I know that this is a feedback to feedback, but I wanted to let everyone know of some of my thoughts concerning my original story "Through His Eyes." I wanted everyone to know that I also felt that Raphael was acting out of character, but many out in the world have "out of character" moments when something slides into place that means something to them. I wrote this to show love between a family and also the coming to the realization of what is important. An epiphany if you will.

Will Raphael let any of his brothers know the nickname for Mikey? No, not ever. This will be a secret between just the two them that both knows will not need to be spoken aloud again. I am sure many out in the world have their own "Raphael" brother or sister. I am also sure that of those many, there are those that have something private and special they share with their "Raphaels." This story is for them.



I do not own the TMNT and have not written this for anything beside pure creative pleasure.

Please review. I am trying to improve my writing skills and would love any

feedback you could possibly offer.

Thank you!


My name is Splinter and I have four little sons who are not even two years old yet. I became a father almost overnight and have taken on this task that can be just as rewarding as it can be a burden at times. Even now recounting this tale to you, I am gazing down upon the four, sleeping beings who have become my whole world.

When I first discovered my four infant, turtle sons among the shards of glass and strange green ooze in their original forms, I knew I had to take action. I immediately went and removed them from the mess and placed them into an old coffee can. Imagine my surprise at the beginnings of their and my own mutation to humanoid form thanks to the green chemicals. In a few days I had the equivalent to four newborns to care and raise. Originally I had thought that my sons were the same age, but now in my heart I feel that the littlest of the four is actually at least 6-8 months younger than his other three brothers.

The oldest of the four I have named Leonardo. He was the first to walk and also to speak to my surprise. However, to my chagrin his first word was not "dada" but "pizza." The second eldest I have named Raphael and I feel that he will be what the humans call a "scrapper" his entire life. Not to be outdone by his older brother, he walked no more than a day after Leonardo and much to my dislike spoke his first word to Leonardo in the choice of a new name. I was not happy with this new name he dubbed Leonardo with, "dum-dum."

The third eldest I have named Donatello. He is the quietest and shyest of the four. It took him no time to see his two older brothers walk before he joined them. He is, however; much more cautious in his travels than the other two. Donatello seems to be a very thoughtful child. He loves to hear me read as his tiny fingers trace the pictures in the children's books that I have found to read my sons. His first word was also not "dada" but "book." I am most pleased it was not "pizza" or "dum-dum."

My youngest is called Michelangelo and is the littlest of my four sons. Michelangelo did not walk for the longest time after his other three brothers took their first tentative steps. He would watch his brothers with those big, brown eyes of his and smile and coo at them, but never really tried to participate. He was content to watch while playing with his toys or snuggling his stuffed panda bear.

His other brothers tried to encourage Michelangelo to get up and play their new game of "Run from Splinter." Leonardo especially would jerk on poor little Michelangelo's arms until the little one would begin to wail. To my surprise, it was Raphael, who would come to Michelangelo's rescue ahead of me by pushing Leonardo away, wrapping his arms around his little brother declaring, "No hurt my baby! You dum-dum!" I was not sure whether to be proud or angry with Raphael. It was to Raphael and myself that Michelangelo took his first steps toward. I was much relieved to see Michelangelo begin to toddle about for I had feared that my youngest would not be able to develop to the same levels of his brothers.

However, what did have me worried was that Michelangelo has not shown any efforts to begin speaking. He would coo and make baby noises, but nothing else. His other brothers were able to carry on pretty decent conversations for near two-year-olds. Michelangelo did not seem much interested in talking and a child development book I found said that some children just develop at a different pace and will ascend each developmental step when he or she was ready. I was most eager for Michelangelo to as the humans put it, "jump this hurdle."

To be continued.

Review or I won't continue. I love to hear your voices whether in criticism (which will only help me improve) or in praise (which gives me great feelings of accomplishment). Thank you! Amber