Disclaimer: Capcom owns Resident Evil and all its related characters, entities, concepts, etc. Alice is a creation of Paul W.S. Anderson.

The Veronica Diaries

Part One : Claire

Claire Redfield's Diary

"My name is Alice and I remember everything." ...those words will haunt me. It was the very first thing she said to me after realizing that I wasn't a zombie. I wonder what it means. Say, that seemed like a pretty high place to jump from... oh well, Steve did it too. There WAS a gun up there... why didn't he just shoot at me like he was supposed to? Then I could've grabbed that handgun, shot out the spotlight and interrogated him at gunpoint. Something is wrong... something is very wrong.

Didn't get much information from Steve, and of course, he walked off for an entirely stupid reason, but I know I'll be seeing him again. This "Alice" didn't leave with him or by herself... I'm confused. What's going on here? If she hadn't kept interupting me, maybe I would've figured out something. Its a good thing that she didn't show up in the opening FMV. I can only imagine what could've gone wrong from there...


Steve Burnside's Diary

Its not fair. Why did Alice go with Claire instead of me? Its not like I need anybody anyway. Except... she's really cute. Cuter than Claire. I waited in the security area forever, just so I could see her again. But Claire came with her and ruined it.

When can I get Alice alone?


Claire Redfield's Diary

Argh! I know I'm only armed with a knife, but it doesn't mean I can't kill a few monsters on my own! When that zombie almost broke through the window in the barracks, she kicked it back outside and I couldn't get the M100Ps! She kicked down that gate in the guillotine area too, just to get a stupid padlock key. Its not like we couldn't just walk around. I'm sure those zombies would've knocked down that flimsy thing anyways. I tried to ditch her by setting off the metal detector in the security area and ducking under the doors as they closed, but I forgot the switch was outside, but she opened it right back up again. That's not all. I couldn't find the hawk emblem to put in the duplicator machine. She mentions that she'd found it hours ago, and had already opened the prison gate with it. How the hell did she get it past the metal detector? At least she got off my back long enough for me to go send that e-mail to Leon, otherwise... no, I don't even want to think about it. Steve was waiting in the security area though, and I think there's something really wrong with him. I'm worried. He ran off again, so we went on to the Palace without him.

I just waited in the passage until she killed the monsters. What else could I do, really? All she really did was push them over the side. Hmph, I could've done that. There were three cerebus in the Palace yard, and I actually got to kill one of them. Finally. Of course, by the time I'd finished, she'd already entered the Palace, found the keycard and unlocked the security doors. This place is even weirder than the prison. That being said, I had to push her out of the way to press the button to watch the movie. Once it was over, she ran into the secret passage I found and grabbed the lugers and the steering wheel. I wouldn't have let her out, but... I needed them. Whatever. Now I can go to the... where am I supposed to go again? Never mind. I'll figure it out. It looked like there was someplace unexplored down the stairs to the right of the palace exterior, so I'll check there first.

Did I just hear Steve screaming?


Steve Burnside's Diary

I just went to the palace to look for a weapon, and I thought I'd get locked in that room so I could be rescued by Claire... or maybe even her...

It was so embarrassing. Now Alice knows I scream like a girl. I think I'm going to hide in the airport for a while.

I think I should've kept the lugers, but Alice said she needed them, and I just couldn't say no...

Alfred Ashford's Diary

UNACCEPTABLE! My wonderful base has been attacked! Redfield will pay for this... they will all pay.


Claire Redfield's Diary

So that's who Alfred Ashford is. Didn't seem like much of a big deal, until he started shooting at me. I'd kill to get my hands on that sniper rifle... or anything capable of firing. I had to physically restrain Alice from going after him. It was harder than it looked, in the end, convincing her that I should go check out the airport while she goes to the private residence was easier. at least I'll get away from her for a little while.

...Or so I thought. The second that the lift full of zombies came out of that pit, she showed up and rescued me. Not that I needed it, but try telling her that. Then she took the biohazard card and refused to give it up. Its not like I could've bribed her with a weapon either, so I had to follow her to the Military Training Facility.

Where IT happened... I thought I had actually gotten rid of her for good. As we walked into the yard, this giant worm comes out of the ground and dives at us. I was smart. I moved. She didn't, and the thing swallowed her whole! Conveniently, she dropped the Biohazard card, and I was able to grab it. As I started going into the building, I heard... something. I didn't see it, but when I turned around, she was standing there, not a hair out of place, surrounded by what looked like the exploded remains of the giant worm. I don't know if she expected me to congratulate her or something, so I just went inside. As we were walking through the courtyard, someone starts shooting at me again. Alfred, of course. No chance to convince her that once we reach the stairs, he'll chicken out and run for the door. She jumped up, stole his gun and smashed it against the wall. It broke of course, and now I'm screwed when I go to fight Nosferatu. Or maybe not, because guess who'll be there to save the day. Again.

