Disclaimer—I don't own Robotech or it's characters.

A/N-This will be pretty equal a Rick/Lisa and Roy/Claudia story. Sometimes a chapter will focus on a happening in just one of the to be/couples' lives, but since I'm starting them both off as non-couples each chapter will usually include both. There won't be detailed fight scenes (or at least too detailed). And while the story of Robotech is the basis, it won't be followed except for who knows who in what capacity and keeping the characters in character (at least hopefully).

Rating may go up in later chapters. Please R&R.

Lisa Hayes gasped as Rick Hunter cut off their communicator in the middle of her sentence. "He's so....so...."

Claudia Grant shook her head, trying not to laugh at her obviously flustered friend. Something about Rick always seemed to get Lisa's ire up.

Perhaps it was the way he tended to ignore the fact that she was his superior officer when the mood suited him.

The way he would roll those blue eyes of his whenever he felt she was being unreasonable.

But Claudia would bet it was the way Lisa found herself actually lost in Rick's eyes during those few moments when they weren't at each other's throats.

"May I please be excused?" Lisa asked Captain Gloval.

"Of course. It is close enough to your break anyway."


"What now?!" Rick snapped into his communicator.

"You're going to get yourself into trouble, little brother." Roy Fokker answered with a smirk.

"I'm not worried about Lisa."

"Commander Hayes." Roy emphasized, "is your superior. And you need to treat her with the respect that deserves."

"I normally do. But sometimes...sometimes she makes no sense at all! We're on a routine check and she just goes on and on babbling about nothing...there's no reason for her to always on my ass."

"I'm sure she has a reason."

"And what would that be?"

Roy chuckled. "You are completely clueless." Roy had been around enough to know the signs of a woman in an unattainable crush—as Lisa felt were her feelings for Rick.

Snapping at any and everyone was one of them.

Or, rather, Roy should say anyone...not just women. Because he remembered all to well the tantrums he was capable of throwing at Claudia or because of her...the one woman he desired who seemed immune to his charms.

"So clue me in."

"Nope." Answered Roy. It wasn't his place to let Lisa's feelings for Rick known. Especially since Roy figured Lisa was probably right in her assumption...Rick was so hung up on that Minmei that Lisa would never have a chance.


As they sat in the cafeteria, Claudia leaned over the table. "Come on...we have two days off-duty." Claudia pleaded to her best friend. "I say that we take the opportunity and go out, get sloshed, and stay out to all hours of the evening."

"Sloshed?" Lisa smiled. "I don't do sloshed..."

"Maybe that's your problem."


"Lisa, you're way too serious. Why don't we get dressed up, and go out to find some hot guy to get your mind off of Rick Hunter?"

Lisa's blush gave her away. "It's that obvious?"

"Well...not to him. That's your own fault. Rick Hunter is the kind of guy that you have to wear a banner for. One with big bold red letters, I....LIKE....YOU...and even then, he would probably wonder if you meant as just a friend."

Lisa found herself laughing at the truthful statement. "You do have a way with words. However, has it ever occurred to you that I don't want him to know that he...intrigues me?" Lisa stood, Claudia following her lead.

"Intrigues? Is that another word for 'want to get him into bed?'".

Lisa smacked Claudia on the arm for that one. "You sound like the female version of Roy."

Claudia cut her eyes. "That was low. You know I'm mainly bark with hardly any bite..."

"...Roy is incapable of anything remotely serious."


Claudia stood straighter at the deep voice behind her. She turned around and flashed a smile. "Perhaps you shouldn't eavesdrop."

Roy finished letting his eyes travel the length of her. Claudia crossed her arms, sighing deeply as Lisa shook her head.

"So, ladies. Any evening plans?"

"None that concern you." Claudia answered. "Let's go, Lis..."

"And you, lovely Lisa?"

Claudia found her eyes darkening even further. Lovely Lisa? This man was such a flirt it was annoying...

But not as annoying as the fact that...something...about him got to her.

"I am going out with Claudia."

Claudia turned her glare to Lisa.

"We will probably be out all evening. Perhaps we will run into you."

"Perhaps." Roy saluted and then continued on his way.

Claudia waited before opening her mouth to speak, but was interrupted as Lisa grinned, stating,
"Still too serious?"

"I hate you."


Rick hung up his phone mid-dial. He had told himself he wouldn't try and contact Minmei again. That it was up to her to contact him.

But she was always so busy. Rick started to dial again. If he waited for her, he'd be waiting forever. And he hated the fact that the only time he could hear her melodic voice was when everyone else did...while she was on the radio or television.

This time, Rick got as far as completing the number before he hung up again.

If he was important, she would find the time, he reminded himself.

Rick groaned, flopping down on his couch in frustration.

Call...don't call....

Thank God his answer came in the form of a knock on the door. He got up and answered the door. Roy breezed in. "Come in." Rick rolled his eyes, closing the door behind him.

"Guys night out...let's go."

"Uh huh...chasing after Claudia again?"

"Waiting by the phone for Minmei again?"

That did it, as Roy knew it would. He watched as Rick went into the bedroom to change.


"Okay...look...this is the last place we're going!" Roy yelled to be heard above the roar of the music. This was his and Rick's third stop.

He figured that if Claudia wasn't here, he wasn't meant to run into her tonight.

"Hi Roy..." a table of female voices sung cheerfully. Roy smiled heading in the direction.

Rick shook his head and with a sigh, headed to the bar of the club. He pushed his way through and ordered a couple of beers...

"Make that 4!"

Rick turned around, looking at Claudia. He smiled a hello at her. He could definitely see what Roy saw in the curvaceous beauty, he would give Roy that.

But, it seemed like Roy was out of luck with Claudia tonight. "4 huh?!"

"Thanks for buying." Claudia winked.

"Why doesn't your date buy?" he teased.

"She bought the last round."


"Lieutenant Hunter."

Rick turned around at the voice coming from the other side.

He almost shook his head at the vision, unable to believe....

It was obvious that Lisa was beautiful...someone would have to be blind not to notice that, even when she was wearing her uniform, and her somewhat stodgy "on duty face."

However, as Rick was noticing now, Lisa Hayes off duty was absolutely...

"Beers!' The bartender called. Claudia grabbed a couple Lisa reached across Rick to get hers.

The women saluted and Rick watched as Lisa left....

"Ravishing" he realized aloud.