Chapter 1

Akkiko pranced around the airport, skipping and doing some sort of jig. Her raven hair was done into a braid and reached her waist, sea green eyes sparkled with a familiar gleam of mischief and her lean body was clothed in black jeans, red shirt, and a black sort of coat that reached her ankles, black finger-less gloves were on her hands that had some sort of brown leather over the knuckles, and she had a slightly impish look with her pointed ears and slightly pointed nails.

"We're going to Japan! We're going to Japan!" She sang.

"Akkiko . . . shut up!" Kat, who was standing next to her snapped. Her shoulder length slightly dirty blonde hair was straight and cut in an even fashion. Her stern face was somewhat attractive but would be even more pretty if she tried smiling she was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black shirt that went down to her knees, and a pair of bracers on her hands. Grayish blue eyes were staring at the dancing girl with a bit of amusement. Her nails were even sharper then Akkiko's.

"Aw, whatever Katsup." She said grinning. Kat glared.



"You die."


"Hey, hey, hey!!" Meg called from where she was standing at the counter talking to a clerk. "No bloodshed here! You'll have plenty of time to kill each other on the plane." She grumbled. Then she banged her head on the counter. "13 freaking hours. . . ."

"Say HELLLLLOOOOO to the jet lag!" Akkiko cried cheerfully.


"Yeah Meg?"

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure thing Meg."

"Would you please . . . . SHUT THE HELL UP??" She snapped glaring. Akkiko eeped and fled to hide behind Kat who glared. Meg sighed, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder she growled. Her hair was tied into a ponytail with multiple hair bands and reached her ankles. She had wrist bands on her . . . well . . . wrists. A creamy white shirt was accompanied with a green hoodie with a low neckline. Matched with teal colored jeans she was very impatient looking. At the moment, all three were trying to get ready to board their plane to Japan. Back to our story!

"So any idea who sent these?" Akkiko asked looking at her ticket.

"No clue, I still find it odd that these just suddenly showed up on our doorstep." Kat said wryly looking at her own ticket. Meg nodded.

- Flashback -

"Kimiko Cimatura! Get down from there this instant!" A voice shrieked.

"Will you chill out mother? It's just a tree!"

"A lady does not sit in a tree!" Her mother cried back, there was a sigh.

"Yes mother." Akkiko grumbled and dropped from the tree with ease. The woman sighed heavily.

"Now, there is a dinner party tonight, you will stay in your room and busy yourself with your studies, understood? A lady must be-"

"Properly educated so that she may serve her betters. Get real." Akkiko said dully. "This is the 21st century last time I checked." Her mother ignored her.

"Ridiculous! To have a child like you as a descendant of the noble Cimatura knight!" Akkiko rolled her eyes as her mother started to ramble.

'Why can't they just accept me for me? Why do I always have to be perfect? It's not fair.' Kimiko Cimatura, Akkiko to her friends thought. She came from a noble line, one with a large line of history and culture, her father was a rich man through his work of stocks, her mother an expert on manipulation, yet they were so old fashioned.

"My lady?" A voice said calmly. Akkiko grinned.

"Hey Ryan." She said cheerfully jogging up to him. "Whatcha got for me today?" She asked cheerfully. He chuckled and handed her a package.

"This was delivered just now, says it's to Kimiko. That's all it said." Ryan said with a tiny wink and started off. Akkiko shrugged. Tearing open the letter she began to read.

To the reader

In two weeks time, there will be a plane leaving for Japan-


"You must be on this plane if you wish to find destiny?" Katherine Muller asked dully. "Signed anonymous- oh for the love of!" Kat cried in exasperation. "Could you POSSIBLY get ANY cheesier?!" She demanded airily. Dain shrugged, his silk shirt falling over his body nicely. Her father was an infamous doctor who was famed for his expert abilities and sure hands, her mother was a lawyer, sadly, neither had much time for their children, and Dain being only her half brother, they weren't too close. She had been slightly neglected as a child, by all three. The result, she was quiet and usually spoke only when spoken to, knowing her thoughts and comments would be ignored if she offered them. Dain sighed and gave a tiny yawn.

"Anyway, I'm off to soccer practice don't wait up." He said dully and walked off. Kat shook her head, not even remotely worried, why should he? Heck, she could be gone for 3 months and they probably wouldn't notice! So, why not? Why not go to Japan and have some free time to herself. Her studies were aced, 99 core average, and that's only because she loathed Language Arts and was passing with only 97. All others she had a whopping hundred. She simply couldn't see the point of poetry and story writing. That was it, her mind made up she went off to her room and started to pack. No big deal, it was only a week right? She looked at her ticket again.

"Now I wonder-"


"Who sent this?" Magoto Satsuka said dully looking at the envelope. "Hmm, spend a week in Japan, free of charge."

