Greetings. This is my first fanfic, and I think BelleDayNight should take responsibility for getting me to "cross the line" between reader and writer. Please direct all blame to her, and all praise and well-wishing to me. J/K. Make sure to check out her stories, because they are completely awesome. And now back to the story at hand, please review and enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Of the many things that are mine to possess, Rurouni Kenshin and his companions are not among them.

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Sano absent-mindedly kicked at the leaves on the ground as he ambled toward the Kamiya dojo. This week had brought many bad dice throws, and he was trying to think of a way to convince Kaoru to loan him the money he would need to pay off his more, "pressing" debts.

'I can't just ask again. She nearly turned me down last time. I'm going to need to do something in trade. Maybe I could…er…no, that won't work. Oh! if I just…uh…that takes too much time. Well, I guess I could…nah, Yahiko would never stop laughing. And then I would be forced to kill him.

'Who knew thinking of something useful to do would be this difficult?'

Arriving at the dojo, he spotted the red-haired man with his arms elbow deep in suds, already hard at work completing the day's tasks. 'And I guess offering to do laundry is out of the question.'

"Morning, Kenshin."

"Sano," the Rurouni replied with a nod, and his typical smile.

"Is Jou-chan inside?"

"Buso, went out for a walk, and hasn't come back yet," said Yahiko, forcing the intolerant attitude he didn't really feel. "She is late for my training!"

Adopting a cocky grin he added, "And isn't it a little late, or early, for you to be coming by for a free meal?"

Kenshin deepened his smile at the sight of the two friends fighting like brothers, but he was also worried about Kaoru. It wasn't like her to be late. And she had been so quiet at breakfast. Perhaps the most distressing, however, was that it seemed like she was avoiding eye contact with him lately.

He shook his head hoping to clear away the troubling thoughts. 'I'm sure she would tell me if something were really wrong. After all, nothing has changed since we got back from Kyoto. What could be bothering her?'

Strong arms engulfed her small frame. A warming sensation spread throughout her body--taking the chill out of the night breeze. For a moment, she lets herself forget that this is just a prelude to heartache. She breathes in his sandalwood scent. She feels her cheek pressed against his neck. How is his skin so soft after such a harsh life?

She closes her eyes, and lives a lifetime in that moment. She is totally content in his embrace. Nothing can harm her here. She never has to feel abandoned or alone again. She has found her home within these gentle arms.

And then, the moment passes.

Kaoru stands in the same place, as she did that night, but this time she is alone.

'I should be getting back. Yahiko will be upset his training was delayed. I'll have to endure many a "buso" comment, I'm sure. They may even be worried about me.

'Is that why I'm still standing here in this place--reliving that moment over and over? Do I want them to worry? Do I want him to worry about me?'

Kaoru slowly crept backward so that she was leaning against a tree. Perhaps she could borrow a little of it's strength while her own seemed to be disappearing.

'Three months have passed since the night he said good-bye before leaving for Kyoto. I was born when he held me, and I died when he let go. That was the moment I knew without a doubt that I loved him. Everything changed for me that night. So why is he the same?'

Without realizing it she slowly slid down the tree's trunk until she was half sitting, half kneeling on the ground. Her eyes glazed over as she continued her reverie.

'And yet, here we are back in Tokyo. Every morning he wakes up, and makes us breakfast. Then he sets out to complete his chores, while Yahiko and I practice. Lunch brings Sano's hungry stomach, and the afternoon consists of cleaning the dojo, running errands, and light-hearted squabbling. Everything is exactly like it was before that night--everything, but me. It is like I'm the only one who remembers that it happened.

'It hurts. And I'm not sure if I want him to remember, or if I just want to forget.'

The tears that had been threatening to escape made a solitary dash down her cheek.

"Yo, Jou-chan, what are you doing down there?"

Startled--Kaoru whipped around toward the voice. "Sano!" she exclaimed while trying to nonchalantly wipe away her tears before he saw them.

It was too late.

"Jou-chan?" he asked softly.

Kaoru tried to stand too quickly, and caught part of her kimono with her foot. She stumbled--and braced for a fall--when she realized she was still standing. Sano looked down at her with worried questioning eyes.

"I'm OK Sano. Really."

Unconvinced--but not willing to press the issue--he released her. He took in the sight of a girl he had come to care about, and rely upon over the last year. Her face was still flushed, and her kimono was slightly soiled from the ground. She wouldn't meet his gaze.

He needed to find a way to bring her out of this state.

"Yahiko has been looking for you. Something about 'a new move, Buso won't be able to counter'." He added the last part hoping to spark the fiery Kaoru he was used to.

His plan worked a little too well, and earned him a thwack on the head with a nearby stick.

"Hey! I was just repeating what the kid said."

"Well, you didn't have to be so smug about it!"

"You don't have to be so hot-headed!"

"At least I don't have a Rooster-head!"

"Stubborn Raccoon!"


With that, Kaoru turned sharply, and stomped off in the direction of the dojo. Under his breath he muttered, "You already said that."

Sano reflected back to the image of Kaoru huddled near the ground with tears streaming down her face. 'I hate to see her like that. I hate to see any woman cry, but especially Kaoru. She may come across like a tough tomboy at times, but she is really very innocent and open-hearted.'

Sano kept pace behind her while walking back--but was careful to keep his distance--not wanting a second helping of stick to the head.

'Something has been bothering her ever since we got back from Kyoto. I wonder what it could be.'

He turned the corner into the yard just in time to see Kaoru stiffen as Kenshin greeted her. 'That's odd. Unless, Kenshin is the reason she has been so upset lately. Of course! Anyone can see she likes him, but it is harder to tell what he thinks of her.'

Sano's eyes lit up as his plan fell into place. 'That's it! If I can get Kenshin and Kaoru together then she will be only too happy to lend me the money I need. It will work out for everyone, so it isn't like I'm taking advantage of her kindness!'

"What are you grinning at Rooster-head?" Yahiko asked with a raised eyebrow. "You are up to something aren't you?"

"Yahiko-chan, leave it to me. Things around here are about to get interesting."

Yahiko frowned as he thought about what Sano just said, and pondered what it would mean for their little band of misfits. He watched as Sano walked over to Kenshin, who was hanging the laundry out to dry. Then a thought occurred to him…

"Hey! Don't call me 'Chan'!"

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I should have another chapter up very shortly. Please let me know what you thought, but keep in mind it is my first fic, so be gentle. Also, I'm still trying to get the hang of posting, and what will and won't work on a webpage, and I've had some trouble with the spacers between sections and the em dashes.