, he blinked and raised an eyebrow of suspicion, something about the way Pan looked at him made him wonder what she was thinking.

He quickly shrugged the thought off and tucked his hands in his pant's pockets as he led the way into the Capsule Corp. building.

When Trunks disappeared into the house Pan pulled her bandana away and lifted her head to let the spring breeze influence her hair at will; she again looked to the sky.

"There it is," she murmured to herself, about a feeling that she would get every once in awhile, a feeling as though her grandpa, who now seemed to be more of a legend than anything else, was watching her from a very far off place, she scoffed though, that was impossible, he was probably millions of light-years away by now.

She nonetheless smiled at that hopeful wish, that one day he would return, and talk of nothing but food.

Pan turned and crossed the walkway that lead to the front door as she tied back her bandana around her hair. She had almost walked inside when her clumsy uncle, in both word and action, stumbled backwards into her path. "What do you mean get out of the kitchen? I'm starving Trunks, come on don't you have some appetizers or something?" he whined and then glanced to see Pan standing just outside the door.

"Don't give me that Goten, You're always staving and I'm telling you for the second time, you are early and we can't have you eating everything before the rest of the guests arrive." Trunks told him.

Goten beamed and stepped forward to hug his niece, conveniently ignoring whatever Trunks had to say. "Pan-chan! What are you doing standing outside? Come give you're uncle a hug."

"Well because it's a nice day," she answered and pushed him back from his hug. "And since when did you become so concerned about hugging me?"

Goten looked up thoughtfully. "Well, let's see, ever since I needed an excuse to change the subject, and speaking of changing the subject, do you think you could talk Trunks into feeding me? I think he's mad at me for some reason, I just can't figure out why."

"Goten!" Trunks shouted and appeared in the doorway as he pointed down a hall, apparently toward the kitchen. "Clean up that mess before my mom sees it!"

Pan crossed her arms and Goten cringed, getting his answer. "Oh, that."

About-facing, Goten crossed his arms in a puffed up manner. "Ok, whose gonna make me?"

Trunks scowled and he was about to retort when someone else did it for him, sort of. "Trunks! Get out here Son," Vegeta rumbled and Pan looked to see him standing against the building; he wasn't there a second ago, she thought.

At the sound of Vegeta's voice, Goten yelped and scrambled into the kitchen to clean up the mess he made, previously.

A chuckle could be heard from Trunks after seeing how utterly brave Goten could be under pressure. He rolled his eyes when his father repeated himself, only louder this time. As he passed Pan he motioned his head, dismissing her to go in the house.

Pan watched for a few more seconds as Trunks approached his father and stood next to him, and it was only until Trunks gave her an odd look that she finally moved into the house.

As she stepped through the front door, it opened out into a living room and Pan had only walked a few steps passed the hallway that led to the kitchen, where Goten had disappeared to only seconds ago. She shook her head, puzzled. "What's wrong with you Pan? Just standing there like an idiot," she thought when she suddenly came upon a pair of shoes and realized her eyes had been focused on the floor. "Wha?"

When she looked up she was abruptly pulled into a hug. "Pan-chan! It's so good to see you!" The blue haired teenager quickly pulled away from the friendly gesture and demanded eye contact as she continued, "why haven't you visited us lately, it's been more than a month hasn't it?"

Pan smiled. "Hi Bra, Oh you know, school and tests and studies…and school. Did I mention school is a pain?"

With a nod and a grin Bra wrapped an arm around Pan's neck and led her to a couch that was located in the middle of the living room. They both sat down and Bra gave her head a tilt while her eyes showed concern. "Are you sure that's the only reason you haven't come over recently? School has never stopped you before. Come on Pan tell me what's wrong."

Pan sighed and was about to answer when Goten decided to make his second appearance. "Well that's done, hey there ladies, what's happened while I was gone?"

He stood, oblivious, and leaning behind the couch in-between the two girls, while Pan's eyebrows creased as she sent her uncle an annoyed stare coupled with a slight growl and Bra simply smirked. "Nothing Goten, Pan was just about to explain why she's been avoiding us for the past month, that's all," the Bulma clone told him.

"I haven't been avoiding anyone, it's just…" Pan started but clenched her teeth and looked away. "It's embarrassing to talk about," she muttered.

Goten laughed. "Come on Pan-chan, embarrassment holds no bars with me, you know that."

Pan sighed again and looked again to Bra, who now seemed relaxed and yet expectant at the same time. "I'll be right back," Pan said and made her way to the closest restroom.

Bra and Goten exchanged confused glances and then both shrugged.

"I noticed it the last time she was here, but I couldn't put my finger on it, now I'm certain of it," Vegeta said.

Trunks stroked his forehead, trying to discern everything his father had just told him. "So you're telling me, something about Pan has changed, and now you think she's about to transcend into the next level?"

Vegeta nodded. "Her power has been developing very slowly, but I think she's ready to advance…" he said and smirked. "She just needs a push."

Trunks stared at his father, bewildered by the sudden mix of information. "What do you mean, 'a push'?"

"You'll know when the time comes," said the Saiyan Prince as he turned and waved his hand, which meant: 'You're dismissed,' and made his way to another part of the building.

Trunks looked on in suspicion at his father's departing form for seconds afterward and then he finally sounded a grunt of dissatisfaction and started for the door.

