Destiny's Fate

Chapter 1 - Dreams and Music

The Beginning.

There was soft piano music flowing from the room across from Zelda's in the castle. A young girl was playing a song, a special song she wrote, and she wanted to impress the king with it.

"No, No! That is not right! Err!" she moaned. "I'll never get this done by His Majesty's birthday!"

"Meghan, can I help you with it?" a slightly older girl with blond hair and blue eyes asked from the doorframe. Her hair was pulled into an elegant bun on head beneath a headdress, visible as she peeked in.

"I'm sorry, Princess Zelda. I want to finish this by myself," she said as she quickly stood, curtsied, and sat down on the glossy black bench. Her waist-length brown hair just brushed the bench as she sat. Her hair was down, and though it was brushed and knot-free, she hadn't felt like having it done up today.

"I told you, you don't need to call me 'princess.' You and I are sisters."

"Not really, and you know that." It wasn't hard to tell by just looking at them that they weren't related. But neither of them had been old enough to realize that until the month before. Zelda had questioned it first, and Meghan followed. The king and queen were forced to explain by the little puppy-dog eyes of the two girls.

The queen had told them that Meghan wasn't really their child. A Hylian mother had found refuge within the castles walls as she succumbed to injury and infection, leaving her young daughter defenseless. The guards had been about to throw the lady out, but the queen was convinced the fading mother was on their side. She took her in and comforted her in her last moment, while the baby was taken care of by a Sheikah, Nimpa, the sister of Impa.

The lady had told the queen her story in her last moments. She and her life-long friend had been driven out of their homes, their husbands killed in the war. The lady's friend had gotten separated and ran away to the forest with her son. The lady told the queen her daughter's name, and in her last breath, requested that if it was at all possible, help her meet her friend's son when she old enough to understand the truth.

But, as it turned out, the queen never was able to find the boy.

Ever since that day, Meghan had been calling Zelda 'Princess Zelda' and the king and queen 'Your Majesty' instead of mother and father, as she had for nearly ten years. She never even looked them straight in the eye anymore and spent most of her time alone in her room with her instruments. They were her passion, and she was constantly writing music. She was constantly thinking, more than most children her age with, of course, the exception of her beloved sister and role model, Zelda.

"Meghan, you must not torture yourself like this. Mother and father love you just as much as me. You mustn't seclude yourself from every one else."

"But, Zelda. I must finish this song."

"Tell me, Meghan. Would you still be doing this if you still thought that father was your real father as well?"

"It doesn't matter. What happened was my destiny. I'm a servant of the king and queen. I know."

"The 'king and queen' don't want you to be, though," Zelda said with a kind and mature laugh.


"No!" she said, holding her finger up. "Please, come with me. This has gone on long enough. What ever happened to my dear sister, Princess Meghan? The one with whom I used to sit in the courtyard and share my dreams?" Meghan couldn't help it. She looked up and saw Zelda's sincere face.

"I'm sorry, Zelda." The little girl stood up and ran to her idol, the true and righteous Princess of Hyrule. "I'm sorry." She sobbed into the princess. She never had been able to duplicate the elegance and maturity Zelda held. "I was too selfish realize the truth. You can tell me your dreams! I want to sit in the courtyard with you! I wish I could meet that boy! This is just too sad! I-I-I oh, waahh!" She burst out crying, again.

"That is exactly what I wanted to tell you about. I had another prophecy last night!"

"Huh? You did?" Meghan said, breaking away from Zelda to look up into her eyes as she wiped the tears away.

Zelda put her hands on her sister's shoulders. "Yes. I believe someone is going to come. A boy, a fairy boy from the Kokiri Forest! And it is your destiny to meet him. So, I have concluded it is he, the boy you are intended to meet! But just in case, I will pretend I do not know of this."

"O-o-ok," Meghan said as her crying stopped. "I-I-I'll help you d-do whatever you need to-to do."

"That sounds like the girl I know! Determination and-"

"-knowledge are a princess's best friends," Meghan finished.

Zelda smiled and took her real best friend's hand and led her to the courtyard, Impa not too far behind. While they were walking, Zelda told her the rest of the dream.

"The boy was holding a green stone. I believe it was the Kokiri's Emerald. But there were also dark clouds. I believe they symbolize that man who came to swear loyalty to father. That man, Ganondorf, the King of the Gerudos, may seem sincere, but he has an evil look in his eyes."

"Really? He looked nice to me..."

"Yes, well I think he is bad." Zelda sighed deeply, wishing she could be so innocent and able to see goodness in people as her sister was.

"I believe you! Your dreams are never wrong! So, you must be right!"

"Yes, and he's here today. Let's go see if we can spy on what he is doing here."

"OK, Zelda." When the two girls arrived at the courtyard, they went to the window that showed into the throne room. Guards were standing along the walls. The king and queen were sitting at one end of the room, atop their deliciously decorated thrones, waiting for Lord Ganondorf of the Gerudo to arrive.