Ever since I saw him come skating across the ice, playing air guitar like he didn't have a care in the world, I knew something was changing...

I have lusted after him since then, even if I didn't realize it was lust. I thought I just wanted to be his friend. Now we're best friends and I still feel... empty, unfulfilled, alot of pretty meaningless words.

Then one day I knew. I saw him standing there about to step onto the ice, and for one moment he looked so unsure, so alone my heart skipped a beat. I knew I was the only one who could understand what he was feeling. I wanted nothing more than to be the reason he lost that sad look. But of course a second later the look was gone, replaced by the carefree face he so often wore. And watching him skate around gracefully, i knew it went far beyond friendship. This was love...

And I was so fucked.

disclaimer:: the mighty ducks do not belong to me.. if they did they would not be fit for a disney movie.

this is the beginning of a new story im no writing with my friend Kathy. feel free to tell me what you loved hated want removed immediately etc. any suggestions i would also love to hear.