As the hot water cascaded down the front of his body, washing away the sweat from his latest training session with Bling, Logan could feel the door to his shower slide open. As the cool air from the bathroom rushed into the steamy cubicle, a chill ran down his spine. His entire body tensed up as a cold, soft-skinned hand slid from his lower back to the base of his neck where it reached around to grab his face. The hand cupped around his chin, and pulled his head around. Logan closed his eyes and slowly turned around to face the owner of the hand. He opened his eyes, only to gaze into the chocolate colored eyes of the one woman he felt complete with. She wrapped both hands around the back of his neck and pulled his head down so that his lips could meet her own. Logan tilted his head slightly, and as he closed the shower door with one hand, his other grabbed the back of her head and pulled her waiting lips to his.

"Logan!" The sharpness of the voice jolted Logan out of his reverie. "Logan!" Logan finally was able to focus on the real world. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked towards the voice calling his name. His heart skipped a beep when he saw that the woman leaning against his door frame was none other than the woman in his dreams.

"Max..." His voice caught in his throat.

"That must have been some dream. You were grinning so much, I thought you were going to pull something." Max smiled as Logan shifted uncomfortably with her statement. "Anything that I would like to hear?" I hope I was in it some how, she thought.

"Um....not really. No, nothing at all. It was dumb."

"It had to have been something good. Your breathing was kind of accelerated. I can hear that you know," Max smirked.

"Oh...well...I can't really remember it...but I vaguely remember us putting away some scumbag or another," Logan hammered out.

Hmmm, he said us. Don't get your hopes up girl, it was about work again, remember? "Fine, if you don't want to tell me, don't." Max turned her face into a half smile. "I just stopped by to see if you had anything you wanted me to do before I went to work this morning, but obviously you haven't gotten to your computer yet."

If you only knew what I wanted you to do.

"Well, I've gotta blaze. If I'm not at work in the next few minutes, I might be back looking for a job from you that actually pays. See ya." And with that, Max turned on her heels, and walked out of Logan's life for the next few hours. Logan flopped back down on his bed. What am I going to do with myself? She knew that my dream wasn't about work. She knows me too well, but how am I supposed to not think about her when she is just so damn cute? Shake those thoughts Logan, you don't want to scare her off. Logan rolled over and put his feet down on the cold hardwood floor of his apartment, and got up to take a shower.


Max looked up and smiled as the cool air of February pulled her hair out of her face. She felt so free as she zipped in and out of traffic on her way to the Jam Pony headquarters. As she rode, thoughts of Logan crept into her head. I wonder what he really was dreaming about. I know it wasn't about work. It was too intense for work. Was it about me? Nah. Max flew in the door at Jam Pony just as Original Cindy was heading out.

"Hey Boo, what'd you get up to after you split last night?"

"Just took my baby out for a spin..." Max smiled as she remembered her night cruising through the streets of Seattle.

"So you and your boyfriend finally got it on. I'm impressed Max, but why didn't you two wait until tomorrow? Or couldn't you hold out for an extra night?"

"He's not my boyfriend." Max stated bluntly.

"Right..." Cindy loved getting Max in this position.

"Besides, what's tomorrow?"

"Don't tell me you don't know...... It's Valentine's Day!" Max just looked back at her blankly. "Damn girl, don't tell me no one has ever given you something on Valentine's Day." Max just nodded her head no. "Girl, on Valentine's Day you're supposed to get something for your loved one, or in your case, Mr.-He's-Not-My-Boyfriend, and pronounce your undying love for each other!"

"Oh. Well, I guess I don't have to worry about that then." Max looked away from the stare that Original Cindy was giving her.

"Bip, bip, bip people! This is not a place to fraternize, it's a place to pick up parcels to deliver them, or have you forgotten?" Normal shouted from behind his desk.

"We talk later, k boo?"

"Sure, see ya." Max leaned over her bike and gave Original Cindy a hug. "Later." Max walked her bike over to the counter that Normal was standing behind. "Hey Normal, I've gotta split early today, can you just give me a few runs now, so I don't have to come back?"

"And what makes you so special?"

"Other than the fact that I'm a genetically revved up female?" Max looked away, and then looked Normal right in the eye.

"Everything is a joke to you isn't it?"

"Damn straight."

"Fine, here's four hot runs. I better see you in here tomorrow."

"Like I would miss a day of work. I'd just feel so lost if I didn't come back here every day." With that, Max spun around on her heels, grabbed her bike, and rode out to begin her deliveries.


To be continued.....