Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha (But I owe two Inuyasha movies, many cool AMV, big gallery of pictures. There even few Inu Taisho's pictures!)




Chapter 1

"Inuyasha, slow down! We are tired!" yelled Kagome to the pissed inu-hanyou. He was walking way too fast. But he was too angry to listen to the girl. It was a week since the last time they heard any rumor about Shikon-no-Tama's shards. That's why he was pissed off. Kagome sighed. He left her no other choice.



"What was that for, bitch?!" yelled Inuyasha.

"You wouldn't stop. Inuyasha, we need to rest. We were walking about six hours now. It's getting dark".

"So? It still some time before dark". Inuyasha was really pissed.

"Inuyasha, Kagome is right. We all need to rest" interrupted Sango miko's and hanyo's talk.

Inuyasha only "Kehed" and said " We will camp here". He gave all of the group it – is – only – because – I - don't – need – dead - humans look and jumped on the nearest tree. Everybody sighed. "Well, I guess I will do some ramen to us " said Kagome. "Want me to help you?" asked Shippo. "No, I will be alright. But thanks for offering" she petted little kitsune's head.

- Hour later-

"Sango, do you want to come with me to the hot spring?" asked Kagome when she ended her meal. " No, I think. I'm too tired for that" answered taijijya. "Ah, Lady Kagome. I will be glad to assist you" said Miroku with the most lecherous smile he could show.


"Hentai" said Sango while standing near the uncurious monk.

"Well, than I'll be going" said Kagome.

"Feh. Just don't get yourself killed wench" said Inuyasha from over the tree branch.

"Don't worry" Kagome smiled "I'll take my bow and arrows with me". All she got in answer was "Feh!"

- At the hot spring -

'How good it feels' thought Kagome laying in the hot water. Suddenly a strange feeling flew through her. 'A Jewel shard?!'. Then a strange monkey-like creature appeared and tried to attack her. She shot her arrow through it and a single jewel shard fell on the forests floor. "Strange. I thought I felt Naraku's aura". Then she picked up the shard and put it to the rest. Without noticing strange purple aura around it…

Well. Hi again! I wasn't writing for a while because I haven't got any ideas. This is going be Kagome/Inu Taisho (Sesshomaru's and Inuyasha's father) fanfic. I decided to write it after I saw AMV about Inu Taisho. He is really cute -.

P.S. I hope you remember that I have bad English because I'm still learning it?