I can't believe this has never been done before... -

Hello! Joflower here! This is the first Fruits Basket fic that's not entirely mine. This means that my friend and I are writing it together! I'm writing the odd chapters and she's doing the even ones. This is actually based on a real school event that takes place every year at our dumpy little Canadian high school and Kuroneko-Tyger and I immediately thought it would make the PERFECT Furuba fic! This chapter's a little on the dry side, but it's merely setting the story up… The next chapters are better ones (note: it's PG for Kyo's mouth ;P)

DISCLAIMER: Kuroneko-Tyger and I DO NOT own Fruits Basket (dang it all…)


"Hug Day"

Chapter One

The eager girls sitting around the student council table bounced with excitement in their seats as they waited for the meeting to begin. Their faces beamed with the preposition of a lifetime.

If only Yuki-kun was here! thought Yumi gleefully. I would have loved to see his face as he would say, 'That's a wonderful idea Yumi-san! You really are cute and smart!'

Yumi glowed with glee as she imagined Yuki smiling at her with that Princely smile he had that made her go weak in the knees.

The leader of the student council meeting eyed Yumi as she sighed with obvious delight. He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. A dozen pairs of eyes fell on him as he pushed his glasses further up his nose with his index finger. "Shall we begin now?"

The heads around him nodded without so much as making a sound. He noted that the girls all seemed to have something very important to say as they all seemed to be off in their own wonderful dream world.

"As we all know, our president, Sohma Yuki-kun, could not attend the meeting today because he is ill. Since I am the vice-president, it is my duty to represent him and carry on the meeting," said the boy with the glasses as he folded his hands on top of the table before him.

Heads bobbed up and down in agreement.

"We've started a new year at school with a new principal from the south. Our principal has requested us to create a new student activity day in attempt to get the first year students more comfortable with the school, their classes and their classmates," he leaned forward in his seat. "As of now, I have no ideas to offer to the council and I leave the floor open for discussion." He sat back, signaling that everyone with ideas would bring them forth for all to hear.

Yumi's hand shot up and she began to wave it frantically as the other girls around her started yelling at the vice-president with the same idea that they all carried and could no longer contain inside themselves. The vice-president –along with the other boys– backed up in their chairs, baffled and scared as if a herd of stampeding buffalos were suddenly charging at him. Screaming banshees with little pompoms in their hands started climbing on top of the table, each one trying to out-shriek the other.


"NO! NO! I DO!"

"ME! ME!"

Yumi hopped up and down, waving her arms wildly in the air trying to get the vice-president's attention over the clawing witches. "Sempai! Sempai!"

Palely, the vice-president stood up abruptly and demanded the girls to settle down immediately. All of their faces fell as they took their seats, buttoning their lips, except Yumi. They glanced at her with envy. The vice-president took off his glasses and wiped the spit that was sprayed on them on his clean shirt. When he was finished he asked Yumi to explain her idea that all the girls had a hissy-fit trying to explain all at once.

"Sempai, the girls and I have heard of the principal's request right after our last meeting. So, we brought it upon ourselves to come up with an idea, and this is what we have…"

As she spoke, the girls started handing out little pompoms made of yarn that they had created for the boys in the council to see and understand what they were trying to say. When they finished, the vice-president smiled. "I like that. It's cute."

Squealing with excitement, the girls started hugging each other with tears running down their cheeks like waterfalls. In their minds, they were all picturing themselves hugging their one-and-only Prince-Charming.

"So it's settled," declared the vice-president with a stupid grin on his face. "This Monday shall be known as 'Hug Day'."