"Meg!!" A voice cried, Meg turned and smiled.

"What is it baby?" She asked as her little sister Erin ran in.

"I got my report card!" Meg winced a bit. Erin shouldn't be eager to show her, she should be showing their father, but as always, her father was out on patrols with his squad in the army. Her mother dead, and they living off her inheritance, which was quite a large sum, her being a descendant of the Emperor of Japan. They were very well off, but as their mother dead, and father always gone, Meg had been solely responsible for the raising of her little sibling. And the result, her sister had known nothing but happiness while Meg had her childhood stripped away.

"That's great baby!" She said hugging her sister. "What did you get?" She asked cheerfully. Her sister eagerly showed her.

"An 86 core average! Way to go hun! But what do we always want to do?" She asked teasingly.

"Get better! Always work hard and someday you'll be rewarded." Erin piped off obediently and with a huge grin.

"Good girl." Meg replied. "Now it's late, go take a bath and I'll see you to bed, okay?"

"Okay Meg!" She said cheerfully and ran off. Meg stared after her.

'I can't go, I have to look out for my sis.' She thought dimly. Suddenly the phone rang, she went to pick it up.


"Ah, Magoto!"

"Oh, hello Mr. Dickinson. How can I help you?" The man chuckled. "Nothing, though my granddaughter is somewhat lonely. I heard from one of your friends that you received a trip ticket and was hoping that I could watch Erin for you while you were gone." Meg stared skeptically at the phone.

"Meg dear? Is that alright?"

"Y-yes Mr. Dickinson. Thank you."

"No problem dear. Have fun with Kimiko and Katherine." He said calmly and hung up. Meg stared again, Kimiko and Katherine? What did they have to do with this?

- End -

And so, that's how it all started. Meg had just finished registering when there was suddenly a mass of cheering. All three girls turned.

"Wow! You're hot Kai!"

"Can I have your autograph Tyson?"

"Its the Majestics! They're so cool!"

"I love you Johnny!"

"Here come the Demolition Boys, you're all so cute!"

"I LOVE you Tala! You're my favorite!" The three immediately gagged as the three teams walked up to the flight. Tyson was grinning and accepting the praise with a grin, Ray just nodding and smiling, Max laughing, Kenny blushing, and of course, Kai being impatient simply pushed the girls aside. Did I say push? Too gentle a term, he was shoving them aside. The Majestics were half and half, Johnny and Robert ignoring, Enrique and Oliver laughing. The Demolition boys however, were 100 venomous glares which sent the fans running off.

"Those guys are on the plane? Oh god." Kat said dully while rolling her eyes. Akkiko smirked.

"They don't look so tough." Meg sighed.

"Whatever." She turned back and finished with a nod, then boarded the plane after the three teams, Kat and Akkiko followed, and all three were completely ignorant of the fact, that besides them, they were the only other passengers to board next to the three teams.


Tyson settled into the chair comfortably.

"13 hours eh? Well, this'll be fun. Of course, not everything has it's perks." Tyson said dimly staring at the Demolition Boys who were blatantly ignoring him.

"I wonder why Mr. Dickinson gave us these tickets." Robert said softly while talking to Johnny.

"Heh, that old guy has always been off his rocker."

"You got that right Johnny." Enrique said from behind. Then suddenly perked up.

"Hey, who are those babes?" He asked nudging Oliver who also turned to look. Akkiko groaned.

"Great, we're sitting with those teams." She groaned. Kat ventured no reply, she herself was feeling queasy. Meg sat down, next to Kai, Kat next to Tala, and Akkiko in between Johnny and Enrique. As was ordained by their tickets.

"Hey Kat, this ought to be good! You'll never guess, Meg is afraid of flyi- Kat?" Akkiko stopped in the mid-sentence to notice that Kat was trembling and gripping the hand rest a little too tightly.

"Er- Kat? You okay?" It suddenly hit her. "You're afraid of flying too?!" Kat scowled.

"I'm not afraid of flying, I just don't like flying in airplanes!" She shrieked.

"Oh my god. . . we're all going to die. . ." Meg whispered, face whiter then a sheet. Akkiko chuckled.

"My god, what cowards."

"Memo to self, when we land I'm going to pummel you Akkiko." Kat growled out.

"Well, that's IF we land. You know, we might crash, or the plane could get hijacked, or-"

"ENOUGH!! ENOUGH!!" They screeched. Akkiko laughed.

"I love this."

- 5 hours later -

Tala kept shooting death glares at Kat, until she finally freaked and snapped at him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT??" She demanded. Tala shrugged and looked away, Ian snickered.

"Touchy little wench aren't you?"


Kat smacked Ian upside the head. Meg kept glancing at Kai nervously, she felt like he was going to bite off his head. Creepy, although all he had done since take-off was sit there, eyes closed and arms folded, how could he sleep?! Tyson's snoring was enough to kill. Akkiko however . . .

