Persian blue Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. All characters used in my story are the original creation of Hajime Yadate and Yoshiyuki Tomino. Other users are Mixx manga, Tokyopop,Cartoon Network ext..
Thank you.

Relena looked out into the sky. Her eyes ventured slowly to the beautiful colors of pinks and oranges setting slowly into the west. A light breeze blew past her face, letting her golden brown tresses gently brush over her regal blue orbs. She smiled. Relena often came to her balcony to watch the dying sunset after a day of endless politics. It just always seemed to soothe her...the way the clouds swirled around in an endless dance in a mixture of purple and pink pigment. It had always been her means of "escape" from the real world. Here, she could drift into deep thought without loud disruption of officers or endless paperwork to bother her.

Relena let her eyes close and allow the moment to sink in before she had to retreat back to her room. Opening her eyes once more her smile dropped as the sun disappeared behind the hills, and dark gray clouds started to form overhead. The dark forms started to cover the land in a blanket of gray as the last trace of dark blue sky was covered up. Relena still stood on the balcony, eyes straight forward never moving, never noticing as small droplets of cool rain started to fall.

It had been 2 years since her last encounter with the gundam boys. Duo,Quatre,Wufei,Trowa.....Heero. She could remember them all too well. All the fun she had, and all the torture she went through. Peace had always been and still was a fragile thing which could be shattered at any moment. She had worked so hard these past years to keep it at bay, while many were out to destroy it. She had never really understood the concept of war. It was just a useless display of raw emotions dealt out in anger, when there was no need for it. Relena had always been in favor for dealing with these problems in talking. Not fighting. Not more bloodshed that would only increase anger and fuel rage........

"Heero...." she said wistfully

Relena had been thinking more and more about him lately. Ever since their had been rumors from the preventors that Heero had been sighted close by. It was hard. She had been trying desperately to try and move on. He did not feel the same way she did about him. However she still refused to let go. No matter how many times she told herself that he would never come back, no matter how many times she tried to convince was no use. That only made her think of him more. And it tortured her. Inside and out. She missed him. The way his disheveled brown locks were always hung just below his brow, the way his persian blue orbs would shine with such intensity, and the way that she always felt protected when she was with him.

She had never meet anyone like Heero Yuy in her life before the war, and he took a great effect on her. The more and more she began to run into him the more and more she began to fall in love with him. Despite the fact that he always threatened to kill her, she knew inside he was a kind person with a pure heart. Though he always denied the fact that he had emotions, she knew better. She knew that he WAS a human, not the "perfect soldier" trained from childhood, but a human.

By that point Relena's clothes were soaking wet from the pouring rain. They clung to her like a second skin as she involuntarily shuddered from the cold. Slowly walking in around the glass door frame she sat down on her bed,feeling its gathered heat and sighing inwardly. That's another thing she missed about Heero....his warmth. She never really thought about it, much less told him but it always seemed as though he had an internal heater inside him. Every time she was near him or if she were to touch him her body would instantly warm up.

'I suppose its that effect he has on people' Relena thought warmly.

As she sat up from her bed she went over to the bathroom and slowly peeled off her wet clothes, replacing them with newly laid out ones from her dresser. Having that done, she gracefully walked down her miniature hallway and back into her sleeping courtiers.

' Really! This place seems more like a house than a single room!' she thought, eyes widening at all the various different rooms leading out of the main chamber.

Entering her bedroom she felt a different kind of feeling overtake her. She couldn't put her finger on was almost like she was being she wasn't alone. Seeing the door to the outside opened, she quickly closed it shuddering at the sudden rush of cold. Thinking the previous feeling was only the wind she dismissed it from her mind and went on to brushing her hair.

Suddenly, hearing a slight rustling noise behind her..Relena froze. Slowly putting down her comb she turned around. A tall dark shadow , leaning against the wall was what greeted her. Relena gasped. Regaining composure she stood up tall and glared coldly at the figure.

"Who are you..?" she asked

The figure smiled evilly and propped himself off the wall, advancing towards Relena. Just before she could do anything the figure had already clamped his hand over her mouth and grabbed her by her waist.

