Disclaimer: The wonderful world of SW belongs to George Lucas. The characters are just my playthings for the time being.

Note: This might end up slightly AU. It's not PG-13 just yet, but that's a rating for future chapters. Enjoy!


Somewhere in Hyperspace

Mara Jade sat in the Jade's Fire, tapping her fingers. Nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do………! except wait here.

'I wish there was something… Karrde's in hyperspace, so I can't contact him- assuming he's still there.' She switched to twiddling her thumbs, then growled in frustration, slammed her palms down on the arms of her chair, and stood. Usually the rushing starlines of hyperspace soothed her, calmed her- not set her senses reeling like a lion in a cage.

The redhead paced back and forth. She was beautiful, really, with gold-laced red tresses and deep emerald eyes that sparkled when she laughed. Her sleight build showed that she was graceful and well-balanced- both true- and her dark green jumpsuit, while not formfitting, did accentuate her form. For some reason she wanted to see Skywalker.

No, not wanted. Needed. He had to answer her question. She just wasn't sure she had the courage to ask him. 'The former Emperor's Hand? Not enough courage?' Mara could almost hear his words mocking her in the training yard, her lightsaber in hand as it flickered out.

"That's another thing." She picked up her incapacitated lightsaber and attempted to flick it on. It sparkled and fizzled out yet again. Gritting her teeth inannoyance Mara stamped back to the pilot's seat and began tapping her fingers once more.

Yavin IV

Jedi Master Luke Skywalker sat up in his bed, propping himself up on one elbow as he rubbed his forehead. 'Damn headache… no sleep never did a Jedi any good.'

He tried to immerse himself in his beloved Force, tried to let go of the pain, but it sent alarm bells ricocheting through his skull. Gently touching the lump on the side of his head where he had hit it on the cupboard door searching for his favorite coffee mug- the one that proclaimed 'Because I'm a Jedi Master, That's Why'- he winced as it throbbed anew. Sitting up and ignoring the dizzy spell that accompanied it he went into the 'fresher, splashing his face and looking at the chrono inside. 3 am.

"Splendid…" 'Sounds like something Mara would say.'

His random thought about his on and off apprentice set his mind whirring about her. For the hundredth time denying any relationship over and above his tumultuous friendship with the trader, he decided he'd attempt going back to sleep again.

Although… that was a thought. Luke reached out through the Force.

Mara? He briefly touched her mind and a bored annoyance broadcasted through quite clearly.

Wh- Skywalker? She immediately threw up haphazard barriers around her thoughts. Luke winced as he felt her reaction cause waves through the Force that, unfortunately, worsened his headache.

Easy there, Jade. No need to fly out of proportion on this one.

Says who? Mistrustful and wary as always. Luke shook his head.

I say so, if that means anything to you. Where are you? Weren't you supposed to be on Yavin last week?

Yes, actually. Mara sighed. I ran into a little bit of… trouble, one might say.

Trouble? Luke did his best to control his worry, but failed to an extent.

I'm fine, Skywalker.

Good. He reminded himself that there was nothing between them. Absolutely nothing. Right. Nothing. He was her friend, nothing more.

As for you, you seem a little off-kilter.

Headache. His reply was tense.

Aww, the itty-bitty Jedi Master has a headache.

Shut it, Jade. The tension still existed between them. Damn. Look. I'm sorry.


Well… how close are you?

Fairly. I should be dropping from hyperspace within the hour.

I'll probably be there to greet you. I can't sleep anyways.

Fine, fine. I'd better check on everything. Oh, and- Luke?

'She called me Luke.' Yeah?

I'm sorry, too. The link dropped as Mara let her concentration fade. Luke had to make himself wind down enough to slip into meditation to wait for her arrival.

An Hour Later

Luke's Force sense told him Mara was transmitting clearance codes to the Academy and he quickly tossed on his typical Jedi robes. Remembering how Mara always ragged on him about the blacks, he slipped a vibrant blue shirt- Leia had gotten it for him on his last trip to Coruscant- under his tunic and departed after tugging on his boots.

Just as the Jade's Fire landed without a hitch despite the wind, Luke arrived, and nearly had his breath taken away shortly thereafter. Mara hurried down the ramp, her long red tresses loose and flying in the wind as she shouldered her carryall and slammed the button to bring up the hatch. Hurrying over to where Luke stood in the shelter of the tiny duracrete spaceport, she flashed him a quick smile before tugging her hair away from her face. "Hey, farmboy."

"Hey. Can I take that?" He motioned towards her carryall and she shook her head. Doggedly Luke continued. "Pity you had to get here at four in the morning. Tionne's still asleep."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You want rooms, don't you?"

"Well, yeah. I'd rather not live in the droid closet or something. I could stay on my ship, though."

Luke chuckled. "Little chance of the formerhappening. C'mon; you want something to drink?"

"Caf would be good." The two of them walked through the doors and towards Luke's apartments, continuing their conversation.

"Caf at this time? Not cocoa? Well, come to think of it-"

"Farmboy, I'm immune to any kind of caf besides the space sludge I make. You prefer the more refined caf."

Luke grumbled good-naturedly. "Caf's all I have to offer you anyway. I just realized all I have for cocoa is the stuff that's been sitting in my cupboard for a year or so."

"Not anymore you don't. Karrde made me bring you a box of the stuff you like."

"Really?"Luke's eyes lit up.

"Yep. And I grabbed a can out of the box, too, since the box happens to be buried under all of the other things Karrde sent with me. It appears I'll be staying for a while."

Luke grinned, his vibrant cerulean eyes dancing. "Good. To be honest, we need you here."


"You know what I mean, Mara." 'I need you here.'

"Not really, but okay. What's with sleeping arrangements?"

"As Tionne isn't around, you can't ask her, but we just got a flood of new trainees… I'm pretty sure we're full. At any rate, you can bunk with me for the night- I have a spare room."

"That works."

"Well then… welcome home." Luke opened the door to his apartments and the two stepped in. "Cocoa or caf?"

"Cocoa. Might as well taste some of it since I went to all the trouble of bringing it here, right?" Mara set her carryall down for a moment, unzipped a pocket, and tossed a canister to him. Luke busied himself opening it. "Bedroom's down the hall and to your left, far side of the 'fresher."

Hope you like it!