I don't own JL/JLU or ...uh...the Dark Ages.

Read and Review...hope ya like.

Wally was thrown over a spare horse, a guard riding next to him to keep him from falling. Luthor smiled insanely and pulled his sword out and pointed with it.

"Now, men. To Keystone!" He yelled, his horse taking off at a fast gallop.

The guards kicked their horses as well, following their leader.

Kyle and Kilawog were putting up a fierce fight as the guards dragged them out of the castle. Days with little water and almost no food had drained the two Lanterns.

"Gah!" Kyle took a particularly vicious hit to his temple and he crumpled at the foot of the guards, his body instinctively curling up as he attempted to gain his wits quickly.

Kilawog, distracted by Kyle's cry had turned to face his friend, a guard taking the chance to drive his sword through the man. Kilawog shifted quickly but the sword plunged into his back, close to his right shoulder. He did not cry out but he was forced to his knees as the sword was roughly pulled out. He could feel the blood running down his back and he suppressed a shudder.

"K-kilawog?" Kyle was looking up at him with dazed eyes, trying to reach out for his friend. The scarred man shook his head and with the last burst of energy he had he tackled the guard closest to Kyle, keeping the other man alive for that much longer.

Kilawog blinked as he hit the ground with the guard, feeling no resistance. He pulled himself up slowly and saw an arrow protruding from his neck. He turned quickly and saw the other guards were now meeting a similar fate, going down one by one.

A beautiful woman emerged from the trees shortly after, dressed in a flowing white robe. She had fierce blue eyes and a bow in her hands.

"Kilawog! Kyle!" A familiar voice called out after the woman and Kilawog felt relief flowing through him as John burst out of the trees, towards him, dropping the bow he had.

"Stewart…" Kilawog collapsed, his energy gone but John managed to catch him, easing his fall by holding him close, ignoring the blood.

"Easy. We got you…" John knelt down. "Where are the others?"

Kyle answered that, Diana at his side, holding a torn off piece of her robe to his head. "They're dead."

John tensed and Kilawog noticed, "Stewart…Luthor's already gone…He took Wally with him."

John nodded and moved to pick Kilawog up. "We'll get him back, don't worry,"

Diana turned to look back into the trees to speak with someone Kilawog couldn't see.

"We'll take care of them. Get to Keystone."

Bruce was pushing his horse hard, trying to make up for the lost time. He trusted that Diana and John would be able to handle whatever injuries the two Lanterns had. His main concerns was stopping Luthor and getting Wally back.

He saw the worn path that lead up to the village and turned sharply, changing direction. He was intending to cut Luthor off inside the village, hoping the Clark and Shayera were ready to go.

"Clark!" Shayera called down to him from a top the hill. "There's dust rising…a lot of it. Luthor's coming."

Clark nodded and walked back up to join her once more, he had been deep in thought by one of the few huts that was still standing. They both quickly hid, Shayera checking a few ropes before she did so.

Luthor raised his lip in a sneer that seemed to match the look on his horse's face as they entered the destroyed village. The smell was over powering to a man who lived in a much cleaner life style.

"Spread out." He snapped. His men moved quickly, four going left and the other five going right. The guard who had been in charge of Wally, pulled the horse up to Luthor while he joined his comrades.

Luthor grabbed Wally's arm and pulled his small knife, cutting the fabric away to reveal the tattoo. The edges of it turning red.

Wally groaned and slowly opened his eyes, he was never going to get used to being clubbed. He made up his mind about that.

Luthor gave him a wicked smile.

"Rise and shine."

Wally was about to retort when he heard several screams. He sat up on the horse and turned his head in time to see a tree log, which had been tied up to keep it hidden, swing down, crashing into the four guards, sending them into another group of trees.

Luthor growled and grabbed Wally, pulling them both of the horses, the knife now digging into the teen's neck.

"Who's there!?" He yelled, already having an idea of who it was.

"AHHHH!!" Another log came crashing down on the guards, this one only hitting two of the five.

Shayera frowned from her spot, cursing the ones who got away. Clark stood up, it was the last of the traps they had and now the odds were much more in their favor.

"Let the boy go, Luthor." He ordered, drawing his sword. Luthor dug the knife a bit deeper, drawing blood but getting no sound out of Wally.

"Come down here and make me, Kent!" He snarled. He nodded over at his guards and they each drew their weapons, running at Clark.

At the same time Shayera jumped out of the bushed, mace ready, Bruce's black steed burst onto the scene, the Dark Knight charging.

