
"Robin," the voice called softly. Robin heard it and started running to the voice. He found himself running through a sunny field of flowers. He didn't know why he was doing this, but he was determined to find out the source of the voice.

As he cleared the field, his question was answered. Starfire was sitting on a pedestal, wearing a beautiful white dress that was flowing in the wind as well as her long, red hair. Robin was transfixed with the sight that lay before him. She beckoned him closer and he did so. Starfire floated down off the pedestal and landed softly on the ground.

Robin walked closer still unsure of the situation. He looked deep into her eyes and leaned in for a kiss. She did the same. As their lips met, Robin's face started sinking into Starfire's. Robin pulled back. "Star," he asked. "Why is your face much softer than it looks?" Starfire opened her mouth, but the only sound that emanated was a loud, continuous buzzing.

Robin woke up suddenly, pounding his alarm clock. So close this time, he thought. He got out of his bed and got dressed. He walked downstairs to find most of the other Titans. Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing a racing game on the Gamestation. Raven was on the sofa reading The Two Towers. He didn't see Starfire. He decided to get something to eat.

Robin opened the fridge and perused the contents within. He pulled out a couple of eggs and set up the stove. He cracked the eggs and discarded the shells. Robin went back to the fridge to get a drink. As he pulled out a carton of orange juice, Starfire flew into the room. "What a glorious morning!" she shouted. Robin dropped the orange juice on his foot in surprise. Cyborg and Beast Boy were too busy with the game to notice. Raven simply made a sound of acknowledgement.

Star glided over to Robin, whose eye was still twitching. "How are you this morning, friend Robin?" she asked. "Ow," was all he could answer. She went over to visit with her other friends. He grabbed a rag and started to clean up the spill. He poured what was left of the juice into a glass and threw the carton out. He grabbed his eggs and ate quickly, feeling incredible embarrassment. When he was finished, Robin put his dishes in the sink and left the room to go train.

Starfire looked at the other boys in the room. She wanted to talk to Raven in private and didn't want them listening. She flew up behind Raven and waited for Raven to notice her, which wasn't long. "Starfire, do you remember that little talk we had about personal space?" she asked. Starfire responded, "Friend Raven, I must speak with you in private quarters, please." Raven sighed, placed a bookmark in the page, and got up.

They walked into Starfire's room, which was incredibly bright. A little too bright for someone like Raven. Starfire sat on the bed and Raven pulled out the chair from Star's vanity. "Okay Star, what's up?" she asked. "Well, the sky, the ceiling, the birds…" Raven interrupted quickly. "No, I meant what's bothering you?"

"Oh, okay. Well, Robin has been acting strange lately. Strange around me especially. He dropped the juice of oranges this morning and yesterday when I was speaking with him, he would not stop finishing his words." Raven assumed she meant stuttering. "Is Robin sick? Should we take him to the medical building?"

Raven pieced it all together. In fact, she could have guessed a long time ago. "Starfire, Robin is sick, but it's not a life threatening disease. But if he doesn't do anything soon, it could eat at insides." Starfire looked horrified. "I'm speaking figuratively, Star. What I'm saying is that Robin is falling for you." Starfire had a confused expression. "But he looks rather sedentary. Why would you say he is falling?" Raven started rubbing her temples. She said quite simply, "Robin's in love with you Starfire."

Starfire looked shocked. "Robin is in love with me?" Raven nodded. "I've noticed it as well. Recently, he's been stuttering when he talks to you and he's a bit more careless around the house." Starfire sat and took this in. "Well, I do have feelings for him. I mean, he was the first person I met when I came here from Tamaran. He showed me the sights when no one else would even look at me. I have often thought about Robin as more than a dear friend, but I never knew his thoughts on the matter."

"Well, I think you do now," replied Raven. Starfire looked positively overjoyed. "Thank you, friend Raven!" she shouted as she flung her arms around her. "Personal space," Raven muttered. Starfire withdrew and let out a nervous giggle. She pointed at the book Raven had and asked, "May I inquire as to what that book is about?"

"This is the second book in a series. It wouldn't make sense if I told you about it. I've already read the first one, though. You can borrow it if you want to." Starfire nodded. Raven went to her room and got the first book. She came back and handed to Starfire. "Just let me know when you're finished with it."

Raven started to leave the room. "Wait, Raven! I have another question. What about Beast Boy?" Raven stopped in the doorway. "What about him?" she responded as a light bulb shattered. Starfire saw this and shook her head quickly. "Nothing, just forget I said anything." Raven gave her a raised eyebrow look and went to her own room. When she walked in, she sat on the floor and meditated. As she did so, questions were running through her mind. The main one being: Why would Beast Boy, let alone anyone be in love with me? I'm paler than most crack addicts and my hair is the most unnatural color in existence. Starfire's beautiful. She has a perfect tanned body, gorgeous green eyes, and long flowing hair. She could have anyone she wants. Everyone thinks I'm just plain creepy.She wasn't aware her bed was lifting off the ground until she heard a smash as the bed fell to ground and broke. Not again, she thought. She continued meditating, taking her mind off the thoughts of jealousy and depression.