"Hello, Relena Peacecraft." said the dark figure as he looked deep into her eyes.

Relena's eyes widened with terror as the figure slowly made his way down towards her face,closing the space between them. She could feel his hot tingling breath on her lips..getting closer and closer........... Until a short and precise "BANG" sound rung through her ears. She looked up to the figure who just moments ago had her in his grasp and he fell to the ground limply in his own pool of blood. She looked to where the sound came from and saw slightly taller young man than she standing there with his gun barrel pointed straight where the "man" used to be. Relena looked shocked. She squinted through the darkness to try and see who saved her, but the shadows kept his face well hidden. The man lowered his gun.

"W-who are you..?!" Relena stammered.

The man slowly walked out of the shadows,facing Relena. Despite herself Relena let out a gasp.

"H-heero....?!" she exclaimed, barely above a whisper.

He still looked the same as he had 2 years ago...his disheveled brown hair hung loosely over his eyes, he had grown somewhat taller and much more muscular. Relena had made a mental note of that. Moving up to his face she noted that he still wore the same expressionless look that he always had, but his eyes......there was something different about his eyes.....They still held their intensity and beauty.....but as opposed to the expressionless glare he usually seemed as though he had various emotions running through him. This being a very rare case of emotion from Heero she took a step forward in concern. Heero steeped back in response, bringing out his gun (out of habit). He sighed inwardly and slowly put it back into his holster, but as soon as he had his eyes winced in pain.

Relena catching the sudden display of pain she asked full of concern:

"Heero..are you all right?"

"Hn. Fine." he responded ,never taking his eyes off of her.

'She has certainly grown over the years' he noted 'Her figure is much more matured than the 15-year-old girl I left behind 2 years ago. Her slim figure has filled in nicely, and it doesn't look too bad in that nightgown either...'

Heero mentally slapped himself. He didn't have time for casualties. He had forgotten what kind of effect Relena had on him over the years of not seeing her. He finally meet her gaze, her's full of concern...always for him. 'Why me?' He always asked himself.

"Your back....." she whispered , tears forming in her eyes.

He nodded in affirmation.

He found himself staring down at the ground. Clenching and unclenching his fists repeatedly.
The pain was burning inside him...he had been attacked previously before getting there, and the side of his hip was really getting irritating. His vision was starting to act up and he felt his world start to spin. Suddenly, he felt himself stumble against his own will and fall to the ground on all four's, clenching the carpet in agony.

"HEERO!!" Relena screamed and ran to his side, placing her arm around him.

Heero shrugged away her warm gesture and shakily sat up, breathing heavily. His eyes emotionless as ever.

"Please, Heero.. tell me what's wrong!" she pleaded with him.

"Nothing I can't handle." He responded in his usual monotone voice.

Relena stared at him , eyes full of determination. They stared straight at him, he staring back. Just as soon as she was about to lift herself, a wet, sticky sensation on her hand had stopped her. She looked down and saw BLOOD on her hands! Then she traced it to its source. That's only when she noticed that his hip was bleeding horribly! It had a deep gash running along his side and from the looks of his pants it seemed as though he had lost a lot of blood. She quickly looked up to him, tears threatening to spill. His head was down again , exept this time he didn't seem to respond to her calls. Relena placed both hands on both sides of his face, slowly lifting it.

'He's so PALE!'

Relena looked horrified as she felt his entire body go limp, his head resting on her shoulder. She could feel his hot breath on the side of her neck and felt relived. She cradled him in her arms as her mind raced.

' What happened, Heero?! Why...why would you come back NOW...?'

She slowly looked over to the dead man to her left.

' Oh yeah. HIM.' Then she looked back at Heero.

'He saved me....He saved my life. AGAIN. .' she said remembering the various times he had saved her.

' Well. No time for crying now. You have to get help.'

Suddenly Relena remembered where she was and snapped back to reality.

"PAGAN! QUICK! SOMEONE! HELP.....!!" she shouted so loudly that it woke the entire household.

Pagan, an older man with whitening hair came rushing in , in his pajamas and robe.

"Yes, Miss Relena?! What is the matter??"

