AN- yes, after almost two (long) years, this thing is finally coming to a close. After some good updates (mostly long and sporadic) I finally got the last chapter up. The next arc of the Lost Race series is done and completed, although the project will not begin until after thanksgiving. That is a guarantee. Thanks to those who read, and more thanks to those who reviewed. The next arc will not take nearly as long to get on the web. Enjoy…

Chapter 29…The End of the Beginning

Aezon awoke. There was no sound, no perception, no active thought at all. He was awake, and that was all he knew for certain. Oh, there were other things that his mind was picking up, but it wasn't important now. He felt so calm, so at ease, like living in a dream. He could see his best friend, Remus he called himself, looking at him with worry. Aezon wasn't worried. Why should he? He felt so comfortable, so relaxed…

A harsh slap across the face with a mental pinch brought Aezon to a much more acute awareness. Pain engulfed him, and more than just physically. His friend, the monk, stood over him. He was bleeding severely from a head wound, but appeared to be ok. He was still breathing, at least.

"Curse you, Aezon. Curse it all," he murmured, glaring at him with an iron voice. It almost seemed…uncharacteristic. For some reason, he could not say exactly why.

"Are you still too weak to realize how dangerous the universe can be? Or is that just your stupidity? OW!" Remus grabbed him by them and pulled Aezon's body over his shoulder. "Ouch, you moron, that hurts!"

"Good," he said. "That means you're still well enough to live." And that was the end of that.

Aezon grimaced, but managed to look around while he was being carried, and it appeared he was being taken down a lit hallway of some sort. "Hey, where are we?" he asked. The thought had just come to him; how did they get off the planet? Or rather, were they off it at all…

"I managed to find a hangar with a few ships. We're flying back to Netiga. I'm taking you to the monastery, where they'll be able to heal your wounds. I know for certain they will confine you. However, I am also sure that some break in security will be evident."

Aezon chuckled for a moment. He would never forget Remus the monk, or Rocky his best friend. They were one and the same, but both never failed to make him ease off. At least, so far they had.

Several months later…

Aezon faced his friend in the middle of the courtyard. It was not so long ago when they had met to go and fight off the demons. And now, they seemed like strangers again. Remus stood watch over Aezon, whose presence was to be closely watched until his alignment was confirmed. They still were not certain what he was, although now they had eliminated him being a demon. They had done extensive blood testing while he was being treated, not without much complaint, and determined that Aezon was some sort of humanoid alien. As to which race, they still could not discern. Or at least, that is what they had told Aezon.

That was not his main concern, however. What had startled him was how his final attack had affected him. He already felt older, slower to react, and not so keen with his awareness. He had slowly gained back some ability, but his arms were a mess. They were practically useless in a fight still. Charred black with scratches up to his elbow, they were only at thirty percent. Not even enough for a good punch.

Remus showed no emotion, however, after they had arrived back on the planet. Indeed, he had spent most of his days meditating before the alter. It was very ritualistic, and Aezon despised him all the more. After all, he didn't believe in any god. If there was a god, if would come to terms with that when the time came.

"Remus," he began, "I will leave tonight. I must report back to elder kai, and I need to go back to my training in the otherworld. I cannot stay here, even if my father's sword must. We will probably not see each other for a long time, if at all ever again. I wish you the best of luck." The monk remained motion less. Aezon shook his head in disappointment. He looked toward the sky, already opening his senses to ki levels in the galaxy. It would only be a few moments until he was ready.

"Aezon," Remus said. "You must prove you are strong enough to get by me before you leave. Or rather, you must answer my questions. Which shall it be?"

"Well of course I'll –" He stopped himself. He was in no condition to fight now. And Remus was back to being in top condition. In fact, he might even beat him. And how hard could it be to answer a few questions?

"What do you want to know?"

Remus continued to look the other way in his meditative stance. "How is it that you have learned such dangerous techniques?"

Aezon didn't answer for a moment. Finally, he decided honesty wouldn't hurt in this case. "I trained in the otherworld for a long time under sensei's with very powerful knowledge. My training is actually very incomplete, so I defeated the demons with a very dangerous version of that final technique."

"Will you ever come back for your father's sword?"

"Only every third month." Remus smiled inwardly. Aezon had never truly changed. Or perhaps he had. Either way, his mind was already set, even before he had asked his questions.

"I am going to sleep now," the monk said. "I don't expect to see you here in the morning." Aezon nodded. It was the last thing he would see his friend for over twenty years.

One year later…

Aezon stood above the town, hovering a few hundred feet in the air. All in all, he really didn't this planet called earth. Or at least, not the cities. They were simply just too open and big. Or the small ones, which were much too rural. And while the scenery was excellent, there were only a handful of strong fighters, most of whom were not as strong as he had hoped. None felt as strong as Goku. But then again, who was?

After careful consideration, he peered towards the country. Goku didn't seem like the person to live in a city, large or small, especially with this ridiculously weak human population. The average human was nothing compared to the level he was used to. After a few more moments of breathing the cool air, he flew towards the mountains. He didn't hide his ki at all, and freely sped in and out of the various valleys. After some time he came to a small home in the middle of what was quite literally nowhere. There wasn't anything else for miles around, but the most delicious of smells arose from the window.

The cook had to be quite extraordinary for him to smell the aroma this high in the air, and wouldn't hurt to see if there was any extra food, so he flew down. As he peered through the window, he saw a black haired woman in a brightly colored kimono cooking what must have been a feast for a hundred. There was barely enough room in the house for the food she prepared.

A young boy sat at the table, somewhat flipping though the pages of a book. He looked up and noticed Aezon immediately. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Yes, indeed, who are you?" came a voice from behind. Aezon turned quickly to find a man in blue spandex eyeing him with a mix between a scowl and a smirk. He looked cocky, folding his arms across his chest.

Not wanting to answer Aezon sped off away from the house. The man easily caught up, grabbing his foot and twirling him to the ground.

"It isn't nice for guests to leave before saying goodbye to the host. Of course, blonde's like yourself might have trouble with that thought." Aezon frowned. He honestly didn't know what a blonde was. Was it some sort of term for a kind of person? It sounded more like battle armor to him.

He regarded the man before him. He had dark hair with black eyes, and his power level was obviously not normal. It was enough for a good challenge at peek condition.

Peak condition was not were Aezon was at right now. But the man seemed to think other wise. He held a palm out towards him, raising his ki.

"If you don't speak up, I'm going to blast you away from here. Understood?" Aezon frowned before finally opening his mouth to answer.

"I don't fight people with really pointy hair, so I'll have to kick your but some other day. Now, do you kn-"

The attack came without warning, catching him across his face. He hadn't even seen the man move his arm. He's fast.

"I, Vegeta, prince of all saiyans, will not be insulted from underlings such as you." That caught Aezon's attention. Goku had mentioned Vegeta, and now here he was in the flesh. He would not waste this opportunity.

"Well then," he said, his eyes turning darker by the second. "Allow me to introduce my self." Aezon tightened his bandages around his arms before beginning his attack. There would not be much being held back from him.

And so it was that Aezon came to earth and met the prince of all saiyans.