Black Feathers

The end is upon us

When will you rage?

Note, this chapter is not for faint of heart

There will be blood,






And other fun things

And I don't know what I'm supposed to be saying!

But the end is coming!

It is possible!

I have one of three things planned...

You'll just have to wait and see.




(Did I mention this will hurt inside?)


Black Feathers


The air is heavy

But there is a question

Hanging in the haze

The end is upon us, when will you rage?

"Where is he?"

"Check the Reflecting Pool! Seph! You and your god check the Ruined Fountain!"


Yugi had only been able to sense Yami in the Ruins, but not where. Seph and Koryu went flying off towards the Ruined Fountain, Yugi raced for the Reflecting Pool, and Seto went to find Jonouchi in the Ruined Nursery. Unlike finding Sepharin, there were no screams of rage from Yami to indicate where he was.

But everyone froze when a wave of anger hit them.

Seph and Koryu felt it strongest, they had found him...or so they prayed.

Seph pushed open the heavy doors to the Ruined Fountain, finding only a dead calm in the murky darkness. Koryu summoned a few light orbs that floated around the room. The two gasped at what they saw.

The room was coated over and over with blood. The fountain looked like it had been pouring it all over the room. There were black feathers, some coated with blood and some still floating around the room. There were scraps of clothing drenched in the blood. The scent of death was heavy, like a haze of blood and the rank smell of something freshly dead. Sepharin took one cautious step in, jumping a bit at what lay before her.

Rafeleu's head was at her feet, still bearing the fear that he had shown not too long ago. Behind the head was three wings, one torn and ragged, and the other two looking like they were so underdeveloped that they would never be used to fly. They were the dead and reborn. They were Yami's wings, one dead and the others powerless to be born.

Laying near the wings was a smaller cross, the one Rafeleu took with him. It was stained with blood, but not the fresh blood that was around the room. Koryu's eyes noticed bloody wires leading to the dish from the ground in front of the fountain. They both stopped breathing, and a desperate moan of pain was heard.

Koryu reeled back and sliced the wires with his wings. Seph flew up to the dish.

Yami was curled into a little ball now that he was released. Nothing of his clothes remained except for the scraps that were clinging to his belt. Blood was visible, like rivers, on the insides of his legs. There were raw holes in his back where his wings had been ripped from him. Aside from his breathing, he made no sound.

But his red and blue eyes looked wearily up at Sepharin. He reached out to her, revealing the wires that were driven through his hand then wrapped around them. Sepharin took his hand, destroying the wires in both of his hands. She pulled him close to her, and he wrapped his arms around her neck for support. Then, he pulled himself up and whispered where a human ear would be...

"The battles are over...and I think that now we finally understand each other..."

Yami spent the next day recovering in the Reflecting Pool. Seto and Jonouchi (who had stayed hidden in the Ruined Nursery) disposed of the traitors, Gabriel and Michael, while Koryu himself destroyed the Corrupt Almighty. Seph kept a close eye on Yami, while Yugi started the immense project of rebuilding both Heaven and Hell.

But by sundown, Yami had recovered not physically from being raped with a silver cross, but mentally as well. His new black wings were tipped with gold and red, in honor of his fallen brethren. The sun was setting, and Yami was planning on heading back to rebuild Hell himself.

"There's no way you can rebuild Hell!" Seto said.

"Hell is a place of will. Because I am the last of the Omegas, then by default, I will become the next Omega Supreme. Then, if I can shape Hell any way I want. Once I shape it, any remaining Hell Angels will rise, and more will be born from beyond the shadow." Yami said.

"Yami, Seto, Seph said she wanted to speak with us. She said it's important." Yugi said.

The three nodded and met Seph and Koryu where the wisteria used to grow. Koryu was in his enormous dragon form, waiting. Seph was still in her human form.

"This is when I have to say good-bye." She said.

Silence fell. No one planned on the moment when they had to say good-bye to Sepharin.

