Hey, guys! Well, I was listening to a song and it was really depressing and I became inspired to write a depressing fic. Don't worry, the whole thing won't keep you an emotional wreck or anything. But it will be quite sad at first. Anyway, this is the first chapter and I hope you like it.

Chapter 1

A Soul's Mourning

A tall, slender woman slowly meandered her way through the dark city streets of her village in Feudal Japan. Her face never wavering from the cool, emotionless look, continued to observe the quiet city. On her back she carried a long bow and a quiver of wooden arrows with specially made tips. She also carried a sword on her right hip, which contrasted greatly against the darkened night sky.

The woman's eyes slowly traveled upward until she was casually observing the night sky. The stars shone bright, twinkling with their merry light. The woman let a small smirk cross her lips as she realized her soul had once shone like that, had once loved with all her might. There was a time when she was happy and content and felt oh so right with the world. But she'd been so young, so very, very young. She wasn't old; just barely 25, but if you looked closer, her eyes told a different story.

Those eyes had seen horrors that no one, young or old, should ever view. She had the eyes...of a war vet, destroyed and bitter. Those timeless eyes had watched as the people and friends, lovers and enemies, died. She'd watched as her two best friends had confessed their love of each other, only to die two days later wrapped in each other's arms. She'd watched as the man she'd come to love, first as a friend, then as maybe more...and then....as a brother and protector. Inuyasha, she sighed closing her eyes, not allowing the tears to fall through.

She'd been here ever since the well mysteriously closed up, as the protector and miko of the village, and the bearer of the Shikon no Tama....the whole Shikon no Tama. Her staff clinked and the bells jangled with every smooth unhurried step she took, as sleep once again evaded her senses. She glanced around searching for any demon threats or dangers, but the night was calm.

She allowed her eyes to travel down to the jewel hanging harmlessly around her neck. She picked it up gently in her hand, rolling it between her thumb and forefinger. How harmless it looked, as it lay there, silent as ever. But she knew different, she knew how many countless men, women, and demons fell....and all for a damn jewel. Her hand clenched painfully around the jewel as her fingernails dug little crescent moons into her palms, but she paid it little head. The pain would never be as great as the burden she carried on her back...the burden of living alone, of not dying when she was supposed to...of not being able to save...them. Her family.

It wasn't right, she thought. Her friends, who had become like family, had all died, save one, she thought. Shippo had been the only survivor besides her self and Inuyasha's half brother, Sesshomaru. Sometimes he was the only thing that kept her going. Whenever she felt like giving up, like killing herself and ending her endless suffering, one smile, one clumsily drawn picture, one kiss, one hug from him was all it took.

Kagome walked along, her thoughts, as they always were, centered on her friends and what should have been. Miroku...Sango, they should have been here; to live, to love, to raise their family. Instead they had left...to some place she knew she couldn't follow. And Inuyasha....hew brother, protector, best friend. He should be with her, arguing, eating roman, anything other than where he was. They'd all left. Kagome gasped painfully as the tears filled her eyes again. This time, she didn't bother holding them back. Sometimes crying helped, and right now...maybe she needed it. But...it wasn't fair. They were her friends. Your friends are supposed to be yours, to love and protect. They're not supposed to leave....you, and all for the sake of a little jewel.

Kagome dried her tears gently, using the back of her hand and walked on into the night. She'd been here for the past five years after Keade had died of old age. And since she and Shippo never had anywhere else to go, they had been designated as the village's protectors. And it was okay. It made her feel....less guilty. As she finished her nightly rounds, Kagome glanced at the sky again, noting the absence of the moon. The New Moon. Inuyasha would be human. She wondered it he turned human in heaven. She hoped he was happy. She hoped they were all happy. But most of all, she hoped they didn't blame her.

Noticing a distinct foreign chill in the air, Kagome calmly accepted that the night was on edge. Something was waiting...and observing. She wasn't worried. Too many countless demons came for this useless jewel; her burden and curse. She would deal with it as she always did. Without remorse, without fear, and most of all....without her family.

The two demons had been watching the silent miko for hours now. They had been traveling through the area and some had casually heard about a jewel called the Shikon no Tama. They heard about it many years ago, but never gave it any thought. After all, they were both powerful enough. They didn't need the aid of a jewel to increase their power, especially when it wasn't a whole jewel.

Of course, over the past few years, word had spread that the jewel was complete and that it was now guarded by a strange unknown female....a miko. Intrigued about the jewel and the woman, both demons had sought to increase their knowledge and had come to investigate. It took awhile but after several months and countless lower-class demons slain, they'd both been led to here, to this village.

They'd sat in silence for hours, waiting for the perfect opportunity to get closer. They'd watched as a silent woman emerged from a hut and began making rounds around the tiny village. They noted she smelled human, but had the distinct smell of another kistune. She carried a bow and quiver of arrows, proving the theory she was a miko. But, one thing they hadn't counted on was her use of other weapons. She carried a sword at her hip and when she walked, her staff jingled, the noise carrying through the silent night.

When they smelled tears, they observed her holding something and staring at it. They couldn't tell from this angle, but....they knew. It had to be the Shikon no Tama. However they were curious to note that while the woman had been clenching it, the faint scent of blood flickered over the wind.

They'd decided to follow her as it was apparent she was finished for the evening. She had made her way towards a fairly large wooden home. She'd cautiously looked behind her and both wondered if maybe she knew they were there the whole time. But the woman seemed unconcerned as she turned back and headed into her home. It was time....time to see this view that made demons go hungry with greed. Countless demons had used the jewel and tainted it with their own lust for power and now it was time to see what all the fuss and death was about.

Waiting until they were sure she was asleep, the demons stealthily crept into the village and stood in front of her door. They were about to step through when a soft, steady voice made their hearts pound with fear. "I know what you want," the voice whispered. "Come in and I will show you."

I'm going to stop it there. I wanted to get the first part out before starting on any dialogue. It was supposed to make you feal something...preferably sad. If it did, well good. I wanted to write soemthing that made you feel something other than happiness or even craziness. Most of my stories gaven't been very angsty except for maybe Where They Go We Can't Follow, and that is only the beginning. Instead I want my whole story to depress you, yet at the same time, it will get lighter, as it will have romance. I haven't totally decided on the pairings but if you've read any of my other stories you'll know it is a Yu Yu Hakusho/Inuyasha crossover. So anyway, I hope you liked it. I'll update soon.

Ja ne
