I'm Sango Not Kagome!

A/N: ...Holy SHIT. My inspiration came flooding back. Whee! Someday next... then Not even Princess... But this now. If you want to IM and gripe about my update issues... Okami no Hanyou. Betcha weren't expecting that huh?

Sango glared at the back of the silver haired man... No, demon in disapproval. A rope was tied around her hands, and it was rather uncomfortable. They were nowhere near Inuyasha's campsite, he had picked her up at some point and ran at a pace that had made her eyes water. That hadn't been very fun. The stupid dog man had assumed she was crying. To which she had responded with a kick, which was rewarded with him falsely dropping her.Sango hated heights, with a passion.

She glanced at the trees around her. They were larger here, wherever here happened to be. The flowers were a bit different, and the air had a sweet smell on it. She might be enjoying herself, if only she wasn't bound and being kidnapped. Still, it was rather lovely.

Sango was so entranced by the scenery, she did not notice that Sesshomaru had stopped. This resulted in her colliding with his back. She could not help but notice, he had really soft hair and it smelled nice. Sango jerked back and shook her head. No sniffing the hair of the enemy dammit!

"Whyhave we stopped?" She asked caustiously. Sesshomaru didn't acknowledge her presence, like usual.She huffed and looked around him. The sight she saw almost made her squeal, but she didn't want to make the little girl wake up.

A small girl was lying on a mat under a tree, curled into a ball. There was a two headed dragon right next to her, and an ugly little toad thing on the dragon. She knew the ugly little toad thing. That was Jaken. he kind of took away from the scene, but the small girl made for it.

She seemed rather familiar, like she had seen her with Sesshomaru before. What was her name? Rinna? Rahn? Ran? Rin! Rin, that was it. She was lying there, looking very innocent and sweet. Sango had always had a thing for small children, she had always wanted a little sister. Sango shook her head. Going into reverie while being kidnapped was not a good thing!

She watched as Sesshomaru walked towards the little girl and kneel down. Sango was shocked as he shook Rin's shoulder gently... and almost affectionately. She had always thought he hated all humans! At least, that's what Inuyasha always said.. Not to mention Sesshomaru himself has said so on numerous occasions. Sango shook her head. She was confused.

Rin opened her eyes sleepily and stretched, rather catlike. She rubbed her eyes and smiled toothily at Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru Sama! How are you? You've been gone a long time!" She sat perkily, her adoring eyes focused on Sesshomaru. He simply gestured to Sango.

"This is Sango. She will be your caretaker. Come, we're going home." He stood and walked towards Ah Un, pulling sharply on Sango's rope. She sent a glare his way, but he saw nothing of it. She let out a sigh.

Rin scarmbled up on Ah Uh, then turned to Sango. She grinned at her and gazed as Sango leaped gracefully onto the dragon from a rock.

"Hi! My name is Rin. You're pretty!" She chirped. Sango smiled warmly at the little girl.

"Thank you I-" Sango was jerked as Ah Uh leaped into the air. With her hands bound, she couldn't properly grasp the dragon. She clenched with her knees, but it wasn't enough. Sango bit down a shriek as she started to slip off of the dragon. She clenched her eyes shut in fear, and she felt a clawed hand grab her arm and yank her back into place. As she opened her eyes, she noticed Sesshomaru was behind her and had saved her. He reached around her and removed her bonds. Sango had to fight a blush.

This was why she hated heights.

"Thank you." She muttered quietly. She glanced at Rin, whose brown eyes were filled with worry. "Are you okay?" She asked, to which Sango nodded. Rin smiled, then leaned back onto Sango. "Rin is sleepy... Night night Sango San!"

Sango realized the moon was out. She looked up. By it's positioning, she assumed it was around midnightand it made her realize shewas exhausted. She wished she could slump back and sleep. Unfortunately for her, there was a demon man that was not very friendly behind her, so she didn't have that option. She'd either have to not sleep, or sleep sitting up somehow. She sighed. She'd really love a bed or a mat... Or just a place to sleep right now... Her eyelids were so heavy... Sango shook her head. No, she couldn't fall asleep!

She tried to think about things and sort out her jumble of a mind. But, whatever came up just hurt. She hated the thought of Miroku and his new woman... She hated how she acted, she just hated all the things that had happened from the previous few nights! Shedespised the raw feeling her heart was feeling. It hurt almost as much as losing her father and brother... Sango half heartedly shook her head, banishing those thoughts.

She tried to stir up happy memories... Like eating those strange foods of Kagome, or watching Inuyasha sniff around that damn well... Slowly, her eyes closed, and her body leaned back and she was wrapped in her dreams. She breathed lightly and slept soundly, uncaring to the whole world.

Sesshomaru stared a the woman leaning on his shoulders. She was warm.. And slightly appealing to the eye...Sesshomaru forced the thoughts from his head. She was human. She was a human, and it did not matter if shewas warm, or pretty or anything such as that.

Of course, the challenging little voice at the back of his head spoke up. Isn't Rin human?

Sesshomaru ignored it. Rin was different. She was just.. Rin. It didn't matter. None of this did. Inuyasha would come for Sango and trade that damn sword, his prietess would make him. Then, all of this would be over.

All of it over...

A/N: I hope it's ok! I apologize if there's erorrs, I lack a spellcheck. Leave a review if you want to! Sorry it's short.. I havtea update other things and clean tonight so yeah...