"Enrique!" Johnny hissed nervously. Enrique looked up from his novel.


"HELP!" He hissed again, Enrique looked and saw that Akkiko had her head on Johnny's shoulder, and was snoozing away. He grinned.

"Cute." And went back to reading.

"ENRIQUE!" Johnny snapped, Akkiko giggled a bit and because of the lack of an armrest, sidled down to let her head rest in his lap. He flushed.


It had been a grand total of 10 hours when Kai noticed something.

"I want you guys on guard." Kai said softly. Tyson turned.


"We're not flying to Japan." He replied quietly. "We're somewhere over Siberia."

"What?" Max hissed.

"This isn't a normal airplane route, something's up." He hissed, all of a sudden, the airplane's lights went out and only the pathway lights were left on.

"What's going on?" Robert demanded. Akkiko snapped her eyes open. Suddenly the airplane's cockpit door slammed open.

"We've hit a leak! This plane is going down!" The pilot said and handed parachutes to everyone. "The rip cord is on the right shoulder strap. Now, you three teams, pick a girl and we'll send you out!" Tala glared.

"We want the blond girl."

"Huh?" Kat asked blushing.

"You're the only one whose doesn't spend her time wasting energy on annoying activities."

"HER with YOU guys?!" Akkiko shrieked. "NO WAY! You're taking me! Final!" Akkiko snapped without thinking, and that's when the pilot nodded, opened a side door and pushed out the boys. Akkiko gulped, went to the door and sighed.

"Oh well, here I go. JURANIMO!!" She cried and jumped out leaving a stunned group.

"Next!" The Majestics went without question, leaving Meg and Kat to stare. Suddenly Meg gave a wicked grin, and pushed Kat out too.

"MEG! I'M GONNA KILL YOOOOOUU!!" She shrieked as she fell. Meg grinned.

"Just you guys and me." Meg said easily.

"Okay, last jump spot!" The pilot cried. Tyson gulped.

"Oh man. . ." He took a deep breath, and jumped, Max, being well trained in this area, followed suit, as did Ray, Kenny, and Kai, Meg also took a deep breath, and was about to jump, when . . .

"WATCH OUT! TURBULENCE!" The plane jarred and sent her careening out the door.


"OW! FRICK!" Was heard as Akkiko landed running, she tripped over a branch and flew face first into the ground. As the parachute fell over her she groaned. Damn that hurt.

"Hey, wench. You alive?" A voice called.

"Hopefully not, then we won't have to deal with her." Another voice commented dryly.

"Nice try." Akkiko groaned and sat up staring around. Oh shit.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF HEAVEN WAS I THINKING?? WHY DID I HAVE TO GET STUCK WITH YOU??" Akkiko shrieked. Silence. Ian cleaned out his ear wincing.

"Damn she has good lungs, I'll give her that." He groaned. Bryan frowned. These next few days, weeks, months, whatever were going to be hell. Tala scowled.

"I knew I wanted the blonde haired girl." He muttered.


"Owww, okay, okay." Spencer grumbled.


Meg landed with a fwump. But that's not all she landed with, or should I say ON, a certain glaring team captain.

"EEP!" She squeaked and clambered off him. Kai scowled, standing up, he brushed himself off and continued with his stoic mood. Meg groaned.

"Now he's gonna hate me, why did I have to land on the grumpmeister?" Max giggled.

"It could be worse." He said pointing. "You could be like Tyson."

"Ha, ha. Very funny Max, NOW WILL SOMEONE GET ME OUT??" He demanded. His parachute had gotten caught . . . on a tree branch. Ray laughed as Tyson was left dangling. Tyson, needless to say, was not happy.


Kat swore she would kill Meg, since she had been pushed out, shock had hit her, and she didn't remember to pull the chord, until it was a little too late. The result, when she had landed, fire shot up her ankle and most likely, she had sprained it. Enrique grinned when he saw her land.

"Hey! Looks like we're all stuck here huh?" He asked jogging up. Kat groaned.

"Yeah. Yay." She mumbled. Attempting to stand, and only managing to yelp in pain and fall again. Oliver came over, a worried look on his face.

"Are you alright?" He asked leaning in to look at her ankle. It had now indeed swollen. Kat groaned.

"I dunno." She grumbled. Robert sighed and kneeled down, picking her up in a bridal fashion.

"HEY! Wha-?!"

"It is almost dark and we need to find suitable shelter." Robert interrupted her.

"And you are clearly in no condition to walk. So, deal with it." Johnny snapped. Kat groaned.

'Great, I'm stuck with the snooty guys, aw man . .'

Disclaimer: I do not own, only plot and myself, Kat owns herself, Meg the same. And Erin belongs to Meg, or herself, Dain belongs to Kat, and I own all the OC characters.