hi. this is my first fanfic. i'm a little nervous, but i don't mind flames. but please try to be nice 0)
disclaimer: i do not own beyblade no matter how hard i wish i don't.

Chapter one: Kai's sister

"Tyson get up!!!" Kai yelled at bluenette getting more pissed off by the second. "Shh. I'm trying to sleep Kai "Max replied grogily." Hn. That's why I'm yelling Max. We have to be up early today to pic up the others from the airport." Kai was rubbing his brow now from frustration. "Oh yeah that's right. he, he, he I nearly forgot............zzzzzz" he'd fallen asleep again "Grr. that's it "Kai stormed out of the room and came back in a few minutes later with a bucket full of ice and tipped on max and Tyson's shared bed... "ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" "Enough with ice already Kai." Tyson shrieked angrily at the team captain. "Well you should learn to listen to your alarm clock then hadn't you?" "Kai could you come up with a less deafening way to wake us up please? My ears can't take much more" "like I told Tyson listen too your alarm!" sighing he turned his attention back to Tyson who had fallen asleep again. Feeling the anger well up inside of him he stole the quilt from the two boys and threw it too the floor. "Max?" "Yeah K-Kai?" "Wake Tyson up. NOW!!!" "Ok. see you in a minute" with that Kai walked out of the room and went to see if Rei was up yet, before checking with chief and Hillary. 'With all this I should get a medal' he thought to himself. Sighs and then opens the door to the chief's room. "Kenny? You awake yet?" he said softly. He noticed Kenny shift his position slightly. "Uh huh. Why?" "Because we have to pick up the others from the airport." 'Why has everybody forgot that but me?' he silently asked himself. "Get ready I'll finish waking up the others. Ok?" "Ok" with that he left Kenny's room. Now onto Hillary. Bah. 'Why am I the only one who has to do this? Oh yeah, I'm the only one who bothers getting up on time. Sighing he entered Hillary's room. "Hillary? You up?" "Ah huh. Just give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready Kai. "Ok. It's nice to know that someone else besides me was up at the proper time." Hillary gave him a quick smile before he left the room. 'At least he's not grumpy today. That's good. I wonder what everyone's family is gonna look like anyway. Expecially Kai's...
In Rei's room… "Kon. Get your ass out of bed now!"
"But I'm tired." As he said it he pulled the covers over his head. Kai growled slightly in his throat. "Kon if you don't get your ass out of bed now i'll make you train in the rain for 5 hours straight!!!" "Ok, ok I'm up. I'm up." "I'll give you 10 minutes and if you're not downstairs i'll do to you what i did to Tyson and Max..." Now fully awake he sprang up, "What did you do to Tyson and Max anyway?" Seeing Kai smirk he decided it probably best not knowing. "WAHHHH!!!" "Huh?" "Thats only Daichi, he's hungry. Iswear it's like having two Tysons around here..."

At the airport
Everyone was in a rush to find each others brothers and sisters...Kai he was just walking normally behind them. Rei looked over at him. Why is he so uncaring? Even towards his family. I wonder what his sister looks like anyway. Almost on cue a beautiful girl with two toned red hair and pale skin walked past. She had red marks on her face similar to Kai's andfire orangehair at the front and deep crimson red hair at the back. Her eyes where kind of a clouded purple. They looked to be holding a secret or a mystery maybe but either way you could tell that goodlooks ran in the Hiwatari family.Except for Voltaire ofcourse. She had a beautiful figure, and seemed to curve in every right way.Tyson just kept staring at her figure with his mouth almost brushing the floor so as she went past she elbowed him and said "Would you mind cleaning up your drool? People have to walk onit." With thast said she walked over to Kai
She stood there and looked at him for a moment before saying "Brother it's been awhile..."
"Yeah...It's good to see you Imi." "You too." saying that they both bowed and went silent. "Kai thats your sister? Thats so not fair my sister looks like an elf" Tyson complained slightly,. He was still looking at Imi's figure, which was annoying her and Kai. But before they got the chance to do anything they heard a scream of excitement...."REI!!!!"