Love Thy Neighbor - Prologue

The whole thing started with a leaky pipe. Not a big deal. Except, Sango hadn't noticed it at first. Steadily over time, the pipe started to rust , and one day, the whole thing burst. And this, brings us to the current situation.....


" What do you MEAN I have to move out?!"

"Well, until the pipe is fixed , you'll have to stay elsewhere. All of the carpeting will have to come up so the floorboards can be dried, and we'll have to shove all of your furniture into the rooms that aren't wet. Now, what you should do is quickly pack any necessities you'll need for the next week-" The landlord, Mr. Genru, was abruptly cut off.


Once the landlord placed the receiver back against his ear, he tried talking calmly to her. " Well, either stay with a friend, or find another tennent who's willing to give up their couch."

Sango knew where this was leading. By suggesting she stay with a tennent, she knew he meant only one. Miroku Buradoshi. The landlord tended to treat Miroku like the son he never had, whether he did so by running his errands, or finding him a girlfriend. The first day Sango moved in, Mr. Genru had INSISTED that Miroku help her. The day had consisted mainly of him flirting with her, and her slapping him for touching her behind. And still, after a year of the daily grope-slap routine, the old man continued to try and play Cupid.

" Mr. Genru, is there no other empty apartment that I can use while mine's being repaired?" Sango gave a sigh, bordering on annoyance.

" Sorry Sango. All the other blocks are full. The only one with any spare room left is-"

" Miroku. Yes I know. You remind me everyday of how lonely he must be, all by himself in that big, cold apartment." Sango tried her best to hide the sarcasm in her words. She glanced up when she heard a knock on the door. " Hold on, I have to get the door."

" Well, I won't take up any more of your time. Just tell me your plans by Sunday evening." and with that said, he hung up the phone.

Sango went and answered the door. Standing there were several men she had never seen before.

" Um, can I help you?"

" Yeah, we're from Jidai Remodeling and Repairs. Are you Sango Natsumi?"

" Um, yes, but I didn't send for anyone..."

" A Mr. Genru said we needed to be here as soon as possible. So, show us where to start."

Oh yes. The old man was tricky. Send the workmen over quickly, so she is forced to leave. But of course, without any plans most people just turn to the closest, or best, solution. Sango's closest being Miroku. At one time, she had thought the lanlord to be senile. But no, the man was truly an evil genius.

The noise level was crazy, and all of the furniture had been shoved into Sango's bedroom, making it impossible to sleep in there. Since the living floor had to be dried, Sango's only remaining sleeping place was her car. But how can you live out of your car for a week? Sure, you could sleep there, and change in it if you didn't mind putting on public shows. But, Sango didn't much care for fast food, and public toilets were repulsive. So she had to consider her options. Her only real friend was Kagome Higurashi, but she lived in Tokyo, which was a good 2 hours away. Her family had all been killed two years ago in a train accident, and as far as she knew her parents had both been only children, thus ruling out the possibility of staying with uncles or cousins. Her boss was a royal pain, and she didn't have any close friends at the University, merely casual ones. So she was left with two options: A: Stay in her car. B: Stay with Miroku. True, he was a lecher, and he got on her nerves, but, maybe, just maybe if she tried hard enough, she could ignore the groping and the lude comments. But Sango had a secret. A deep dark secret she hoped no one, especially Mr. Genru, ever found out. The first moment she had seen Miroku, her mind had only been able to register one word: GORGEOUS. She was insanely attracted to him, but she could never admit it. He brought home a different woman every night, and quite frankly, Sango was jealous. The only part of Sango Miroku had ever shown any interest in was her backside.

She looked around her bedroom. She had packed all of her toiletries, and several changes of clothes. So, her mind made up, she hauled her bags onto her shoulders, left her apartment , and made her way up to the top floor. She passed D-1. How bad could one week be? D-2. Surely he would get tired of her and ignore her.... D-3. She could just leave early and get back late. D-4. Maybe she should have called first. D-5. Miroku's door. Taking one calming breath, she raised her hand and knocked. She only had to wait ten seconds before Miroku opened the door. Damn him for being so goodlooking! He appeared to have just climbed out of bed, seeing as how he had on only sweatpants. His mouth spread into a lascivious grin that made Sango's stomach clench.

" Well, well, well. Sango. What brings you to my door so early on a Sunday morning?"

At first she forgot why she was there. Having decided it might be best not to look him in the eye, she had dropped her gaze. Big mistake. Seeing as how he had no shirt on, she was staring directly at his naked chest. No man should EVER look this good!

" I, um...I spoke to the landlord last night.. He uh...he said he had told you about my apartment." Sango hated the fact that whenever she was near him, she became tongue-tied.

" Oh yes. And I'm sure he told you that you're more than welcome to stay with me." He looked like the cat that ate the canary. Sango wanted to rub that grin off of his face. Or better yet, kiss it off.

" Oh um, yes...he did," she took a breath." And I decided to take you up on your offer.

Miroku's face took on a look somewhere between shock and joy. He quickly recovered and that heart-stopping grin was back. " Well then my dear. I guess we're roomies now." He took her bags, lead her inside, and shut the door behind them. " Welcome to my humble abode.

Sango looked at his living room. From the black leather couch, to the Japanese water colors, it all screamed 'Miroku'. She was sure if she saw his bed, there would be innumeral notches in his bedsposts. She had stepped into a world centered around Miroku, lechery, and sex.

Oh heavens. What had she gotten herself into?


Okay, well. This is my first Sango and Miroku fic, so I'm HOPING it's not too bad.I'm planning on this having 9 chapters: Prologue, A Chapter for each day she's there, and the Epilogue. Wow, I finally planned one out. But anywho, please review. Heh he... I rhymed...