Text - Yuya's good conscience

Text - Yuya's bad conscience

"Text" - Yuya's neutral conscience

"Text" - Obviously, what the characters are saying, DUH!

Text - Kyo's positive conscience

Text - Kyo's oh-so-negative conscience

"Text" - Kyo's neutral conscience

Text - Other characters' thoughts (if any)

Chapter 1 – Pulverizing A Heart

"I do." Yuya said to the preacher. She was getting married with Kyo, after having a relationship with him after Kyo and Kyoshiro fought.

"And do you, Demon Eyes Kyo, accept Yuya as your wife?"

"I do." Kyo said, facing Yuya.

"Well then, I now pronounce both of you as man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The old preacher said.

Kyo was wearing traditional Japanese groom outfit while Yuya was wearing the traditional Japanese bridal outfit.

Everyone witnessed the matrimony of the two, including the injured Kyoshiro made it. Sakuya, Mahiro, Okuni, Yukimura, Saizo, Sasuke... All of them, except for Benitora.

Nobody knows the exact reason why Benitora didn't attend. His excuse was because, of course, being Tokugawa Hidetada, he has more important matters to attend.

Yuya convinced Kyo to be friends with Kyoshiro now that their fight is over. Kyo agreed so and Kyoshiro freely accepted the friendship.

Kyo unveiled his woman and saw that she was blushing. As in her cheeks are almost redder than cherry tomatoes! Kyo cupped the both sides of her face and kissed her.

When they arrived at their new home...

"So, what are we going to do now?" Yuya asked her husband.

"Heh. I'm finally married to you, Yuya. Did you know that I'm sick of being affectionate to you? I mean, I only married you for one purpose." Kyo said harshly, making a death glare to Yuya.

"W-what?" Yuya stammered. Of all the things in the world, what she feared most are those eyes, those blood scarlet eyes. Did she make a mistake? No, no, she never did. How could she? She was purely innocent.

"I want to have descendants to continue my blood thirst!" Kyo said as he removed his upper clothing.

Yuya reached for her revolving-barrel gun under her pillow and aimed it at Kyo. Her hands were trembling. She couldn't trigger the gun at him, could she? She loved him so much, and here, they were just married, she just can't kill him! She wasn't ready for this; she wasn't ready to lose her virginity - the seal of true femininity.

Kyo placed his hand on the gun and threw it to the other corner of the room and Kyo pinned Yuya on the bed.

"No! NO!!!" Yuya screamed as that devilish grin of his appeared, her emerald eyes narrowed to see that his eyes were full of lust.

Yes. Something happened to them that night.

Five months later...

Yuya looked at her womb. Kyo always left her. He doesn't mind her. He said he'd come back at the eighth month of her pregnancy. Yuya thought that she was a fool. She should've just left off with Kyoshiro. But Yuya never wanted to be a double-crosser in the eyes of Sakuya.

(A/N: This time, Yuya is pregnant. So of course, she has to wear something respectable. She's wearing the same design of kimono that she usually wears in the series only that the skirt is longer...)

Yuya sighed.

"Why am I not happy?" she whispered to the wind, pointedly, talking to herself, "I got what I wanted right? To get united with Kyo... And here, his child in my womb... I'm going to be a mother soon... But why am I not happy?!"

"Is it because he doesn't love me? But why did he court me to get married?" Nobody knows, Yuya, nobody knows...

A tear made its way down to her cheek and dropped on her womb. More tears flowed freely from her jade eyes and continued landing on her womb.

"My child, I wish you not to be like your father. If Kami-sama is listening to me, please, Kami-sama, don't let my child be like him!"

"Yuya!" a voice called on the door of the Kyo residence.

Yuya wiped her tears quickly with the back of her hands and breathed normally, to ease herself.

"Coming! Who is it?" she asked.

"It's me, Okuni!"

Yuya made it to the door and greeted Okuni, "Ohayou."

"Ohayou, Yuya-san." Okuni said, "I see that womb is getting bigger. You must have a healthy baby."

"Ah yes." Yuya replied as she turned away from her friend.

"Something wrong?" Okuni asked as she placed her hair locks at the back of her ear.

"No. I was just surprised because the child moved."

"You must have an active child soon." Okuni replied with a smile, "I'm jealous!"

"Jealous? Oh yes, come in, by the way." Yuya said as she pointed to the table.

They sat on the floor and Okuni continued, "I'm jealous because of you getting married to Kyo and Lady Sakuya getting engaged to Kyoshiro. I have no love life..."

I have a freaking love life here, Okuni... Just a mental note. Yuya thought.

"Well, there's Yukimura. Think of it, if you'll get married with him, your name should sound really nice, like, Sanada Okuni."

"Shut up." Okuni blushed, "Although I admit, he's pretty handsome and cunning, too. And else, we're really nice friends now."

"You like him, don't you?" Yuya teased.

Even in times of total sadness or of troubles, Yuya even gets to pick a joke or two with her friends. Probably the only ones who REALLY loved her and took care of her, probably the only ones who are concerned for her.

"Fine. Let's say I do." Okuni finally gave in.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Nothing really urgent. Just wanna have a chat or two with my good friend, Shiina Yuya."

That was her former name, 'Shiina'. Just reminded her of that night when Kyo played with her body, just for the sake of having a child.

She looked at the floor and said in a gloomy voice, "Aren't you forgetting something, Okuni-san?"

"Huh? What?" Okuni said, putting her hand on her lips, thinking that she might've done something wrong.

"I'm married?" she replied, still looking on the floor.

"Oh right, right. Sorry for calling your former name, Mrs. Kyo." Okuni replied as she removed her hand from her lips and waved it up and down, smiling.

Okuni noticed Yuya's gloomy features and said, "Yuya, do you have a problem? Really, you can just tell me."

Yuya looked at Okuni straight in the eye, "I-I'm just w-worried when the time has come for me to give birth." She denied. The real thing is, being called, 'Shiina' made her feel down in the dumps, still roaming in her mind is the time when Kyo disgraced her femininity.

"Oro? Don't worry, Yuya-san, I believe you'll be a great mother and wife."

Yeah and Kyo will be a whoremaster-minded husband. Her thought said.

Shut up, evil conscience. Her other conscience told the vengeful half, You're just making things worse.

"Aa... Hai, hai, that's true." Yuya said as she plastered a fake smile on her face, "So how's Benitora? I didn't receive any news from him since our wedding. Is he fine? He didn't even visit me or even wrote to me."

"Hmph." Okuni mumbled.


"He's been laying down rules lately. Hell, even set a curfew for the citizens. I say it's almost like Martial Law." Okuni said, with a serious tone and furrowed eyebrows.

"And what about Mahiro? Is she now feeling okay after her brother died?

"She, too, is fine. She told me that Benitora is getting stricter by the moment. Sometimes, she feels like giving up on working for him." Okuni replied as she looked around, "Nice house, by the way."

"Ahuh, thanks." Yuya replied with a disconcerted tone.

"Where's your husband?" Okuni questioned.

"I don't know where he is, Okuni, my friend. I don't know..."

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Remember! Yuya's wearing a new kimono! Hehehehe... Nothing really special to say, just keep in mind the kimono thingy, okay?