A/N: Hey readers, this is my first slash ever. So I need you to not be so hard on me please? Anyway I hope you enjoy it! More will be up soon and also a new story will be appearing shortly so be on the look out.

P.S. I don't know how to link the chapters of my stories so please help! (Leave instructions on reviews.) Let you know if anything changes!

Chapter 1


Harry couldn't believe it. The summer had gone by so fast. At the beginning he knew for sure he wasn't going back to the Dursley's house. He couldn't! They were absolutely awful to him. Although he didn't know where to stay. The answer came to him a few short days after term of last year ended. The order found Sirius' will in the attic. It read:

"To whom it may concern,

To my Godson Harry Potter

I leave my house in its entirety and

What is left in my vault.

Everything I owned is now his."


So Harry moved in to the house straight away. He was glad that he had a new place to live, especially since the order cleaned it the summer before, but it seemed especially empty using it this time around. Nothing, not even the house could fill the void Sirius left when he died. So most of the order that could moved in.

Harry was grateful to them all but most thankful that the Weasley family left their home for a temporary stay at what was now Harry's manor. Harry of course let it stay base of operations to the order, for he nor Sirius wouldn't have it any other way.

A few nights before term would start for the 6th year in Harry's life. Harry sat awake just thinking. It was Sirius. The same thing kept running through his head.

"It's your own fault he's dead and you know it." Said a nasty little voice inside him. If you hadn't pulled that stupid stunt last year, Sirius would be in this house with you.

The others told him to not blame himself or that it wasn't his fault. Harry knew that those were the lies of the people he loves trying to console him. Somehow, a little later he had fallen asleep and woke up to find a note by his trunk. He got out of bed and started to read.


I arrived early this morning after begging my parents to let me come. I just had to see you before term started. (See you in the morning)


Quickly he hurried down to the room that was Hermione's just last summer. He knocked & Hermione and Jenny opened the door. Right away Harry embraced Hermione, and warmth filled his heart. His rock was now here for him. She is the one person who could console and reassure him with her unlimited knowledge. She is the best, best friend someone could ask for.

"Harry," Hermione exclaimed, "You're up!" "Oh Herm, you don't know what it's been like without you!" Harry replied happily. "Come on let's go get some breakfast." Said Hermione.

As Harry and Hermione were climbing down the staircase they heard members of the order yelling at eachother. "He was only trying to protect him when he thought he was in danger." Chimed Arthur Weasley's voice. "But in doing so Harry endangered Sirius!" Replied the rash voice of Kingsley. "VOLDEMORT TRICKED HIM!" Mr. Weasley yelled back. Just then they both noticed Harry and Hermione at the staircase when Hermione gasped loudly.

It seemed like eternity before Harry Ran upstairs and locked the door magically. Harry gathered his clothes in his trunk with his school things, and brought out his firebolt. While he was tying up his trunk to his broom, Hermione of course unlocked the door with a specialty counter spell.

"Harry they…What are you doing?" Hermione asked bewildered. "What does it look like to you?" Retorted Harry in a harsh manner. "Harry you can't…" But Hermione was cut off, "WHY DO YOU CARE? I KNOW YOU THINK IT'S MY FAULT AS WELL SO JUST SAVE IT!" Screamed Harry in a wild rage and with that he curtly pushed past her and walked out of the front door followed by the "Harry waits and the Harry come backs" of Arthur and Kingsley.

Author: Did Harry really mean it? Where is he going? What does he expect to do now? Find out next chapter! To be up soon. (Please R&R)