Turn Around
By: AngelAnita


I do not own any of these characters in this FanFic. -Sigh- Although I wish I could, especially Sesshomaru...-giggle-

All lettering in ITALICS means the person is having these thoughts in their head. They are not spoken out loud.


Chapter 25: Epilogue

As Sango followed Kilala in the forest, a sight came upon her that she thought she'd never see again.

Her brother, wounded, lay in the grass by the trunk of a tree, his eyes dull and dark. His frame was frail and thin; he'd lost a lot of weight.

"Kohaku?" Tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably as she ran to her younger brother. "Is it really you? Are my eyes fooling me?"

"Yes, sister," Kohaku whispered, closing his eyes when his throat burned with the effort to speak.

"You must be starving! I know a place with food nearby!" Whisking her brother away, she gently laid him on Kilala's back. "Please bring him to the others and make sure he's fed!"

The fire cat nodded in response, disappearing through the skies as Sango wept under the tree where she'd found her brother.

"Kohaku," she sobbed happily.


Rin awoke, feeling intense pain throughout her entire body. Every part of her was tight and sore, as if she'd been beaten all over. As she stirred, Sesshoumaru hovered over her, watching her movements.

"It's about time you woke up," Sesshoumaru quipped, his sarcastic remark shocking Rin slightly.

"Is Kagome okay?" she asked with deep concern for her close friend. Her body was no where to be seen; had she died?

"She's outside with Inuyasha. Kohaku came back not too long ago and they're preparing food for him. Sango is delighted," he'd added as an afterthought.

"That's wonderful!" Rin exclaimed as tears misted in her eyes. "I'm so happy…"

Neither of them said anything for a moment, but Sesshoumaru surprised her when he spoke.

"I was so worried for you," he confided as he kissed her lips softly. "You had me so scared…" His show of emotions was so rare that Rin was yet again shocked by his abrupt show of feelings.

He kissed me…

Before she knew what she was doing, Rin forced her body to sit up as she threw her weak arms around his neck. "I'm so glad you're here," she cried as tears streamed down her face. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Sesshoumaru," she too, confided as she kissed him passionately.

Seconds later, a shadow entered the hut and he cleared his voice. "Seems like you two are getting along just fine," Miroku said, grinning.

"Get out, leach," Rin moaned as she blushed brightly. "Shouldn't you be busy molesting Sango, or something?"

Miroku nearly pouted, his eyes suddenly looking like a puppy's who didn't get a bone. "She's too busy looking after her brother; I'm practically jealous!"

Rin laughed while Sesshoumaru watched over her, glad to see everything was returning to normal.

"You'll have her all to yourself once he's better, and knowing you, you'll take full advantage!" Rin finally said, watching as the monk huffed and left the hut.

"As soon as you are well, you'll be returning to my castle."

Her laughter immediately stopped as her heart pounded in her chest. He stared, his golden eyes void of harshness. Instead, he looked almost happy; he was calm and collected.



It took a couple more days until everyone was normal again. However, the Shikon Jewel hadn't been dealt with yet. It was about time that it was settled and put behind them.

"I don't really know what to wish for, since I feel like I've got everything I could ever want," Rin spoke to the group, all of their eyes watching her intently. "So all I can do is wish for everyone's happiness. We've all been through hardships, losses and times where we didn't know if we'd get through the next day, and I think we all deserve to live our lives as well as possible."

The jewel began to shine and Kagome closed her eyes tightly and gripped Inuyasha's hand, thinking she'd be sent back to her world.

Once the jewel disappeared, everyone looked towards Rin. Nothing seemed different; everyone looked the same and everyone was still here.

"I guess it didn't work," Rin said, her voice doubtful and slightly unhappy.

Then her body began to glow, along with everyone else's, no one knowing what was going on.

Midoriko, the keeper of the Jewel appeared before Rin, her ghostly form smiling.

"Thank for you for rescuing and saving the Jewel," she said in a voice which sounded heavenly. "You will all be granted happiness," and with that she disappeared.


A Month Later…

"Rin?" a deep voice called, and she responded "Haiiiii?" from in her bedroom.

"You have visitors," Sesshoumaru replied, not seeming to care.

"Kagomeeee!" Rin squealed, practically jumping on her best friend.

"How's life with frosty?" she asked, elbowing her friend knowingly.

"Very funny!" Rin answered, grinning. "Sesshoumaru said the wedding will be next month, so make sure you're here for it!"

Kagome winked. "Of course I'll be there! Inuyasha and I are getting married here, too!"

Rin's eyes widened and then she crushed her friend in a hug that deprived her of air.

"I'm looking forward to being his mate," Kagome's eyes shined as she spoke, Rin's following suit. "Me too!"

Inuaysha rolled his eyes, knowing that he'd never understand women.

"Wench, you said we were dropping by for just a second. You practically see her every day!" Inuyasha whined, his stomach rumbling.

"You should come by tomorrow; Sango and Miroku haven't seen you in a while," Kagome invited, knowing Rin would show up.

"Yeah, I've been busy with wedding plans, but I'll definitely do that!"

Waving goodbye to her friends, she closed the front door and bumped into Sesshoumaru's chest.

"Did they need something?" he asked, seeming to be curious.

"Nope, they were just stopping by on the way home!"

Hugging her close, Sesshoumaru inhaled her scent which always made him feel at ease.

"The seamstress has some wedding kimonos she'd like to show you later today," he told her as he crouched. Rin nodded in response, her excitement clear as her eyes shined.

"But for now, I'm having you to myself," Sesshoumaru grinned as he picked her up bridal-style and carried her to their bedroom.


The End!


Author's Note

To be honest, I wanted to delete this story since I haven't written anything for it in 2 years and think it's really crappy… but I knew there'd only be one more chapter until it was finished, so I thought "What the heck?" and decided to wrap it up. I don't abandon stories (or at least try really hard not to) since it's unfair to the readers.

Thanks to everyone for reading the story (if there are any readers left) despite all the spelling and grammar errors spaced throughout it and my terrible update schedule.

I deleted The Binding of Lonely Hearts because for now, I'm done with writing. That story was alright, but I didn't know where to go with it or how to progress, so I decided it would be best to simply remove it.

I've got another account (betcha can't guess which one it is) which has a good reputation and some better stories on it.

Anyway, thanks again to all the readers and reviewers… I hope at least some of you liked the story.

