Whisper Again

A whole new fic!

Well...kinda new.

But that's not the point!

The point is that I'm here and you all want to read it!


(sound of crickets chirping)


I'll write this frickin fic anyways!

You'll read it anyways because you want to know why the hell I titled it Whisper Again!

Well...the answer is...

READ IT AND FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I own nothing.

Have fun!


Whisper Again

The Before and Five Days After

I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side.
Oh the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
To sharp to put back together.

Yami stretched his arms and cracked his neck as he walked down the midnight sidewalk after about an hour at the beach. He and Yugi had just had a little fight, and Yami needed some time to cool off. But now that he thought about it, it was a stupid thing to argue over really. I mean, they were just fighting over something as simple as whether or not to leave the window open at night. One thing led to another and soon they were screaming at each other and arguing and playing all the cards they knew.

Yami didn't want to argue anymore, so he had just walked out the door.

But feeling much better now, even though some of the things Yugi had said rang loud and clear inside his head.

Maybe I' better off without you!!

Why don't you crawl in a hole and die!?!

I don't need you! Get the hell away from me and get out of my life!!!

Yami tried in vain to shake them from his head, but nothing worked. He resumed his walk, thinking about other things instead. His eyes turned up towards the crescent moon high in the sky, and didn't even keep his senses clear to what was going on around him. His mind was so clouded, that he didn't notice that he had fallen into a spider's web, and the spider was home.

A hissing sound cut through the air as a long, tapering black whip shot out of the shadowed alleyway and curled itself around Yami's neck. Yami tried to hold his ground as he was pulled into the shadows but it was too late. His legs were kicked out from under him and something forced him to roll onto his stomach. He felt cold metal on his wrists, like handcuffs behind his back.

He was forced to his feet and then slammed against the wall. He was disoriented and confused for the few seconds he was pulled away from the wall, whip still curled around his neck. He felt cold and soft hands find their way under his shirt and onto his chest. He shivered and tried to pull away. The hands removed themselves from his chest before settling themselves on removing his dog collar and replacing it with a chain. He heard a voice whisper in his ear, an eerie, haunting voice...

"Are you one of mine...?"

Yami flinched as he felt someone nibble at his ear. He tried to pull away, but it was no use. He felt soft skin against his neck, and then the cold blade of a knife as it quickly sliced a bit of his skin and drew blood. He felt someone lick the wound clean and then he heard the same haunting voice descend upon him.

"You are mine..."

Then, his world went dark.

Five days passed since Yugi filed a missing persons report for Yami. He was a nervous wreck, remembering only the things he had fought about, all the hateful things he said. He had spent hours just staring at the Sennen Puzzle and imagining the unimaginable. He always tried to shake everything that he had said to Yami, but he would always hear Yami's angry words shouting back at him.

You wouldn't be here if I didn't help you!!

Maybe I will go off and kill myself, and then you'd wish I was still here!!

Fine! I'll leave you! You'll never need be ever again! Good-bye Yugi!!

Yugi sighed and rested his head on his hands and idly tapped the glass display case of the shop, wishing deep inside that Yami would just walk through the door and they would cry and apologize and everything would we better. But that would probably never happen. Yugi began to nod off, sleep deprivation taking hold.

The bell above the door chimed and drew Yugi back to attention, then he heard a familiar voice, but he wasn't sure...

"Um...excuse me; can I use your phone?"

Yugi looked up, eyes growing large and a smile rose to his face.

"YAMI!!!" Yugi jumped off his chair and hugged Yami, nearly on the verge of tears.

"Um...do I know you?"

There was a silence as Yugi's eyes shot open and he pulled away from Yami in disbelief.

"Yami? This is a joke right? You are Yami...right?"

"Who? My name is Ochiiru."

(A/N: Ochiiru be trapped in)

Yugi looked away.

"I'm sorry. I lost...a brother...he looked a lot like you..." He said.

"Can I please use your phone?"

"Oh, sure."

After the phone call was made, the two of them were sitting in the game shop and they began talking.

"I don't think I caught your name."

"It's Yugi. My...brother's name was Yami. Seeing you standing there...it felt like he had come back..."

"I'm sorry for you loss."

Yugi looked into those great red gems that were one called "Yami's" eyes. But he was certain that this was Yami, but why use a fake name? Why not remember?

"Yugi, do you like games?"

"Yeah! I love them! I play all the time!"

"Really? I'm the only one in my family who really plays."

There was a heavy period of silence for a moment.

"Do you want to come back here tomorrow and play? I'll call my friend over and we can all play Duel Monsters."

"I don't know how to play Duel Monsters."

"That's okay, we'll teach you."

There was a honking noise of a car outside. The two waved good-bye and promised to meet the next day.

Yami slid into the back seat of a black limousine, next to a woman with long black hair and empty black eyes. She held a whip and chains in her hands and looked over at Yami. She slid over next to him and turned his head towards her. Fear mounted in Yami's eyes.

"Ochiiru-kun, are you okay? Are you making friends in that little game shop?"

Yami slowly nodded. The woman smiled.

"Do you want to go back tomorrow?"

Again, Yami slowly nodded.

"Well, it's good to see you are making friends..."

The woman started to bind Yami with her chains. Yami's fear was growing, his body was shaking. Her pale hands moved over his chest, tracing over fresh scars underneath his clothing. Yami twitched, and the woman's hands moved...dancing around and over his skin.

"...we'll have to celebrate..."


Chapter one end!

Chapter two coming!