Being attacked on two sides seemed to be too much for the guards, the took off to the left, moving faster as they heard the war cry of Shayera and the pounding of the horse's hooves behind them.

Luthor was running out of options as Clark walked slowly down towards him. He shoved Wally down to the ground so he could draw his own sword. He ran at the Captain who blocked his first attack with ease.

Wally was left to watch the battle when he heard a groan from behind him; a guard was getting up, pointing his sword at Wally. The red head moved fast, striking the man in his chin with a fist, pulling the sword out of his hands as he fell.

He held the weapon for a moment, getting used to the weight.

Luthor blocked Clark's downward sweep, glancing behind the man to see a small bush. He grinned and turned his sword to the side, getting his and Clark's weapons stuck for a moment, he pushed back.

Clark took a step back to keep the blade away from his face. Luthor continued to push down and when Clark stepped back a second time his foot was caught in the bush, he lost his footing and fell back, Luthor pulling back at the same time to keep from falling as well.

"Well fought, Kent. But you've lost." Luthor brought his sword up to plunge it into Clark's chest, a bit surprised when it stopped short with a clang.

Wally was holding his sword horizontally over his head, taking Luthor's blow. He arched his blade up and pushed Luthor's weapon away, moving forward to punch Luthor, forcing him back and giving Clark time to get free.

Wally soon found that the sword hurt his hands after he had been forced to block several times and the last strike Luthor hit him with broke his grip and the sword fell to the ground, Luthor backhanded him with his armored fist, which Wally ducked under, backing away.

Luthor raised his sword over his head.

"When all of this is over. I'm going to take pleasure in killing you. Slowl—"

Wally blinked as the threat was cut short, Luthor's eyes rolled back into his head, and he fell to the ground. As he fell he revealed Clark who was standing behind him, his sword hilt close to where Luthor's head was.

"You alright?" He asked Wally, holding out a hand to help him up.

"Uh…yeah. Fine." Wally rubbed his arm for a moment and Clark looked at the tattoo.

"We must be close to the Dragon's Eye." He said, nodding towards the now mostly red tattoo.

Wally shifted uneasily and Clark put his sword away, kneeling down to check on Luthor.

"Everyone ok?" It was Bruce, clad in his black armor, Shayera riding behind him.

"We're fine." Clark answered and Shayera slid off the horse and walked towards Wally.

"Ready to get back to Gotham?"

"You have no idea."

"So, how's Luthor handling the dungeon?" Clark asked his King.

Bruce looked up from the paper he was reading, "He'll live." He muttered, clearly wishing for something else.

"At least he's finally away."

"But it took the murder of several Lanterns for that to happen." Bruce sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Clark nodded and looked up as Diana entered the room, smiling slightly. Bruce looked back at his Captain, who easily took the hint and left the room.

Diana took a seat next to the King, "I leave in a few days."

Bruce nodded, "I know. I'll be sure to see that you have gifts to take back."

Diana's smile faltered for a moment at his answer. "Bruce…I was hoping I could return."

Bruce turned to look at her, a little puzzled, "Of course." He gave her a small smile, "You're always welcome here."

Diana put a hand over his and looked into his eyes. "When I come back, you'll have to show me how your people dance." She said, leaning in.

Bruce smirked, "As you wish, my Lady."

The two kissed.

Clark was heading down the stairs when he heard a loud laugh coming from a dining hall. He opened the door slowly and saw Wally throwing a pastry at Shayera much to John's entertainment. Clark smiled softly at the sight though he was slightly off put by the head lock Shayera now had Wally in.

"OK! OK! I GIVE! LET ME BREATHE WOMAN!!" Wally struggled valiantly but to avail. John put a hand on both their heads and knocked them together, playfully.

"So, it's war with you too, huh?" Wally laughed and he and Shayera turned on the other man.

It took the three a few minutes to realize Clark was there.

"heh…oops." Wally rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as John and Shayera busied themselves with cleaning up.

Clark was laughing and he clapped a hand on Wally's shoulders.

"I guess they're going to take good care of you from now on."

The teen grimaced. "I don't know how I'll survive."

John was grinning and the door opened once more, Kyle and Kilawog now standing in the doorway.

"Stewart! Hol! I thought you two were just gonna get some breakfast…it's nearly noon!"

Kilawog looked at Wally, "I hope you were starting anymore trouble."

Wally grinned his famous lop sided grin,

"Me? Trouble. Yeah, right."

Yeah, it's finally over. Aha. YAY!

...so anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this story. It's the last of the ones I still had left to finish.


I already have a few chapters of a story I've been working on for my friend's b-day so look for it soon.
