Okay here's the last chapter! It goes by fast but who the heck cares! This story has been going on a year and a few months! Yeah I know . . . Scary! So I don't know if I'm gonna write a sequel or not. Cause I kinda don't want to leave it like this! But who knows! I'm might? Do you think I should? No . . . me neither! LOL I don't know! We'll see! Anyway so here is the last chapter! Thank you All for reading this story! SO here you go! The last chapter! Hope you like it!


Summer sat down in her empty room. This was the day she had been dreading.

"I never thought it would come to this."

She stood up and walked to her door. "But it has too." she took one final look at her room.

Her plane was leaving in four hours. Marissa was taking her to the airport. She wasn't sure if Seth and Ryan knew. She didn't care if Seth knew. But if Ryan did it would make it much harder.

Cohen house

Ryan was at the dinner table finishing his homework.

"Dude, homework during Spring Break? That's so old school." Seth said walking in.

"Dude, it's the only way to graduate." replied Ryan.

Seth went to the fridge and got himself a bottle water. "Oh yeah, forgot about that."

"How'd you forget? When you Seth Cohen, are finally going to be able to get outta Newport." Ryan said looking at his book.

Seth smiled. "Doesn't it make you all warm and fuzzy inside?"

Ryan looked up and gave him a weird look

"Speaking of warm and fuzzy." said Seth walking over to the counter. "Can you drive me to Laguna Beach?"

Ryan caught them. "Laguna Beach? Why?"

"Because I've got to pick up something very important."

"I don't know Seth. I've got to do this work."

Seth walked over to Ryan and looked at his book. " Oh these? These are a snap. I'll help you later."

"Oh yeah these are a snap." Ryan turned the page. "These however . . . Are not as snappy."

Seth made a face. "Oh . . . Okay. But never fear. You shall figure them out. Remember I aced this test."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "No you didn't. I saw the paper last year. You liar. You got a C plus."

"Shh!" hissed Seth looking around. "Nobody knows! And nobody is going to find out!"

"And besides we should be leaving now . Laguna Beach is waiting!" Seth said pulling Ryan up from the seat.


"I fell like I'm on death row. And I'm going to be executed." Summer muttered while looking outside.

"Well that was depressing Sum. Come on cheer up." Marissa said while driving.

They were driving to take Summer to the airport. Her plane was to take off in two hours.

Earlier Summer went by to see Seth and Ryan but they weren't home.

"Oh, I'm sorry Summer but they aren't here. They went to Laguna Beach." Kirsten said inviting her in.

"Well could you just tell them bye for me?" Summer asked.

"Sure but if you don't mind me asking. Where are you going?"

Summer looked at her feet. "Oh. . . I'm going to New York for awhile."

Kirsten gasped. "Oh my goodness! Honey, that far away?"

"Yeah well . . . Marissa is taking me to the airport. So I gotta go."

Kirsten hugged Summer. "Well, you take care of yourself up there. And remember if you see any Cohen's . . . don't look them in the eye."

The car stopped.

"Why'd we stop? Did we break down?" Summer asked alarmed.

"Summer quit freaking out. We're at the airport." Marissa laughed.

Summer sat up. "Oh. Wait. We're already there?"

"Yeah. We've been on the road for quite awhile. Although we kinda cut time."

They sat in silence for a bit. Summer then spoke up. "You think we should go in now?"

Marissa looked at her watch. "Yeah I guess." she said sadly.

Finally after they went in Summer checked in and got everything ready. So they went to the gift shop to hit up some good magazines for Summer.

"Okay, So should I get the American Vogue? The UK Vogue? Or the French Vogue?" Summer asked Marissa holding up three different magazines.

Marissa looked up from the Elle she was looking at. "Oh all. This is going to be a long plane ride." she told her putting the one she was holding in Summer's pile.

When they got to the cashier Marissa threw a bag of licorice on the counter. "And you need licorice. It's mandatory to any plane ride."

"Thanks Coop."

The cashier gave them a weird look as she started separating all the magazines. "You expecting a long trip?" she asked.

Marissa nodded. "Oh yeah. She's going to New York."

The cashier nodded in understanding.

After they got out they just stood there and looked around.

"Well it seems that we've only used like . . . 30 minutes." Marissa said happily.

"You wanna go get something to it?" Summer asked pointing at a restaurant by them.

Marissa shrugged. "Sure. Why not."


Ryan and Seth walked in the house. "Seth I can't believe that you made me drive you to Laguna Beach for a comic book." Ryan said walking to the kitchen.

"Hey. It's not just any comic book! It's the -"

"Yeah, yeah I know. You kept telling me on the way back. Personally I don't really care." Ryan interrupted him.

Seth got this horrified look on his face. "Fine. Just go back to your old Chino ways. Hey mom." he said waving to Kirsten. "Whatcha got cooking?"

Kirsten smiled at the boys. "Oh just some spaghetti."

"Ahh. I see you've come to the comfort food level." Seth told her.

Ryan went to go sit back down at the table where his school books were.

"Oh boys. I forgot to tell you. Summer said goodbye. She came by when you were gone." Kirsten told them what Summer had said.

