Family Reunion

Rating: PG-13 for Drug Use and Language

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters or anything, just the plot.

Summary: "If you're not in this band, then what the bloody hell use are you?" What if Charlie wasn't the only Pace member on that fateful flight?

A/n: Well, here ends Family Reunion, I might write an alternate ending whilst on vacation, but maybe not. It depends on what I am doing on vacation, and I hope to have a plot developed by the end of the vacation for a new fic…


"What Happened?"


My eyes shot open quickly. Where was I? My eyes focused quickly. It was bright out, the sun stung my eyes. They must have been closed a while. That was all I could tell. "Liam?" I blurted out. He was the last person I had seen or talked to, he had to be around here somewhere.

"Charlie," someone said. I turned towards who it was and met face to face with Claire.

"Claire?" I asked.

She laughed. "Who else would it be silly," she said.

I closed my eyes. What was going on? Everything was happening so quickly. "Claire, what… what is going on?"

I opened my eyes and looked at her. I must have been sitting on the ground or something, because Claire was sitting down too. There was something different about her, but I couldn't quite place it.

"Jack and Locke… you were… I… the baby…" she seemed to be having trouble getting out what she was trying to see. I could see her visually trying to compose herself. She was getting upset, and I didn't know why. I put my arm around her shoulder to try to comfort her and she just began sobbing, using me for support.

She cried for the longest time. It must have been really close to the time for her baby to come. Then it hit me. The normal bulge wasn't there. Claire had had the baby. She stopped crying, but continued to hold onto me.

"Charlie, it was horrible," she said, still holding onto me for dear life. "We didn't know what happened to you, not even Locke or Jack," she sniffled. It was as if I wasn't there. "Everyone looked; they didn't know where you went. They… we thought that you were trapped somewhere, either that or dead…" She stopped. And I could understand why. They thought I was dead?

She sniffled. "But Sawyer found you… said you were having a fit or something, but then… I went into labor Charlie… and all I was worried about was where you were and if you were alright. And then… I lost the baby… and Jack didn't know if you were gonna be alive or not and…"

Claire trailed off and buried her head in my shirt. So they had realized that I had gone, and it severely affected, at least Claire. Now I felt really bad, even though it wasn't much my choice. Claire had lost a part of her that had been a part of her.

"What happened Charlie?" Her question was mumbled, but I could still make it out.

I sighed. I went chasing after my brother or something like that, that would be a good story, and she'd think I was bloody loony.

"I really don't know," I responded. It wasn't a complete lie. What had happened was still very confusing to me.

Slowly, he breathing went steady as she fell asleep. Girls had fallen asleep on me before, but this just felt right. I couldn't explain it, but there was just something right about it. Her head resting on my shoulder, my arm around her. I admit, I felt the connection.

I just sat there for a while, my mind drifting around thoughts, when I was pulled out of it by Sawyer. "And I thought Jack and Kate was obvious," he laughed.

I glared at Sawyer and he laughed. "All right, but I wasn't here," he said leaving. That was very odd. I began to drift to sleep myself when once again I was pulled back into the real world.

"Charlie?" someone asked. I opened my eyes and looked up at Jack. "You're up, and all right?"

I chuckled slightly and nodded. He laughed. "Why didn't anyone come and get me."

I nodded at Claire, keeping myself from waking her thought. "When your watch dog is sleeping on my shoulder, I don't think anyone would come to get you," I said, even though it had made no sense at all. Even though Jack was still there, I felt the tiredness taking over me. I didn't know what it was that had made me so tired, but whatever it was, it was working.

A loud yawn escaped from me before quickly falling asleep.


I slowly faded back into the waking world, but didn't open my eyes. I heard talking, and it sounded important.

"Who is this Liam person?" I heard Claire ask.

"I don't know," Jack said, "But that bump on the head must have really affected him. He wasn't awake that long, was he?"

Claire sighed. "Better than before, I guess. Charlie's fine, so that is always a plus, isn't it?" I heard her chuckle.

I was beginning to feel the bad feeling again. "But this Liam character, could he be the one who did all that to Charlie? Falling off a cliff, pushed off a cliff… disappearing, it is all very possible," Jack said.

Silence. Why didn't they Trust Liam? They had never met him, how could they be judging him.

"Or it could be in his imagination," Claire said simply. "Someone from the past, or even just someone that his mind made up on him." I decided that now would be a better time than any to interrupt.

I coughed slightly and slowly opened my eyes, trying to act as if I had just woken up. "He's waking up," Jack said as he just looked at me. What was I, some sort of zoo exhibit?

I looked over at Claire, and couldn't explain the look on her face. It was one as if she knew something, something that Jack didn't know.

I stretched, just noticing the fresh bandage on my arm, as well as a few others here and there. What had happened to me? I looked as if I had lost a fight with gorilla, at least with all of the bandages around me.

Slowly I stood up, using the wall to help me up. Why did this seem so familiar? I couldn't remember.

"Charlie, you're pretty banged up," Jack said, but coming over to help me up anyways.

I nodded. "I know, but I need to go find… need to find the thing… the list…" I said. I knew what I was talking about, but I didn't know how to explain what it was.

"What list?" Claire asked.

"The list. Of all the people on the plane…"

"Why would you need that?" Jack asked, as I started walking away from both of them.

"I just do," I turned around, "Do you… do you know who has it?"

"Sawyer," Claire answered simply.

Then it was off to the beach. I said nothing more. I needed to find that list, and I needed to see if Liam was on it. I needed to know if it was just me hallucinating, or even Liam really was there.


"Why should I?" Sawyer asked angrily as he glared at me.

"Bloody hell Sawyer, just give me damn list!" I said, trying to keep from getting angry.

"What's the Magic Word, Charlie?" he asked, a sly smile playing on his lips. I knew that there was a list, and Sawyer had it, and if it meant beating the bloody hell out of him, I would.

"Please give me the bloody list," I said, trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

"See, all you had to do was say please, it's over there." He said, nodding his head over towards one of the table tops. I did my best from not punching him as I passed by him. I went over to the table top and started rummaging through it.

I had found it. I looked at it. Some of the names were crossed off. Then I remembered Claire or Hurley or someone crossing off the names of those that died or we missing. I slowly went through the list.

My finger ran over some familiar names. Claire… Jack… and crossed off names that I had never heard of before, then my finger just stopped. It couldn't be. I wouldn't be. It was.



A/n: You should have known I would do something like that to you. I can't believe that I actually finished this. Please tell me if you like the idea for my new story… because that is what I'll be working on in Disney… and uh… yeah.

This is sorta like a Midsummer Night's Dream in a way. If I would have gone the way I wanted it to, it wouldn't be as irking or confusing as that work of Shakespeare. When you think about it, there are so many possibilities of what could have actually happened:

Charlie wasn't imagining anything, and the things that happened really happened.

Charlie fell asleep by the tree and was dreaming the entire thing.

Everything after the point of Charlie falling… was all in his head.

I prefer the top one… but that is just because Liam is my favorite background character other than the physic. Haha! So please read and review and look for my new story… which may or may not have a title yet.

Thanks to all my reviewers…

szhismine – Haha! I needed to update before I left…

suspencer – Probably not… haha!

October Sky – Thanks! :D :D I hoped you liked it.

Harper's Pixie – Of course it has something to do with Claire… I ship Claire/Charlie almost as strongly as I ship Summereth… and Summeran… HAHA!!!