Authoress' Note: This is a one-shot. I'm not really sure how far this is going to go. It might not go farther than the first chapter. If it does then I will most definitely continue this. If I do continue this it won't be on a regular basis like my other fanfiction, Dancing in the Rain. But I won't abandon this because I think this would make an excelent story. But it's all your decision.

Title: Fallen Angels

Summary: Harry Potter has finally defeated the Dark Lord and has allowed both the wizarding and muggle world to breath in peace. The only problem is that Cornielius Fudge, Minister of Magic, has decided that Harry is a criminal in the making and sentences the hero to life of imprissonment in Azkaban. Defending himself against horrific memories that are cast upon him by the Dementors are torture enough without having hungry reporters hawk in on him, each wanting answers he's not willing to give. But maybe wtih a little encouragement from a new friend might save the hero from his own demise. Maybe...

Rating: PG-13 for mild language, violence, and angst. The Rating might be changed later on, but I'm not sure.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any of the HP world. It all belongs to WB and J.K. Rowling. I only own the characters, places, et cetera that you do not recognize.

Introduction: Alone

Alone. That's what he was, utterly alone. He was separated from what he knew what was true, and what they said was true. How long ago had he wondered what it might've been like for him to survive such a place? Such a cold, desolate place was a niche of Hell. If there was such a thing as Heaven, than this was most definitely Hell. People normally associate Hell being a horrid fiery pit, but no they were wrong. Hell was a cold barren place where the evils feed off of your soul, and torture you with your worst memories. Such a place didn't deserve a name, but it had one nerveless. It was called Azkaban, and Harold James Potter was one of its many occupants.

Reviews are highly welcome!!!!!!!!