Beast Boy was lying on the couch watching tv. "And now we bring you the Mr. Ed Marathon!" the tv shouted. "Ohhhh, I don't wanna watch this," he moaned. He looked for the remote control. It was lying on the remote just out of reach. "Ehhhhh" he let out, struggling to reach the remote without having to getting up. He kept struggling for a few minutes before he stopped and gave in. "Actually, it's not that bad."

Robin walked into the room. "Beast Boy, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked. "Can't. Lazy," was the response. Robin picked up the remote and turned off the tv. "How about now?" "Okay, you got my attention," said Beast Boy as he sat up. "What's up?"

"I have a… a friend who likes this girl…" Beast Boy interrupted. "Is the girl Starfire?" Robin nodded. "Is the friend you?" Another nod. "Continue."

"Well, I've been having the same dream for the past few days. We're in a field and…" Beast Boy held up his hands. "No details please!" "Sorry. Anyway, I need some advice on what to do. I need to stop being so careless around her."

"What I wanna know is why you're asking me this." Robin looked up. "Well, you seem to have pretty good control when you're around Raven." Oooh, bullseye. "How do you know I have feelings for Raven?" Beast Boy asked in an I'd-like-to-see-you-prove-it manner. "I've seen you stare at her and I've found on of your drawings of her." Beast Boy looked shocked. "How did you find one of those?" he asked. "It was in your pants pocket. I found it doing laundry last week."

Beast Boy laughed nervously. "I don't mean to offend, but the two of you are polar opposites," noted Robin. "That's why we fit, dude! If you think about it, it makes sense. She needs to laugh once in a while and I need to be brought down to reality once in a while." Robin thought about this for a moment. "Beast Boy, that may be the most profound thing I've ever heard you say."

"If you want my advice, I think you should tell Starfire how you feel. Hey, take her out on a date! Go to a nice restaurant for dinner and maybe a movie." Robin thought about Beast Boy's proposition. "Okay, I'll do it. But on one condition." He looked at Beast Boy. "You have to do the same thing with Raven." Beast Boy's jaw dropped. "Hey, we can go on a double date. Whaddya say?" Beast Boy's jaw dropped even farther.

Robin shook the catatonic Beast Boy's hand. "Thanks for the advice BB." He walked out of the room leaving Beast Boy on the couch. He shook himself out of his state. "Well, at least it can't get any worse," he said to himself. He turned the tv back on. It was still on the Mr. Ed Marathon. He pushed the channel change button, but it didn't do anything. "NOOOOOOOOO!"

"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them," Starfire read. "One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." She shuddered with anticipation. There was a knock at the door. Starfire jumped in surprise. She was really into the book. "Enter please," she responded. Robin walked into the room. "Robin, what a pleasing surprise! What is it you would like?"

Robin rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. "There was something I wanted to ask you Star," he said. This is harder than it looks, he thought. "What is it you request of me Robin?" Robin took a deep breath and let it out. "Well, I was wondering if you didn't already have something planned… I mean if you don't want to, I can understand that..." Starfire looked confused. "Robin, whatever are you talking about?" He took another deep breath. "Would you like to go to dinner and a movie with me this weekend?" All the color drained from his face. Starfire started glowing as she blushed. "Of course Robin! I would be most overjoyed to be your… date, correct?" Robin nodded. Starfire went over to him and gave him a big hug. Hard part's over, he thought. Wonder how Beast Boy's doing?

Beast Boy stood in front of Raven's door arguing with himself, with his fist two inches away from the door. He'll keep bugging me, he'll keep bugging me until I ask her. He'll make me feel guilty. This is uh... This is ridiculous. Ok, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it. What - I'LL DO IT! Raven opened her door, looking rather impatient. "If you're going to continue babbling with yourself like Gollum, I'd appreciate it if you did it in front of someone else's room."

"Actually there is a reason I'm outside your door acting like a fool," he stated. He paused for a good long while. "If you're not going to say anything, I'd like to get back to meditation." She closed the door. "Would you like to go on a date?" he said to himself as he placed his head against the door. The door slid open and Beast Boy fell on his face. Raven looked down at him. "Beast Boy, did you want to ask me out on a date.?" A muffled "Yes" was her answer. For the first time, she didn't feel creepy. Someone actually did want her to go out with them. "Thank you Beast Boy. I would enjoy going on a date with you." Beast Boy's face was still pressed into the floor. "Super." He gave a thumbs-up.

Raven helped Beast Boy up and smiled. She shut her door and Beast Boy went to kitchen for a drink. Hooray, he thought. I finally had the guts to ask her out!