Pointless Injustice

By Weissangel24


Warnings: no point

Disclaimers: No point, don't own them. You knew that.

I am the Queen of Sap

Comments and criticisms are welcomed, just please don't be nasty about them.





Pointless Injustice


"Wu Fei!" Quartre whined, "It's completely unfair! A total injustice!"

The Chinese boy looked up from his computer, "What's an injustice, Winner?"

"The writer, who is currently determining the course of our lives, is playing favorites!"

"Weissangel has written another death scene for you?" Wu Fei smirked, turning back to his typing, "I'm sure that the rest of us don't mind that favoritism."

"What!?" the blonde gave his friend an incredulous look, his voice pitching slightly. The raven-haired boy matched his look with one of his own, as the blonde shook his head continuing, "No-NO-no-NO. NO. Not that type of favoritism-What do you mean Weissangel's written another Death scene!?!"

"Maxwell was having Barton fitted for a new tux."

"You sure it's not for a party? Relena's wedding perhaps?"

"He had Barton sniffling over the eulogy he wrote for you."

". . ."

"It was rather touching, actually. . ." Wu Fei smirked, his fingers rapidly typing.

"I'm not dead." Quatre sulked, flopping onto the Chinese boy's bed.


"You know. . . Being the one that she always tortures and/or kills. . . you think that. . . I dunno. . ."

"Spit it out, Winner."

"Don't you think she owes me?"

"Owes you?"

"I mean. . . Come on, She has me kidnapped, blinded, Amnesia, shot, stabbed, dead more times then I can count, tortured and that's not even counting what she has planned for the future. . . Do you think it's too much to ask?"

"Ask what?"

"For my ideas? I am the strategist. I am creative. I have good ideas. . . she could at least give me a chance. . ."

"Is this because Maxwell got to write the 20th fic?"

". . ."

"Green is not your color, Winner."

". . ."

"Is strategist; s-t-r-a-t-e-g-i-s-t?"

"I think so. . . Why?"

"Just double checking. . ."

"What for?" Quatre scowled,moving to look over his friend's shoulder. "WU FEI!" the blonde exclaimed pushing the other boy away from the computer. "You've been typing our conversation!"

"More accurately, your rant."

"For Weissangel!?"

"Um. . .Yeah."

"ACK! NOT YOU TOO! YOUR NUMBER ISN'T EVEN IN HER NAME! INJUSTICE! COMPLETE INJUSTICE!" With a growl of frustration, the blonde threw up his arms and stormed from the room.

The Chinese boy flinched as his door slammed shut. "Damn, Maxwell was right. Ticking off Quatre is not a good thing. . ."