Alfred managed to get away. That's got to be the only time she's done something wrong.


Alfred Ashford's Diary

My plan was going perfectly! After Alexia ordered me to eliminate Redfield, I knew I'd be able to take her by surprise as she tried to enter my precious facility. I unleashed that creature, hoping that she would meet her end. Somehow, Redfield has survived, but I knew I'd get my chance again when she came through the courtyard. Until...

No! I will eliminate Redfield for the glory of the Ashfords! Whoever this woman is... she won't stop me! I'll prepare a special playground, just for her...!


Claire Redfield's Diary

This just isn't fair. I'm trapped inside here. With her. Then Alfred comes over the speaker and starts talking about a 'special playground' he had prepared just for me. Whatever. Its not really fair, since Alice...

Oh, who cares. We're trying to stick with the plot, and that's what's important.

On the bright side, I've finally found a gun. They weren't loaded, but I found plenty of ammo nearby, if only I could reach it. I figured Steve would give me a hand after he rescued me from that second bandersnatch, but as he dived through the window, he must've realized when he hit the ground that he didn't have the lugers after all. And yes, Alice single-handedly killed the bandersnatch and gave me the machine gun ammo.

Then I gave it to Steve. Its the way it was supposed to happen in the first place, and if I didn't, then... well, maybe not. I should've kept them. Damn it. Alice followed him while I stayed behind. I notice that he didn't seem to mind at all. Poor, misguided Steve. I caught up with them at the elevator. When we got to the balcony, she tried to stop me from falling through. I pretended to see a zombie behind her, and did it anyway while she was distracted. I had to get to the other floor somehow, after all. Steve acted surprised when we fell. Traitor. He wasted the whole clip killing his zombie father too. What kind of an idiot uses their whole magazine to kill one zombie?

I really don't want to answer that.

Time to go race Alice for the eagle plate. I'll bet I get to the model room before she does. I hope so, because I want to use it in the prison, not in the miltary training facility.


Steve Burnside's Diary


I think I should've asked Alice to stay and 'comfort' me.


Claire Redfield's Diary

I lost. That doesn't surprise me. At least I got the hemostat before she did, so I can get the lockpick from Rodrigo. I figured out the code on the painting before she did too. I'm not going to tell her what it is, either. She's not taking the painting from me either.

Oh no! One of the Albinoids...! Oh. Never mind. Alice stepped on it before it could escape into the ventilation. I guess that's one boss battle Chris won't be fighting later. I should probably escape before the doors close. I wonder if I could trap her in here, somehow.

I guess I should get back to the Private Residence. I've got this all planned out: I'll give the silver key to Alice to distract her while I go back to the prison and give the hemostat to Rodrigo. She'll probably show up with another eagle plate to use on the door in the guillotine area. She'll kill the zombie with the glass eye and use it to get to the secret room. I'll find parts that would've worked with the handgun, if I had it. I'll get the piano roll after going down the secret staircase, then back to the Private Residence to get the King Ant Object and the Music Box Plate. Then I'll go up the ladder leading to the secret area, get the airforce proof and...

Who was that, and why did he look at Alice, then run away and jump over a wall?


Albert Wesker's Diary

This is an unexpected turn of events. But it will have no impact on my long-term plans. I will obtain a sample of the T-Veronica and exact my revenge on Redfield in Antarctica.


"Alexia Ashford"-'s Diary

Ah, my poor, foolish twin. Well, you can hardly be blamed that they are still alive. Even now, I can hear them down below in my room as I remain hidden in our secret childhood...

What?! What is this? How could have they gotten...


Steve Burnside's Diary

Forget about the zombies! TRANSVESTITES! EW!


Claire Redfield's Diary

That was just disturbing. Whatever. I'm out of here. I hung out in the plane with Steve while Alice did all the work. Once the bridge was raised, I made him take off without her so we'd finally be free. I know what's good for Steve, even if he doesn't. And even if the plane should be commandeered by Alfred and crash-landed in a remote area, its still better than being stuck with her.

Hmm? What's that noise? She couldn't have... could she?


To Be Continued