Seth looked up from the comic book he was reading. "Good-"

"Bye?" Ryan finished for him as he quickly got up from his chair. He walked over to them. "What do you mean goodbye? Did she say where she was going?" he asked becoming a bit worried.

"Oh you know to the airport." she said fixing the salad.

"Airport? Why? When?" Seth asked. Wondering what the hell was going on.

"Marissa is taking her to the airport so she can go to New York."

"New York?" Ryan said looking quite confused. "For what?"

Kirsten looked at them confused. "Didn't you remember she was moving to New York?"

Seth and Ryan looked at each other quite shocked.

"We never knew she was going to New York! She'd never told us! Neither has Marissa." Seth replied.

Ryan just stood there quiet. Very confused at this situation.

Kirsten seemed very upset about this. "She didn't tell you two? Well she must have a very good reason as to not telling."

Ryan started going towards the car keys. But Seth got to them before he did. "I'll drive." he said starting to walk out.

As she saw them leave Kirsten yelled something. "You boys better hurry! Her plane will be leaving soon!"


Summer squeezed Marissa's hand. "I think I better go Coop. It's about time for the plane to go."

Marissa looked sadly at Summer. "Are you sure? It's only . . . close to liftoff. Damn." she muttered.

Marissa laid her head on Summer's shoulder. "You sure you have to go Sum?"

Summer sighed. "Yeah. Sadly. But hey I'll be back! Next year. When we're all off to college."

"But I wanna spend the rest of high school with my best friend. We've been waiting for this moment our whole lives. I'd rather you be there then . . . any other of my friends." Marissa told her.

"Sorry to break your heart Coop. But you don't have any friends other then me. And Cohen and Ryan. But that's a different story."

After they sat there for a few minutes Summer said. "Now up up." patting Marissa's leg. "Time to get up and see the world."

Marissa reluctantly got up. Summer followed suit.

"Now I want you to go first. Turn around and leave."

"Why?" Marissa whined.

"Because it'll be easier for me to leave then. Knowing your not here."

Marissa nodded and hugged Summer.

The hug was very long and tight. Although Summer didn't mind. The thought of leaving her best friend made her sick to her stomach. Although that wasn't the only reason she was sick.

After a few minutes of hugging they let go.

"I'll call you everyday okay?" Summer told her.

Marissa's started to water up. "And when you don't call me I'll call you." she laughed.

They hugged again. Finally Marissa let go.

"Now you go. Go ahead and don't look back. Just keep on awalking til you get to your car." said Summer.

"Awalking?" Marissa laughed at her.

"Yeah I was listening to some old country song and they said that."

"I'm gonna miss you Sum. But I'll see you next year right? And who knows? Maybe I'll come to New York this summer and see how you and . . . you know who are doing." she smiled.

"I'd love you for it Coop . . .now go and get your bony ass outta here." she said starting to cry.

Marissa walked away. Taking one last look she went on.

And Summer was there by herself.

As Marissa kept walking she continued crying. Her best friend was leaving her. And technically it was all -


she looked up. Somebody was calling her.


She looked around again.


Finally she spotted them.

It was Ryan. He ran up to her. "Where is she? Where's Summer?" he was breathless.

"Uh . . . she's getting ready to board. I don't know if she's on yet though. It's that way." she pointed behind her. "20B."

Ryan nodded and ran.

Marissa just watched him go.

"He's running like hell isn't he?" somebody else said.

She looked around again. It was Seth.

"Oh Seth! She's gone. She's really leaving." Marissa flung her arms around his neck and started crying.

Meanwhile Ryan was still running when finally he got to 20B. He looked around for Summer.

He saw her. Walking toward her his heart was sad. "You can't always run you know. You're being exactly like Seth."

Summer turned around shocked. "Ryan what the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to convince you to not go." he said.

She looked at him sadly. "Ryan. We both know I have too."

"Are you sure? Or are you just running away?"

Summer gave him an annoyed look. "I'm not stupid. If I was running away I wouldn't even tell Coop. Or Kirsten. As I'm guessing you found out from her." she looked at her watch. "Look Ryan. I've got to go. It's almost time to board."

Ryan stepped toward her. "You can't leave. Because . . . I-I love you."

Summer closed her eyes and smiled. "You've got sucky timing when it comes to saying those words Atwood. But just so you know . . . I love you too." she whispered. Feeling better then she had in days.

She kissed him and began to walk away. "I'll call you. . . okay?"

Ryan just stood there and nodded. As she looked at him one last time and walked off.

Not looking back.

"Wait Summer! You can't go." he said. But she was too far away to hear him. "Because I know . . . about . . . our baby." he finished lamely. She was outta sight now and knew she didn't hear.

And he just stood there . . . watching the girls of his dreams walk out of his life.



Hmm... there you go. The last chapter. I didn't really like the last part. Rushed it. But I didn't really know how to write it so there's what came out! Anyway should I write a sequel? Cuz I left the end . . . just there. I dunno . . .anyway . . . thanks to all for reading! This was my first fanfic posted ever ... and ya'll helped me through it! So for the last time . . . PLEASE REVIEW! My story and I would greatly appreciate it!