Shucihi Chan in Manga Land

Ah finally chapter 5 of Shuichi's torture. In this one Shuichi has the day off and he decides to read mangas all day. Funners!! Let's see how Shu-chan will handle being fondled by the guys of Inuyasha.

Disclaimers time

I do not own Gravitation, Miyuki chan, or Inuyasha.

Ok now let's go.

Shuichi Chan in Manga Land

Shuichi laid on the hard wood floor of his and Yuki's apartment in the lazy afternoon sun. Bad Luck had the day off, so today Shuichi is reading some of his old mangas while Yuki works on finishing his book. "Wow that was exciting! Man Inuyasha is one of the best manga series I've ever read." Shuichi said as he closed the volume 20 and setting down on the floor. "I wonder what others I can read today?" Shuichi asked himself. Just then the book opened mysteriously, and a hand with long claws came out of it.

"Oh no don't tell me! It's this stuff again!?" An entire arm raised up from the book, then a set of dog-ears, a head and final the whole body. It was the real deal…Inuyaha himself right in front of Shuichi. "It's it's really you. YOU'RE INUYASHA!" Shuichi said screaming pointing his finger at the dog demon.

"Yea nice to meet you!" Inu said bending down so he was now face to face with Shuichi. Before Shuichi knew it Inuyasha had him pinned down to the floor, cuddling with him. "Wow you're much softer then Kagome and Kikyou."

"AHHHHHHHH GET OFF OF ME!!!" screamed Shuichi knowing it was hopeless.

"Hey everyone come out this place is perfect to have Shuichi!" Inuyasha shouted to the Manga that was still on the floor.

"Don't tell me you're going to have all the guys from the manga come out, and try to molest me…Are you?"

"Hey you catch on quickly I guess you've been reading the fanfic after all. Yea we plan to molest you, and get into the manga so Kagome, Kikyou, and Sango don't get mad at us."

"We're coming out don't start with out us." Said a male's voice.

"Don't tell me," thought Shuichi, as yes his prediction was right. Miroku had popped out of the manga, followed by Seshhomaru, and Naraku.

"Please don't!" cried the pop star," My lover's in the other room, he'll get mad if he hears you guys." The manga characters just stared at him.

"Hey I have an idea," said Miroku," let's play a strip game!"

"YES!", shouted everyone but Shuichi.

"Let's use the coffee table, we can play strip uno!" said Naraku.

Sesshomaru dragged out the table, and put his deck of strip uno cards on table, and shuffled them. Shuichi looked at the table thinking of the times him and Yuki played Strip poker, and Strip uno, and the time they got drunk off of drinking to many, "strip and go naked" drinks. Sesshomaru had everything all set up. Sesshy was sitting at the head of the table, Inu yasha on his right, Miroku to his left, and at the end of the table was Naraku. Shuichi was in between Inu yasha and Sesshy as to not get away.

Miroku drew the first card, and it said strip four. Miroku took off his robes, pants, shoes, and his underpants.

"Oops, I guess I got naked to fast," blushed Miroku as he eyed Shuichi. Inu Yasha drew next, 'strip two'.

"Nuts I wanted to get naked to!" shouted the half demon as he stripped off his shirt and pants. The continued until it was Shuichi's turn, his card was to get naked, and make out with the most naked person which was Miroku.

"Noooo I refuse!"

"Then allow me to help you," said Miroku as he leaped across the table and tackled Shuichi. Shuichi screamed for help as Miroku started to decloth him.

"Wow nice bunny boxers!" said Miroku.

"Noooo stop please don't I want to wake up!" shouted Shuichi, "Please no stop it stop it, Miroku!"

"Baka wake up!" shouted a familiar voice.

"Huh?" Shuichi woke up to find Yuki standing right above him, "Hi Yuki, did I disturb you?"

"I heard you screaming so I came out to check on you. Who's Miroku?" said Yuki.

"Oh he's from one of my mangas," said Shuichi.



"Okay I believe you, now come on, let's go to bed we've both had a long day,"

"All right Yuki" said Shuichi as he got up, and followed his lover into they're bedroom hand in hand.

"Hey Shuichi where did these Strip Uno cards come from?"

Shuichi: O.o

As Shuichi left the living room one of his mangas popped open and a hand was seen waving bye to the little J-pop singer.

Never End

A/N: Well there it is shuichi chan in manga land. To clear up some things, yes there is a game called strip uno a friend told me about it, and there is drinks called Strip and go naked. The next chapter is Shuichi chan in video game land.