I'm Sango Not Kagome


A/N: YES!! MY BABY IS BACK!! For those of you new readers, (which I seriously doubt exist) this was up before, but I thought it sucked so I rewrote it. And here it is! I'm fixing it slowly, but hey, I'm doing it. I'm gonna make it lots better then the last one, with more character description and more details, (hopefully! ::cross fingers::) and simply just a wee bit better!! So yeah, here she is, and may I say she might be a beaut? But neways, here's the newly fixed first chapter of ISNK!!! WOOHOO!!!

A soft, small breeze flittered through a small village. It blew mischievously through various women's kimono's, and brought the scent of lunch to hungry men, whose stomachs growled rather loudly. The breeze wafted past a certain monk, who happened to be enjoying the 'sights' of the village.

Actually, he was checking out boobs.

He walked by groups of youthful and pretty girls, smiling and nodding, as they gushed behind him about his looks. He simply grinned inwardly, happy for the attention. He walked on, to see more.

It was true, the women were really very pretty, and some looked like good mothers, but none seemed quite right. None of them had a certain spark. The monk sighed. He needed an heir, but he doubted the woman he loved would bear it. He was sure at least one of the females in this village would be happy to do it, but it wouldn't be right.

He suddenly felt pressure against his chest, and gravity getting the better of him. He fell to the ground, but something was in his way, and he heard a soft yelp. Looking around wildly, he realized he had ran into a woman, and was on top of her. He scrambled to his feet quickly, and immediately began to apologize.

"Ah, my dear lady. I'm so very sorry, you see I wasn't paying very much attention to where I was going." The woman stood up and dusted off her kimono before looking up at him. Miroku fought to hide a gasp. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. She had soft creamy white skin, and perfect almond-shaped brown eyes. Her wavy black hair clung lightly to her frame as it flowed prettily down her back. Getting past her face, he began to take note of her other attributes.

She had an hourglass figure, slightly apparent under her dusty dress. She had slender arms, which usually meant slender legs. She seemed to have a flat stomach, and just above it...

Were the biggest boobs Miroku had seen in a long time.

He caught himself staring at them, and mentally smacked himself. The woman laughed, and Miroku couldn't help but think it sounded like bells. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke.

"It's quite all right sir. I wasn't quite paying attention myself." She spoke in a very soft and melodious voice. Miroku almost blushed. The woman continued.

"What is a monk like you doing here? I thought they hung around... More wholesome places."

"Oh, I'm just exploring the area. By the way, my name is Miroku. What, praytell, is yours?" The woman laughed softly.

"My name is Tsuyu. It's good to meet you Miroku San. What brings you here?"

"It is on my way, and my friends and I needed supplies. I'm retrieving a small amount of things. But, I would like a tour from a local." He hinted, while grinning wolfishly. Tsuyu laughed again.

"Why, this is not my home. I am visiting this town myself." Miroku looked vaguely downcast, before Tsuyu continued. "But, how about we explore it together?" Miroku smiled.

"What if we get lost?"

"Then we'll be lost together." She grabbed his hand, and the two began walking.

Sango was beating her head against a tree. It seemed to be the only thing to stop the endless screams. At least it had before her head grew an immunity to the bark and she began to hear the damn shrieking again. Argh.....

Inuyasha and Kagome had been yelling at each for hours. It hadn't started that way, it had originally been a regular Shippo Inuyasha squabble, but then Kagome decided to get into it. She hated it when Kagome stuck her head in things that didn't even pertain to her.

After Kagome began shrieking, Shippo had ran away with his tail between his legs, and she and Inuyasha's yelling grew steadily worse. Then of course Kagome had to use the old threat of, 'I'm going home!' which made Inuyasha even more mad, and the decibel level raised. Sango's head was throbbing, and she felt she needed to get out of there. She stood up, and with a quiet statement about going to find Miroku, she left the clearing, and the screaming duo.

When the screams finally died down, Sango relaxed. She could find Miroku, and maybe he could stop the damn screaming. He was cool headed, and could probably handle it, and that was why Sango loved him so.

She blushed at the thought, but brushed it off. He didn't know, and may not know for a while. The monk wasn't to know of her love, though she had decided she would tell him about it if he told he loved her first.

So what if she was shy? It couldn't be helped, and she was pretty sure Miroku had somewhat of the mutual feelings. Sango sighed. Why was she so shy?

Still, the love in her heart was there, quite obviously. But she also prided herself for hiding it. She was sure nobody knew, and she was also sure nobody would know until she herself decided to reveal it.

Sango walked on, thoughts of love in her head, humming silly songs that came to her as she walked. An elderly couple walked by thinking, that is a girl in love. They were right... But only for a short while.

After searching for a while, Sango began to get worried. Miroku should have been easier to find. All she should have done was find a group of girls, and he would most likely be there. The fact that he wasn't unnerved her. She began searching frantically, and passed by a slim alleyway. She heard a giggle and stopped. Normally this wouldn't have mattered at all, but there was a male voice in that alley that sounded eerily familiar.....

She stood near the edge of the alleyway, not wanting to look in. She was praying hard that it wasn't Miroku in there, and some other man, but something told it was. She knew it was Miroku. She slowly steeled herself t look around the corner.

She saw a beautiful woman, smiling seductively at a man with a short ponytail. Their clothes were very ruffled, and they both looked rather flushed. Sango's eyes widened as she heard the man say the one thing that sealed the scene.

"Milady, will you do me the pleasure of bearing my child?" The woman laughed, and Sango swore she heard her say yes. She jerked around and charged out of the village full tilt. Miroku had the strangest feeling of someone he knew was nearby, but he shrugged it off. Tsuyu smiled, and he knelt down to kiss her.

Sango ran as fast as she could through the forest. Her heart was in thousands of pieces. She felt so betrayed, so hurt. She collapsed to the ground in a heap and began to sob heavily. The ache in her heart was almost too much too bear. The tears kept flowing, and she made no move to stop them.

Sango was too deeply into her sobbing and crying to hear the rustle of movement behind her.

A/N: So, it was short. But it's a fuggin prologue, it's supposed to be. Sides, I'm planning for every chapter to be about 6-7 pages long each, and 8 for the specialty chapters. Yeah so, I hope you liked and yeah, more updates soon. I love you all! And SMOOCHIES!!