It was a normal in Tokyo, Japan for Bad Luck's lead singer Shuichi Shindou, or so he thought. The fanfic you're about to read is a crossover between Miyuki Chan in Wonderland and Gravitation. I'm also going to put a couple of other animes in here as well in later chapters, but for now let's just enjoy Shuichi's torture in wonderland.


"Oh no K-san is going to kill me this time I'm more late then ever!" Shuichi yelled as he ran down the empty back streets of Tokyo. "I think I'm going to make it." Just then Suguru came whizzing by on a skateboard, but this was different. First off Suguru hates to skate board and second he was in a bunny suit.

"Suguru....? What's up with you did you forget to take you're loser pills today." Asked Shuichi.

"Oh you're so cute you need to join us for tea." Said the weird green hair boy on the skateboard.

"A sure we can have tea at the studio ;;; . But why are you in that outfit?"

"What you don't like it and I got it just for you."

"Wha....." Before Shuichi knew it Suguru pushed him into a manhole, and now falling into a whole New World.


When Shuichi finally hit the bottom he crawled out of the hole, and saw he in a beautiful world of flowers and bunnies.

"Wow this is a great place, but I wonder why Suguru wanted tea here?" Shuichi asked himself.

"Oh good you made it I'm so glad!" shouted Suguru still in the bunny suit. "He's here now we can start!"

Shuichi walked over to the table and saw Hiro, Sakano, K-san, Tohma and Ryu-chan, but they were all wearing bunny suits except for Tohma who was in a Mad Hater outfit and K-san who wore a Hare suit.

"Woo hey guys what's this all about?" asked the pink haired boy.

"We'll show are precious one." Tohma said as he crept up behind Shuichi and whisper seductively in his ear.

"T...Tohma?" stuttered Shuichi as Tohma placed his hand up Shuichi's shirt feeling his upper chest.

"Oh so nice and soft just the way I like em'," said Tohma lustfully.

"TOHMA STOP!" Shuichi yelled and pushed Tohma off him.

"Oh what's the matter Shu-chan we just want to moldiest you is all." K-san said to Shuichi as he licked his whip.

"HELP ME OH MY GAWD!" Shuichi tried to run away, but Ryu-chan and Hiro were blocking the way. "Please guys don't do this please help get me out of here!"

"No way Shu-chan you're ours now and we won't let you go. We want you." Both Ryu and Hiro said in union and jumped on Shuichi.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh no don't!" cried Shuichi.

"Hold him there we'll take it from here," said Sakano, as Tohma and K-san came behind him.

"No if this is a dream I want to wake up!" All the men moved in closer to Shuichi, as the pink hair boy screamed for help he woke up and found himself lying on the ground in the back streets of Tokyo.

"Oh my gosh what a terrible nightmare. Man I better get going or K-san's going to have my head on a platter." Shuichi was on the way to N-G Studios again when he saw Suguru coming towards him...on a a bunny suit.

"There you are Shuichi!" He called as he came closer, "I was looking for you!"

Never End

Tada that was the first chapter of Shuichi chan in wonderland. And for the record I do not

own Miyuki chan in Wonderland or Gravitation they belong to CLAMP and Maki Murakami and I'm not worthy enough to lick the scum off they're pumps.

The next chapter is Shuichi chan in Looking glass land. Boy won't that be exciting.