When Pan had come out of the bathroom, nothing about her appeared different at first. However, unbeknownst to Bra and Goten her gi had been slit in the back, the reason for this soon became apparent as a furry brown tail slithered out of the hole in her gi and waved to and fro, outwardly stating its existence.

Both of the half blooded Saiyans were speechless as they looked at each other with matching shocked expressions.

Pan sat down on the floor cross legged, with her chin supported by her hand as her tail twitched back and forth; she didn't feel the need to say anything at this point, and after all, her tail was pretty self explanatory.

When Trunks entered the room, everything was silent; this was extremely odd, since neither Pan nor Goten were known for their silence. "Huh, am I missing something here you guys?" he asked as he approached warily.

He looked at all three of them one at a time and Pan was the last one Trunks laid his eyes on, and for at least a good ten seconds he just stared, for he wasn't sure it was real until it moved, then he fell over in shock. "What in the world? Pan, how did- No, when did- Ok what's going on?" he shouted, now looking at the other two.

Bra and Goten both shrugged, neither of them had said a thing until now, "Pan grew her tail… cool huh?" Goten said, pointing a finger at Pan.

Trunks was still in shock as he looked from Goten to Pan, was this what his father meant? Was her tail the link to her new power?

Pan growled. "There's nothing cool about it Goten."

Bra suddenly let out a small laugh. "So why not have it removed Pan?

"No way!" Pan barked. "I might not like it, but it's a part of me now, and I wouldn't feel right just getting rid of it like that, even if it does get caught in the door sometimes." She flinched at the thought and held her tail, protectively, with one hand.

Bra frowned, but soon perked up when she thought of a way to make Pan happy. "Come on Pan, I know just the thing for you," she said as she drug Pan by the arm and down the hallway that led to the kitchen.

Goten and Trunks followed slowly behind, still feeling a little bewildered from the situation. "Wow, who'd of thought, little Panny growing a tail, some shock huh?" Goten asked and walked with his hands behind his head while Trunks stared at the floor, contemplating.

"Huh? What?" Trunks asked, seeming sidetracked.

"Hello? The tail, duh we were just talking about it," Goten told him.

"Oh right. Um say, Goten. Do you think it makes a difference whether you have a tail or not, in order to turn super Saiyan?" Trunks questioned.

Goten looked at him, a little dumbfounded by the question. "Gee I dunno Trunks, we didn't have tails and we were super Saiyans a long time ago. I bet it's probably different for each person… Why?"

"Well my dad, he said something about Pan, and now she has a tail, I was just wondering-"

"Wait, if you mean what I think you mean, then that means-!" Trunks nodded soberly and Goten gaped after he stopped mid sentence.

"My dad said she needs 'a push', whatever that means," Trunks replied.

Goten suddenly got a mischievous look on his face as he rubbed his hands together.

Trunks came to a halt when he noticed Goten had ceased walking and started to chuckle. "Goten, what are you-?"

"Ok, listen up Trunks, here's how it's gonna go down…"

In the kitchen, Pan and Bra hadn't stopped to wait for the other two. Pan waited patiently at the table while Bra searched the fridge for something she knew Pan would want.

As Trunks and Goten made their way into the kitchen they pushed each other playfully, had they used any more force they would have been slamming each other through the walls.

"What's with you guys anyway?" Pan asked and turned around in her chair.

"Nothing Pan, we're just rough housing," Goten answered as he stood next to Pan's chair and nodded to Trunks, who now stood on the other side.

Trunks winked back, confirming the prank they thought up on the way in. "So Pan, what's my sister going to poison you with today?"

"Uh I dunno, she hasn't said- wait, did you say poison?" Pan's tail shot erect as she prepared to stand.

Goten and Trunks grinned as they both grabbed Pan's tail, making her yelp and slam her fists on the table, tipping it and thrusting it across the kitchen and into the next room.

Everyone cringed at the loud crash that erupted from the table's impact. "Oops," Goten and Trunks said in unison.

Pan grit her teeth as the pain emitting from her tail held her paralyzed as she struggled to stand up, but only managed to open one eye

"Trunks! Let go already!" Bra shouted at him.

Trunks gulped as he noticed Goten had already released his grip. "I'm afraid to Sis."

"Well you should be! Look, she can't even move, the poor thing, she looks like she's about to collapse!" Bra argued.

"Yeah, come on Man, you know the longer you prolong it, the longer your suffering will be. It's ok, just drop it and run you can get away… I think," Goten teased between a snicker.

"Trunks!" Vegeta bellowed from the room with the newly remodeled kitchen table.

With that, Trunks released his grip and quickly flew past his enraged father. "Gotta go Dad, I'm about to be maimed!"

"Trunks!" Pan roared after him and took chase. "Goten! I'm coming back for you!" she said before speeding out of the house.

"Yes Ma'am!" Goten saluted mockingly. "I'll be right here… well maybe here… ah you'll find me."

"What the hell is going on in here?" Vegeta questioned as Pan and Trunks were now outside playing air tag… with energy blasts.

"Um, well Dad…" Bra scratched the back of her head, dumbfounded. "Pan um, she, er then he-"

"Spit it out!" Vegeta barked.

"Well, they pulled Pan's tail and she couldn't help it."

"What? That still doesn't tell me why the kitchen table is in the living room," the Prince said, a bit calmer now that he knew half of what was going on.