The older man gasped as he saw the two men lying on Relena's floor. Both bleeding.

"Please Pagan! Help me...!" Relena yelled, motioning towards Heero.

The old man hastened his pace as he made it over to the boy. His cuts were quite serious.

At that moment Milliardo and Noin entered the room. Both gasping at the blood stained carpets and two men lying on the floor.

"Relena!! Are you all right??!!" Milliardo asked quickly making it over to his sister, slowly pulling her away from Heero.

Milliardo stared in disbelieve at Heero.

"Heero Yuy?!" Milliardo exclaimed. "What did he do to you Relena?! What happened?!" he yelled while looking back and fourth from Heero to the man to his left.

Relena started to explain the whole scenario and what happened, not leaving out a single detail. When she was finished Noin enveloped her in a large hug.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Noin asked concerned.

"I'M fine, but Heero....-." Relena said looking to Heero. " We have to get him some medical attention . Quickly!"

"The nearest hospital is way too far off the interstate. He'll never make it if we use the highway.." Noin stated quickly. Observing his wounds at the same time.

"We could always contact Ms. Sally..." Pagan suggested.

"Brilliant Pagan! I hadn't thought of's a good thing that Sally decided on staying on earth a while longer. I'll contact her." Noin said. Rushing into the next room to her videophone.

Milliardo on the other hand did not like the idea of his little sister looking out for someone like 'Heero Yuy', but he figured that he would save his lecturing for later. Taking another look at the corpse next to him. He decided to do a little investigating. Searching his pockets, jacket, and pants he ended up finding a small ID inscribed on his left hand. It read:

Soldier Morris Burnt
"Lowe organization"

Milliardo slowly read over the name "Lowe Organization"... why did that sound so familiar? Well. There was no use in trying to remember at the moment. He stuck the name into the back of his mind and kept searching. On his jacket pocket he found a almost microscopic camera device.

'Most likely trying to get information out of Relena...' he thought. Slowly placing it onto the ground he crushed it with his shoe.

Relena, not having a clue as to what her brother was doing looked over his shoulder to get a better view.

"Milliardo...What are you doing?" she asked, worry still written over her face.

"Nothing Relena.". he lied. He really didn't like to lie to her like that; but for her safety it was necessary.

Relena frowned. She hated it when everyone kept things from her. Especially when it concerned HER.

Looking back over to Heero, he stayed motionless, eyes closed. His raged breathing made his chest heave back and fourth at an inconsistent speed which made Relena uneasy. Her eyes rested onto his was getting more pale by the minute. She held his hand in hers and prayed for him silently. Though she knew he was going to make it...he always had.


*In a hidden fortress somewhere on the L1 colony.*

A rather raged looking elder man in uniform stood looking at the Earth's Sphere from a space capsule window. His nose wrinkled up in disgust.

"Damn that Peacecraft girl....." he muttered softly to himself.

Next to a rather large TV screen a single soldier stood with a remote in hand, fast forwarding the events on the screen.
Rather suddenly the soldier paused the screen.

"SIR!-" the soldier exclaimed. "-I believe I found him!"

The elder man turned and faced the TV screen.

"Found WHO?!"

The younger soldier shuddered from fear of the old man.

"The lost son of Lowe SIR!"

The elder man stood in front of the screen for what seemed the longest time. Until he convinced himself that what he saw was real. A large, malicious grin finally escaped his mouth.

"Good work , soldier. You are dismissed."

As the younger soldier quietly left the room, the elder man simply laughed. Obviously amused at the sight he saw infront of him he looked towards the screen once more.

"Obviously my men did not complete their mission thoroughly." he said, slightly chuckling. "-no matter. He will be eliminated soon enough."

The elder man slowly turned around, continuing to look at the Earth.

"This time I'll make sure personally that the job gets done right, and you will soon perish.." looking over the last time to the screen he took the remote and focused into the face of Heero Yuy. The old man broke slowly into a menichal laugh that filled the entire building.

"You will not be so lucky this time.....Odin."

To Be Continued............

Thank you so much for reading my very first fanfiction!!! YAY! Its complete! So just keep writing all you authors! And if you have time, please review! Thank you :)