She walked over to Seto first, hugging him and thanking him for everything he's done; even if he was a real jerk some of the time. They both laughed a bit, but everyone could see Seto fighting back tears.

Yugi came next. Seph scooped him up and swung him around before they hugged each other tightly. No words were exchanged, but tears flowed out of Yugi's closed eyes.

Seph took Yami's hand next. But before she could speak, Yami did.

" took me this long to realize it...but I love you Seph, even if you don't love me back..."

Seph said nothing, she kissed Yami on the forehead and hugged him before quickly reverting back to her true dragon from and vanishing into another realm (with he help of Ryou) following Koryu.

Yami sank to his knees, eyes shadowed by his hair and tears coming from that shadow. Yugi wanted to comfort him, but Seto held him back and shook his head. They left Yami crying, knowing he had done the right thing.


Thousands of years passed. Yami, having rejected the offer to become the new Omega Supreme and now just called "thousand sage", did not age. Being in Hell, he would never age, for that was a gift that Angel and Shini had given him for doing what was needed. Seph had not passed out of Yami's mind; on the contrary, she was always in his thoughts. And even though he always appeared eager to help, the thought of Sepharin kept gnawing away at him.

"Kenjin-sama! There are archangels here to see you!" the new Omega Supreme said, opening the door to Yami's chamber and finding him sitting on the balcony and staring at the white clouds in the blue sky.

"What're they're names?" Yami asked.

"Seto and Yugi."

Yami turned around and nodded. Through the door came Seto and Yugi, also looking like they had not aged a day. Maybe it was a gift from Shini...

"Seto! Yugi!"



After brief hugs were exchanged, they sat on the balcony, talking with each other about what they had been doing over the past thousand years or so. Yugi and Seto had become the new "almightys" of Heaven, and were finally finished rebuilding everything. The Ruined Nursery and the Gallery had statues of the Cyber Dragons (done by Jonouchi and Ryou). The Ruined Fountain had been cleaned up, and there was a plaque for Yami and Seph in it.

"That's all well and good, but seriously, what is the real reason that you two are here?" Yami asked.

Seto sighed.

"We received word from a little bird that told us that Sepharin has been longing for you." Yugi said.

"Well...weren't they reborn on the dead Earth? Can't we just go there?" Yami asked.

"But that would ruin it!" A new voice said.

Yami was tacked by a girl with green skin and no clothes but where the lines covered. Her had dragon wings, dragon ears, white hair and black eyes.

"Sepharin!" Yami cried happily.


The two not only hugged, but Seto and Yugi laughed and looked away as they kissed too.

"Well...he's happy..." Yugi said, grinning. Seto beamed him in the head.

After Yami and Seph did their own catching up chat, Seph looked at Yami.

"I have a confession to make, I'm not alone."


Seph whistled and Seto and Yugi ducked as seven Cyber Dragons rose from under the balcony and screeched a hello to Yami.

"Cyber Dragons are supposed to be in all realms. There are some in Heaven...but there seem to be none in Hell." Seph said.

"'re all welcome to stay." Yami said before grabbing Seph around the waist and pulling her close.

Seto and Yugi went off to "bestow" the dragons to the mountains, valleys, forests, rivers, and oceans of Hell, leaving Yami to finish.

"...but you aren't' allowed to leave me ever again..." Yami whispered, tears forming in his eyes.

Seph kissed him.

"I wasn't planning on leaving. It took me too long to find you and I'm not going to leave you now..."

They kissed once more, both of them streaming tears from their eyes, like blood from a wound that would never heal. But these were tears of joy...

"...Now, I think we understand each other better..."


The end!

The FINAL end!

Bye! And if you liked this, I recommend Whisper, The Weaver, Her Father's Wings, Rain, Idle Wanderers, and Laughing In The Dark

Bye-bye now!

Anthy Kilik and Anshi-chan