Disclaimer: Nothing is mine -sobs-

"You're late," a voice rang out from shadows, "I said midnight"

"It's only five past…" Severus Snape replied, trying to stop his voice from shaking. He tried not to show how much James Potter and his cronies frightened him, but, truth be told, they really did.

James Potter stepped out from the dark, smirking slightly, "Well, you're here now, I suppose. Where's your second?"

"Um…I…I don't have one" he said, staring at the floor.

James laughed, and it was chorused with another one, as Sirius Black appeared from behind a cabinet.

"Too scared," he grinned, "All your friends didn't want to take on Prongs, huh?"

"What friends?" James grinned back.

"I do too have friends!" Snape said, a little too shrilly.

"Not very good ones" James said, walking towards him, "You ready?"

Snape set his jaw, "Yes."

"On my count…" Sirius told them, "One…two…"

"POTTER!" Lily Evans stormed through the door; her emerald eyes ablaze "Get here now, you idiot! Lucius has gone running to Dumbledore…if you're caught…you could lose your Head Boy's badge…"

"And you and James can no longer snuggle up in your private room…" Sirius sniggered. James hit him on the arm.

"Come on!" Lily urged, a blush appearing on her cheek at Sirius' words.

Without a second glance at the greasy haired Slytherin, the three of them left the room. Snape stared longingly at the three of them, wondering what it was like to have friend.

Snape decided to buy a dog.

He called her Mitzy.


Utterly random, and absolute crap, I know. -Pokes muse- Wake up! He's always sleeping…

Feedback, as always, is much appreciated.

--Shameless plug-- Read my other fics! They have…something…of a point to them.