Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, or Sailor Moon.

Note: Look I'm really sorry to those who don't like Sailor Moon. I never saw it but heard tons about it so if anyone that knows about Sailor Moon please send me a message weather in e-mail or review. I could really use the help.

Chapter One

Kagome POV

I stood there frozen as I watched Kurama make out with Boton. I thought he loved me.I guessed I was wrong. Everyone seemed to be happy for the new couple. So I did the only thing I could. I ran. I ran like I never would before. 'Why' I thought. 'Why does everyone always do this to me?' I screamed in my mind. Not long ago he had told me that he loved me and he had broke off with Boton. But now I see them making out. Am I really am a burden? Is that what I am? Everyone always hurt me one way or another. After the Inuyasha incident my heart seemed to have shattered. I was scared. So I build a cold defence wall around my heart. But Kurama seemed to have gotten through. The only thing he did was shattered even more. Now I am left alone to pick up the pieces by myself. This time there are an even greater amount.

Since I allowed my heart to be broken more than once. I am extreamly foolish. To think anyone would ever love me. If I didn't see it for my own eyes I wouldn't have belived it. I should have. About a month ago a mysterious person called and told me he was cheating on me. I never belived them once. Not even doubts. I should have. Then I could have prevented this from happening to me. The rain started pouring outside. It went from mear sprinkles to down right pouring in a few seconds.

Mentaly I thanked mother nature for being on my side in my time of need. The rain will help wash away any scent that my have been stuck. I continued running. Not careing if I run into anything. I would gracefully accept it. I want to die. There's nothing to live for. So why live. I am only alive to be broken-hearted. Fate must of have a funny attitude when she was makeing me cause my life is horriable. I just want to die right here and now. I slipped on the mud and was thrown to the ground.

Mud splattering across my face and fresh tears ran down my face. My hair got many tangles due to the mud. I picked myself up. Wanting to use up all my life force and could easily die without any pain or just simple collapse and fall into an enternal sleep. I ran. I closed my eyes forceing the unwanted tears away. Not caring if the tree branches tore any loose clothing. I love Kurama and I guess I'll always will.

I just want to get away as far as I can. That way it will take longer for them to find me even with their noses. That would give me time to totally die before Spirit world tried to bring me back. I know they can do that since they did it with Yusuke. I stopped for a second and looked around. Good I thought I was across town and I'm glad. I tightend my grip on the letter I wrote to Kurama the day he told me he loved me. Pretty soon the wonderful darkness consumed my entire soul. But just before I passed out I heard footsteps. I hoped with all my heart that it wasn't any of the team. With that I went unconscience for hopefully an enternal sleep.

Yusuke POV

I looked from Kagome to Kurama who was not making out with Boton. Then I suddenly realized what Kurama ment when he said his famous quote 'I have a plan' , He was cheating on both Kagome and Boton with the other. That quote gotten us out of jams tons of time but it just gotten Kurama in to trouble. I shook my head. Something caught my eye. Wait.. not something someone was not there.

Kagome was not there. I just hoped she didn't do anything stupid. I sighed and I know I should've went after Kagome but she needed to be alone. Suddenly rain starts out of nowhere breaking the new couple apart. Lucky me but I guessed nature wasn't on Kagome's side. She had seen the whole thing. She's a really good friend of mine even though we just met because of a stupid mission the toddler made us go on. "Yo Kurama lets go" I yelled to my idiot kitsune friend. "Alright" he yelled back before giving Boton a quick kiss once again. Boton left since Koenma needed her to help him with some stupid paper-work.

As we were walking I another soultion came to my head on why Kurama was kissing Boton. I decided to see which one was corret.The rain had stopped. 'wierd' I thought. "So Kurama?" I asked. "Yes?" He replied. "Does this mean you and Kagome are over?" I asked. "Oh no I love both of them I'll just have to make sure they never find out about eachother" was Kurama's of so intelligent reply. I twitched. Apperently Kurama notice because he asked " Something wrong?" "I think that you can't do that because Kagome saw you. She was at the party. Apperently it was her friend who hosted the party so. . ." I answered. Kurama stopped dead in his tracks with a horrified face.

He told me to tell him he was joking and that its not funny. I ofcourse answered the truth and said "Is the truth I saw her. I sorta helped her find you cause she said she wanted to give you something" Kurama raced to the party and sniffed. Sighing I raced after him and yelled " Your too late Kurama the rain washed away her scent becides she left two hours ago. Kurama looked at me in such a way that if looks could kill I would have probally been dead instancely. I sighed as Kurama's head hang low and he started to walk away. he shouldn't have cheated on them, I mean I'm happy that he's with Boton and everything I just hoped it didn't have to end this way. Kagome was and still is a friend to all of us even though she thinks she's a burden.

Now I wondered after this how is the Kagome we know and love is going to change? She was pretty bad when we met her having not a single family member left. She pulled herself away from people and yet now what will happen to her?

Sorry this was soo short or not. Anyways please read and review. If you know alot about sailormoon please tell me. Need some info for later on Like powers for each sailor scout. Whats their name and stuff like that and personality. Also please tell me if you like it better in paragraph form or in single like I did with my other stories.