I have been working on rewriting this story I hope everyone like the updates

Most people thought that Lily Evans had a good life, at least the people who didn't know her. At Hogwarts, the students would tell you that she had friends, but never able to tell you who her friends are, except for Hagrid the gamekeeper and the fact that she was usually the brunt of the jokes played in the school. In her neighborhood the residents there would tell you Mr. Evans had a daughter, a son and a distant relative who visited every summer. In actual fact? Her life sucked.

Her mum was dead. She died giving birth to Lily. Her father blamed her death on Lily. Her father also beat. Her sister came up with reason for her father to beat Lily. Her older brother Mark ran way a few years ago to become an Aura.

At school Lily didn't have any friends and was the ass of many of the Marauders pranks. She missed them so much. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin.

She and the Marauders had been best friends but during their 3rd year, but Hope Price a fourth year told the boys that Lily was using them for their popularity. They never believed that Hope was lying. Ever scene they played horrid pranks on Lily each worse than the last. When the pranks started so did Lily's cutting.

Lily was on the house Quidditch team even though she had tried to quit the team but the captain wouldn't let her, at least the Marauders were civil to her when they played. The Marauders were also on the team. James a chaser along with Fabian Prewitt and Molly Carter. Sirius and Remus were